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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Дизайн

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Etibor uchun rahmat!

620 0 1 74 61

629 0 23 2 12

Read the prompt but don't save the picture.
“Create a stunning haute couture fashion design inspired by a high-end runway show with a dramatic butterfly-themed dress. The design should include:
A voluminous white or ivory ball gown silhouette.
Intricate butterfly appliques scattered across the skirt in bright colors such as blue, orange and white.
Opaque, delicately embellished bodice with strategically placed embroideries
Massive translucent blue butterfly wings attached to the back of the dress, several feet wide on each side, made of shimmering, crystalline material that catches the light.
The setting should evoke thoughts of grandeur and drama:
An ornate venue with classical architecture
A grandiose crystal chandelier overhead
A traditional catwalk flanked by spectators.
Model should have sleek, slicked back hair to complement the theatrical nature of the dress. Captures the essence of the magical, fairy-tale atmosphere by mixing fantasy with high fashion, transforming the wearer of the dress into a life-size butterfly.”
Change this prompt and write 5 variations on different themes related to the dress

631 0 11 9 19


619 0 25 3 13

SUNIY INTELEKT orqali video tayyorlash 2025👇🏻👇🏻

Video yuklandi!

692 0 7 20 28

Men Google emasman, kechasi qo‘ng‘iroq qilmang!

So‘nggi paytlarda o‘zimni bepul ma’lumotlar markaziday his qila boshladim.

Qolaversa, bu xizmat kecha-kunduz ishlaydi, ayniqsa "Eng yaxshi vaqt — tun, chunki men uxlayapman!" (Uyg'otish shart emas)

Qo‘ng‘iroq qilib so‘rashadi:
📞 "Yonalish topib bering!"
📞 "3x4 rasm o'lchov belgisi qana!"
📞 "Qanday qilib tuxum qovuriladi?!"

Do‘stlar, rostdanmi?! Qo‘lingizda NASA kompyuterlaridan kuchliroq telefon bor, u yerda Google degan mo‘jiza bor. U hamma savollarga javob beradi, hatto o‘zim so‘rashga uyaladigan savollarga ham. 😅

Eng qizig‘i, tushuntira boshlasam:
— "Sozlamalarni oching, kerakli bo‘limni top..."
— "Ha, hozir topaman... Voy, batareyam tugabdi!"

🤦‍♂️ Kechirasizlar, sizlar ko‘psizlar, lekin men bitta!
Yordam kerakligini tushunaman, lekin iltimos, mening vaqtimni hurmat qiling.

Agar tun yarmida Wi-Fi ishlamay qolganini eslasangiz, bu menga qo‘ng‘iroq qilish sababi emas — bu ertalab uxlab olib, provayderga qo‘ng‘iroq qilish sababi!

Tushunganingiz uchun rahmat! Va hozir yana kim telefon qilayapti? 😄

723 0 2 25 61

694 0 0 10 21

Uchadigan yo'nalish Bugun soat 20:00da

Videoni unutmaslik uchun havolaga bosib eslatib qo'ying o'zingizga!

727 0 3 11 16

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Bugun soat 20:00 da yangi videom chiqadi!

Ushbu videoda sizlarga xozirgi vaqtda eng mashhur 3 ta sun'iy intellekt haqida boshlang'ich malumot berib o'taman! :

Ular qanday ishlaydi, nima uchun ommalashgan va hayotingizda qanday foydali bo'lishi mumkin. 🤖📊

Shuning uchun videoni o'tkazib yubormang va albatta tomosha qiling! O'z fikringizni qoldirishni ham unutmang – siz uchun qaysi sun'iy intellekt eng qiziq? 😊

⏰ Soatni eslatib qo'ying: 20:00!
📺 Tomosha qilish uchun havolani tez orada yuboraman!

738 0 4 11 32

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Aytgancha kecha soat 03:45 Uxladim!

Xozir montaj jarayonidaman siz nima ish qilyabsiz? Skrenshot yuboring! Qiziq!

770 0 1 53 25

Kerakli Prompt!

"A fluffy tabby cat named (LinaBreed: Fluffy tabby cat
Eyes: Warm golden-brown, expressive
Fur: Light brown with darker tabby markings
Nose: Small, pink, and delicate
Attire: Wears a professional white chef’s uniform and hat
Personality: Confident, creative, and passionate about cooking
Special Skills: Expert at baking and decorating pastries
) in a white chef's uniform, standing in a magical kitchen surrounded by glowing utensils and ingredients."


812 0 11 70 24

Kechki ijod!

935 0 1 21 36

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933 0 0 11 47

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Показано 20 последних публикаций.