Articles with Islombek

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

📌In this channel, I provide daily articles.
All the good things in us are from Allah, all our shortcomings are from ourselves.‌ ‌

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 10.pdf
The Best Longevity Habit You’re Not Thinking About

Imagine this perfect storm: your significant other forgets to shut the dishwasher, and later that night, you go to the dark kitchen for a drink of water. Your ankle strikes the lowered dishwasher door, and you stumble. Do you catch yourself or crash?


Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 9.pdf
Creativity Is a Process, Not an Event

Creative thinking requires our brains to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. Is this a skill that we are born with or one that we develop through practice? Let’s look at the research to uncover an answer.


And what really made me upset is your passive participation during the challenge. At some point, I regretted doing the challenge for free. This might be the last time I do free challenge with a prize. I expected more people. For one thing, it is for your own advantage, to improve your reading, for another, the chance to win a new book. Anyways, be active, answer the questions. The choice is yours.

Hi there. Here is the results of our challenge (1-8 days.)

From what I see here is that everyone has the chance to get the first spot. As I said earlier, the challenge includes 30 articles overall. We only covered 8 days now. All you gotta do is answering the questions. Sorry for the inconvenience, the rest of the articles will be sent from today on.

For now, share your thoughts under the comments section and lemme now how we can improve.

Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 8.pdf
Widening Highways Doesn’t Fix Traffic. Here’s What Can

Highway widening projects usually don’t solve congestion, but less expensive toll programs known as congestion pricing can. Here’s why

Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 7.pdf
Why “Ow!” Needs Absolutely No Translation

Imagine you’ve just slammed a door on your finger. More often than not, this sudden jolt of pain elicits a vocal response. Maybe you exclaim “ouch!” or let out a cry or loud groan. But do the sounds we make in such moments differ across cultures?


Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 6.pdf
Why You Can’t Get That Song Out of Your Head

Some songs get stuck in our head more than others, and scientists have uncovered what makes them so irresistible.


Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 5.pdf
Interjections Are, Uh, More Important than We Thought

Listen carefully to a spoken conversation and you’ll notice that the speakers use a lot of little quasi-words — mm-hmm, um, huh and the like — that don’t convey any information about the topic of the conversation itself.


Ramadan Challenge Day 4 Vocabulary.pdf
Here is the vocabulary sheet for today's Article.


Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 4.pdf
Nature versus nurture

Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist – regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors.


Ramadan Challenge Day 3 Vocabulary.pdf
Here is the vocabulary sheet for today's Article.


Ramadan Article Challenge DAY 3.pdf
Inflation: Prices on the Rise

Politicians have won elections with promises to combat inflation, only to lose power after failing to do so. Inflation was even declared Public Enemy No. 1 in the United States—by President Gerald Ford in 1974. What, then, is inflation, and why is it so important?


Показано 20 последних публикаций.