🐅🦓🦕🐪🦞🦓 🕌
English It’s common for us to dress up in our best outfits for special occasions or important events like weddings, birthday parties, graduations, reunions, and gatherings. We do our best to look great—we pick our cleanest, well-ironed clothes and make sure nothing is missing. We also try to smell nice by putting on our most expensive perfume.
But why do we put in so much effort to look good and smell good in public, yet not apply the same effort to our prayers? Why don’t we treat prayer with the same level of importance? If we are meeting the most important figure—God—why don’t we dress accordingly?
I urge everyone reading this to start making an effort to wear their best clothes before praying. If you have perfume, wear your best one. After all, isn’t it good to smell nice when you’re speaking to God?
Uzbek Odatda, biz maxsus tadbirlar yoki muhim voqealar, masalan, to‘ylar, tug‘ilgan kunlar, bitiruv marosimlari, uchrashuvlar va yig‘ilishlar uchun eng yaxshi kiyimlarimizni kiyib, chiroyli ko‘rinishga harakat qilamiz. Eng toza va dazmollangan kiyimlarimizni tanlab, hech narsa yetishmayotganiga ishonch hosil qilamiz. Shuningdek, yoqimli hid taratish uchun eng qimmat atirimizni surtamiz.
Lekin nega biz jamoat ichida chiroyli ko‘rinish va yoqimli hid taratish uchun bunchalik harakat qilamiz-u, ibodatlarimizda bunga e’tibor bermaymiz? Nega ibodatni ham shunchalik muhim deb qabul qilmaymiz? Agar biz namozlarimizda Alloh bilan muloqot qilayotgan bo‘lsak, nega bunga mos ravishda kiyinmaymiz?
P.S. Ibodat oldidan eng yaxshi kiyimlarini kiyishga harakat qiling Agar atiringiz bo‘lsa, eng yaxshisini ishlating. Axir, Alloh bilan suhbatlashayotganda yoqimli hid taratish yaxshi emasmi?
Xoliqqa yoqishga harakat qiling, mahluqqa emas! ⚡️
Abdulboriy IELTS ⚡️