Abdurazzoq’s notes

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Цитаты

Run by @Abdurazzoq_Khanov

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Don't cry because it is ending. Smile because it has happened.

Haqiqiy ish bu siz hech kim ko'rmaganda qilganingiz. Hamma ko'ryaptimi, demak ishlamayapsiz.

"You fear to die; are you alive now?"

— Seneca

You think you are unique?

Right now, someone is on their way back home after a long day...

Someone just lost a loved one..

Someone is struggling to keep it all together..

Someone just found out their days are numbered..

Someone just got fired from their job..

Someone just had their heart broken..

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

"Atirgulni sevgan inson tikoniga ham chidashi kerak."

"A tragedy, when a mature mind and A romantic heart are in the same body."

- Nizar Qabbani

"Both the past and the future are absent; we have no sensation of either. And where you have no sensation, there is no source of pain."

— Seneca

"Yolg'on gapirishni o'rgatamiz. Faqat to'lov oldindan."

"One whose mind is on receiving forgets what he has already received. Of all the evils of acquisitiveness, the worst is ingratitude."

— Seneca

Lemon tea. Me and you. Talk about life.

Olov o'chganiga ancha bo'ldi. Kullari bilan yashab yuribmiz.

Ahmoqlarga mazza, xohlagancha yashaydi. Aqllilar esa hamma narsani savolga tutadi.

It is not the external events that disturb us, but our perceptions and judgments about them.

-- Marcus Arelius

It's not only what you see that matters; it's how you see. Our minds are too clouded to see things as they really are.

— Seneca

Last 18 days. A lot of things are about to change. Goodbyes... Hellos...

Hech kim bilmaydigan yaxshiliging bormi o'zi?

Knowing the truth is always better.

Hayotimam korzinkani eshigidek bo'lib qoldi. Odamlar bemalol kirib-chiqib ketishyapti...

Sometimes all you need is a break from people.

Ba'zi odamlar oyoq kiyimga kirib qoladigan toshga o'xshaydi. Chiqarib yubormaguningcha yurishga qiynlasan.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.