Abdulboriy | IELTS

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

• IELTS 8.5
• Professional IELTS instructor
• 5+ years of teaching experience

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Ongli Ozish Tajribam: Asosiy Xulosalar

Habaringiz bor, 1 oy oldin onlayn “Ongli Ozish” kursida qatnasha boshladim va natijada ozish, tana vaznini boshqarish hamda turli xil dietalar haqidagi fikrim butunlay o‘zgardi.

Ko‘pchilik orasida “ozish uchun kam yeyish, non yemaslik, shirinlikdan butunlay voz kechish” kabi tushunchalar keng tarqalgan. Ammo men bu fikrlarning noto‘g‘ri ekanligini tushunib yetdim. Shuningdek, ozishda sportning o‘rni unchalik ham muhim emasligiga guvoh bo‘ldim.

Shaxsan o‘zim 1 oy ichida hech qanday sport mashg‘ulotlarisiz, shirinlik yeb, choyxona oshi va odatda ozish uchun butunlay taqiqlanadigan taomlarni iste’mol qilib ozdim. Faqatgina me’yorni saqlagan holda yedim va bu menga har tomonlama foyda berdi. Bir oyda 5 kg ozishni reja qilgan edim, Alhamdulillah, 5 kg ozdim. Fevral uchun 3 kg, mart uchun esa 1–2 kg ozishni rejalashtirdim. Shu tariqa ideal vaznga erishishni maqsad qilganman.

Bu jarayonda muhim bir narsani tushundim: har oyda 5 kg dan ko‘p vazn tashlash aslida organizmga zararli. Bu turli tanqisliklarga sabab bo‘ladi, jumladan, vitaminlar, oqsillar, minerallar va boshqa muhim moddalar yetishmovchiligi yuzaga keladi – bu esa yaxshi emas!

Va yana bir narsa: shunchaki ozish bilan sog‘lom va ongli ravishda ozish o‘rtasida katta farq bor. Yog‘dan ozish bilan mushak massasidan ozish ham bir-biridan farq qiladi.

Hozirda xohlasam ham oldingidek ko‘p ovqat yeyolmayapman, chunki, nazarimda, oshqozonim yangi tartibga o‘rgandi.

Ko‘pchilik noto‘g‘ri strategiyalarga murojaat qiladi. Masalan, ba’zi tanishlar “zalga chiqsam, ozib ketaman” deb o‘ylashadi yoki internetdagi kuniga 4-5 mahal kam kaloriyali ovqatlanish rejalarini sotib olishadi. Biroq bunga hammaning ham imkoniyati yo‘q, imkoniyati bo‘lganda ham, bu uzoq davom etmaydi. Sog‘lom ovqatlanishni to‘xtatishlari bilan kamida avvalgi ortiqcha vaznlarini qaytarib olishadi, chunki ular ozish haqida aniq ma’lumotga ega emas, tushunchasi shakllanmagan, ilmini bilishmaydi va o‘z vaznlarini ongli ravishda nazorat qila olmaydi.

Masalan, internetda taklif qilinadigan kuniga 4-5 mahal ovqatlanish rejalariga kelsak, so‘nggi tadqiqotlarga ko‘ra, bir kunda ko‘p mahal ovqatlanadigan odam tezroq ochqaydi va jigarida yog‘ to‘planadi. Shuning uchun bundan ko‘ra kuniga 1-2 mahal to‘yimli ovqatlanish va kechqurun yengil taom iste’mol qilish maqsadga muvofiq.

Don’t emulate all “celebrities” and “successful” people, copying their manners and behavior to the point of forgetting your own identity. Don’t waste your life trying to live like someone else.

You are you, they are them—be “successful” in your own way.

Ramadan vibe at Darkhan branch (captured last year)

Bu Makka ko‘chalaridan (o‘tgan yili Ramazon oyida olingan).

Makka va Madinaga borgan mo‘min kishi qalban go‘yo haqiqiy uyini topgandek orom oladi va bu dunyodan anchagina uziladi. Birinchi marotaba kelgan bo‘lsa ham, o‘zini xuddi uyidagidek his qiladi. U yerda kitoblarda o‘qigan va eshitganlarini ko‘radi—Islom tarixida nima yozilgan bo‘lsa, o‘shalarning barchasi ko‘z o‘ngida namoyon bo‘ladi.

Savr g‘ori deysizmi, muqaddas Ka’ba, Haram masjidlari, Toif, Handaq g‘azoti bo‘lgan joylar, Baqi’ qabristoni. Bularning barchasi qalbingizga haqiqiy to‘laqonli sokinlik baxsh etadi. Vaqt juda tez o‘tib ketadi—qancha qolsangiz, shuncha kamdek tuyuladi.


Wow, wow, wow! Kendall Jenner, a Kardashian, turns out to be so eloquent. I really enjoyed watching her interview and learned a lot, language-wise.

Definitely give it a watch! ⬇️


⚡️ Available Groups:

🕖 3:30 PM (Odd Days) – L2 Week 3
🔥Only 1 Seat Left!

🕖 5:00 PM (Odd Days) – L2 Week 7
🔥 5 Seats Available!

P.S. You can join my groups by simply coming to Cambridege, Darkhan branch and having your level checked. If it’s appropriate, you’re more than welcome to join!

I don’t believe people when they say, “I can’t live without you.” Because this is just a sweet lie said out of emotion. Look at your parents—when their parents passed away, they still continued living. You too, when the time comes, will go through this experience. Of course, it may be difficult at first, but people eventually get used to it. The main reason I don’t believe in the phrase “I cannot live without you” is that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) passed away, yet we are still living. He (peace be upon him) said that a believer’s faith will not be complete until he loves him more than anyone or anything else.

Now, ask yourself: How many times a day, a week, a month, or a year do you remember him? How often do you feel sadness over his absence?

Life is too short to waste on the wrong things, the wrong people, or the wrong causes. Enjoy it, live a meaningful life, and stay away from toxic people. Live your life the way you want.

By the way, did I tell you about my monthly progress in the weight loss program? When I started, I weighed 82 kg, and now I weigh 77 kg in nearly a month—yay! 🤩

What’s crazy is that I didn’t stop eating anything, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the process.

P.S. Just 5 more kg to go, and I’m done! What I really like is that I can now control my weight—I know exactly what causes me to gain weight and what I need to do to maintain my ideal weight or lose more if necessary.

🐅🦓🦕🐪🦞🦓 🕌


It’s common for us to dress up in our best outfits for special occasions or important events like weddings, birthday parties, graduations, reunions, and gatherings. We do our best to look great—we pick our cleanest, well-ironed clothes and make sure nothing is missing. We also try to smell nice by putting on our most expensive perfume.

But why do we put in so much effort to look good and smell good in public, yet not apply the same effort to our prayers? Why don’t we treat prayer with the same level of importance? If we are meeting the most important figure—God—why don’t we dress accordingly?

I urge everyone reading this to start making an effort to wear their best clothes before praying. If you have perfume, wear your best one. After all, isn’t it good to smell nice when you’re speaking to God?


Odatda, biz maxsus tadbirlar yoki muhim voqealar, masalan, to‘ylar, tug‘ilgan kunlar, bitiruv marosimlari, uchrashuvlar va yig‘ilishlar uchun eng yaxshi kiyimlarimizni kiyib, chiroyli ko‘rinishga harakat qilamiz. Eng toza va dazmollangan kiyimlarimizni tanlab, hech narsa yetishmayotganiga ishonch hosil qilamiz. Shuningdek, yoqimli hid taratish uchun eng qimmat atirimizni surtamiz.

Lekin nega biz jamoat ichida chiroyli ko‘rinish va yoqimli hid taratish uchun bunchalik harakat qilamiz-u, ibodatlarimizda bunga e’tibor bermaymiz? Nega ibodatni ham shunchalik muhim deb qabul qilmaymiz? Agar biz namozlarimizda Alloh bilan muloqot qilayotgan bo‘lsak, nega bunga mos ravishda kiyinmaymiz?

P.S. Ibodat oldidan eng yaxshi kiyimlarini kiyishga harakat qiling Agar atiringiz bo‘lsa, eng yaxshisini ishlating. Axir, Alloh bilan suhbatlashayotganda yoqimli hid taratish yaxshi emasmi?

Xoliqqa yoqishga harakat qiling, mahluqqa emas!

⚡️ Abdulboriy IELTS ⚡️

Any questions❓

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One day, a man came up to me, saying he was hungry and asked to borrow 100,000 som, promising to return it the next day. At first, I hesitated for a minute or two because I wasn’t sure he could actually pay it back in just one day. But then I thought, “Money comes and goes,” so I decided to give it to him.

This happened around 6 PM. Then, just three hours later, an unexpected source brought me 1,000,000 som—completely out of nowhere! It was a clear sign that Allah’s promise is true. As the Uzbek proverb says, “If you give one, Allah will give you a thousand.” Once again, I witnessed this truth in action.

P.S. I didn’t share this story to show off but rather to remind you to do good deeds.

Btw, hello February 🎉


Winter isn’t winter without ❄️

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⚡️ Abdulboriy IELTS ⚡️

😁😁😁😁 😉😁😊😁😁😁😊❓

For the past two years, I have been reflecting on what defines a good teacher, constantly questioning myself. Is a good teacher someone whose students achieve high scores, such as on the IELTS? Or is it someone who helps weaker students reach their full potential?

It’s well known that teachers whose students consistently score high often work only with strong learners and do not accept lower-level students. By “lower-level,” I don’t mean students at a pre-intermediate level attempting an IELTS course, but rather those who are simply not as strong as others in the class. Teaching students with a solid upper-intermediate or at least intermediate level is relatively easy comapred to weaker ones.

After much thought, I have concluded that a good teacher is someone who helps students learn and grow, provided they meet the basic requirements for the course.

⚡️ Abdulboriy IELTS ⚡️

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