Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿General English
Listening Reading Writing Speaking
Grammar & Vocabulary
👨‍🏫 Instructor : @MrShahzodbek
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👨‍💻Ads: @Reklama006
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

  •   /næld/
  •   /nɑːld/
  •   /gnɑːləd/
  •   /gɑːld/
8 голосов

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📹 YOU RAISE ME UP - Secret Garden (Cover Benedetta Caretta)

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Tourists _________ when large numbers of middle-class people _________ to join the more wealthy aristocratic travellers.
  •   have originated / had begun
  •   had originated / began
  •   could have originated / have begun
  •   originated / began
3 голосов

Madison doesn’t like work. He is ______.
  •   happy
  •   poor
  •   rich
  •   lazy

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 😊😊😊

Chet tilini (
🇺🇸 ingliz, 🇸🇦 arab, 🇹🇷 turk tillari) bilish darajasini aniqlashning ko‘p darajali tizimi (multilevel) bo‘yicha diagnostik test sinovi

2025-yil 14-aprel kuni soat 9:00 da Ilmiy-o‘quv amaliy markazi tomonidan tashkil etiladigan chet tilini (ingliz, arab, turk tillari) bilish darajasini aniqlashning ko‘p darajali tizimi (multilevel) bo‘yicha diagnostik test sinovi (mock exam) o‘tkaziladi

🗺 Test sinovi Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida tashkil etiladi. Unda havolasi orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan holda, tegishli to‘lov (119 000 so‘m) ni amalga oshirgan talabgorlar ishtirok etishlari mumkin bo‘ladi.

🗓 Ro‘yxatga olish muddati — 07-aprel soat 10-00 ga qadar.
⏳ To‘lov qilish muddati — 07-aprel soat 10-00 ga qadar.
✍️ Test o‘tkazish kuni — 14-aprel.

🤖 Natijangizni @bba_ilmiy_mock_exam_results_bot boti orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin.

☎️ (95) 515-68-68

🏢 @IlmiyMarkazUz

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The story begins when the General Motors division that made Pontiac cars received a curious complaint from a customer.

He had the habit of buying ice cream every day to share with his family, hardly changing the flavor of said dessert. The funny thing is that whenever I bought Vanilla ice cream the vehicle did not work, while if I bought another flavor it had no problems.
The claim was so curious that even the division president received a copy and decided to act on it. He sent an engineer to interview and make sure of the problem the car was having.
Once at the client's house, the engineer asked him to go buy vanilla ice cream as he used to do every night and thus verify what was happening. Once they bought the ice cream, the car did not really work.
The next day another General Motors employee visited the customer and they made the same tour to buy ice cream, but this time they changed the flavor, to the employee's surprise, the car was working normally.
The problem ended up becoming an obsession for the engineer, who ended up performing daily experiments, writing down all the possible details. After two weeks, he arrived at the first great discovery: when vanilla was chosen, the buyer was served the ice cream in less time because that flavor of ice cream was in front of the counter. Upon examining the vehicle, the engineer made a new discovery: As the purchase time was very short if vanilla flavor was chosen, compared to the purchase time for other flavors, the engine did not cool down. Thus, the fuel vapors did not dissipate, preventing the engine from starting instantly.
From that episode, the Pontiac changed the fuel supply system and introduced a modification in all its models from 1999.
The complainant obtained a new car, in addition to the arrangement that did not work with vanilla ice cream.
GM released an internal statement, demanding that its employees take even the strangest claims seriously.

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📹 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Lyrics)

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📀(4K) Air Supply - Making Love Out of Nothing at All - Jennifer Connelly

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📹 Billie Eilish - lovely (Lyrics) ft. Khalid

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My brother wants to get an important job in a high position. He is very ______.
  •   stubborn
  •   learned
  •   ambitious
  •   talkative
1 голосов


Let's write an essay on the given theme.

Useful Vocabulary & Definitions

🔵Pressing issue – A problem that needs immediate attention.

🔵Infant mortality rate – The number of babies who die before their first birthday per 1,000 live births.

🔵 Life expectancy – The average number of years a person is expected to live.

🔵 Agricultural innovations – New technologies and methods that improve farming efficiency.

🔵 Family planning – The practice of controlling the number of children one has using contraception or other means.

🔵 Cultural norms – The accepted behaviors and beliefs of a particular society or group.

🔵 Carbon emissions – The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

🔵 Depleting natural resources – Using up essential materials like water, fossil fuels, and forests.

🔵Sustainable development – Economic growth that meets present needs without harming future generations.

🔵Comprehensive approach – A strategy that considers all aspects of a problem rather than focusing on one factor.

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This tree ........ really fast. Last year it was only half this size.
  •   will grow
  •   has grown
  •   grows
  •   grew
4 голосов

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Term 3 Grade 11 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 11. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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Term 3 Grade 5 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 5. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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Term 3 Grade 6 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 6. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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Term 3 Grade 7 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 7. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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Term 3 Grade 8 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 8. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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Term 3 Grade 9 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 9. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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Term 3 Grade 10 CHSB DEMO.docx
📘 Grade 10. CHSB-3 Demo (Specialized schools)

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