American Councils for International Education

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

American Councils creates opportunities that prepare individuals and institutions to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.
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Узбекистан, Английский
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Репост из: English for IT
🤩 Exciting News! Application for English for IT is Now Open!

Are you a 9th or 10th-grade student passionate about English and technology? If you have a good level of English and an interest in computer technologies, join the English for IT Summer Camp 2025 to improve your skills and explore exciting opportunities in IT!

What You’ll Gain:
🔹 English Language Training: Learn technical vocabulary and practice communication skills.
🔹 IT Skills Development: Hands-on training, workshops, and real-world experience to build your IT knowledge.
🔹 Soft Skills Enhancement: Develop teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills.

Where and When?
📍 The program will take place in Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Nukus, and Fergana this summer for the 2025 cohort.

Who Can Apply?
📌 9th and 10th-grade students enrolled in schools under the Ministry of Pre-School and School Education
📌 Proficient English language level
📌 Strong interest in computer technologies

Why Join?
✨ Trainings led by experienced local and American instructors.
✨ Fully funded by the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent.

How to Apply?
🗓 Submit your application by February 28, 2025.

💫 Don’t miss this chance to improve your English, gain IT skills, and make new friends!

Got questions?

📩 Contact our Telegram bot for FAQs:

Репост из: English for IT

Репост из: USAID Youth Employment Skills Activity
📚 Teachers in Bukhara are enhancing their skills!

Check out this coverage of a nationwide training led by our specialists, equipping Economics and Business teachers with insights to improve their teaching and contribute to the new curriculum development.

Another step forward in shaping the future of education in Uzbekistan! 🚀

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📚 Buxoroda o‘qituvchilar o‘z mahoratlarini oshirishmoqda!

Mutaxassislarimiz tomonidan olib borilayotgan respublika bo‘ylab o‘quv mashg‘ulotlari doirasida Iqtisodiyot va Biznes fanlari o‘qituvchilariga ushbu fanlarni samarali o‘qitish va yangi o‘quv dasturini ishlab chiqishga hissa qo‘shish uchun kerakli bilim va ko‘nikmalar berilmoqda.

O‘zbekiston ta’limining kelajagini shakllantirish yo‘lida yana bir qadam! 🚀

Репост из: USAID Youth Employment Skills Activity
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🌟 Throwback to November 27, 2024! 🌟

On this day, a group of inspiring entrepreneurs who are mentoring the next generation through the USAID Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity gathered for a powerful Peer Learning Mentor Circle. 💼🤝

These passionate business leaders came together to discuss the importance of personal branding, sharing valuable ideas, experiences, and strategies to elevate their impact both in business and as mentors to the youth of Uzbekistan. ✨ The session was a true exchange of knowledge, empowering mentors to build stronger connections with their students while growing as leaders. 🚀💡

We're proud of how our mentors continue to support, teach, and inspire the next generation of young entrepreneurs.
Thank you for your dedication! 🙌

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🌟 2024-yil 27-noyabrga qaytib nazar tashlaymiz! 🌟

Ushbu kunda USAIDning “Yoshlarning ishga joylashish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish (YES)” dasturi orqali kelajak avlodga ustozlik qilayotgan bir guruh tadbirkorlar guruhi “Peer Learning Mentor Circle” (O‘rganish va Tajriba Almashish Mentorlar Davrasi) uchun yig‘ildi. 💼🤝

Ushbu ishtiyoqli biznes yetakchilari shaxsiy brend muhimligini muhokama qilish, qimmatli g‘oyalar, tajribalar va ularning biznesga ta’sirini oshirish va O‘zbekiston yoshlariga murabbiy sifatidagi strategiyalarni almashish uchun yig‘ilishdi. ✨ Ushbu sessiya bilim almashinuvi maydoni bo‘lib, mentorlarni nafaqat o‘z shogirdlari bilan mustahkam aloqalar o‘rnatishga, balki lider sifatida rivojlanishga ham ilhomlantirdi. 🚀💡

Bizning mentorlarimiz yosh tadbirkorlarning yangi avlodini qo‘llab-quvvatlash, o‘rgatish va ilhomlantirishda davom etayotganidan faxrlanamiz. Sizning fidoyiligingiz uchun katta rahmat! 🙌

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💫 Wrapping Up 2024 with ELDP Highlights!

This year has been a remarkable journey for the Educational Leadership Development Program (ELDP)! Together, we achieved incredible milestones, including:

📚 28 Core Participant Trainers from all 14 regions of Uzbekistan completed two intensive training modules, totaling 144 hours, plus four days of Training of Trainers.
💡 They mastered strategic planning, community engagement, and innovative teaching methods to drive positive change in education.
🌟 Now prepared to cascade their knowledge, these trainers will inspire and equip 280 school administrators across Uzbekistan in 2025.

Funded by the U.S. Embassy, ELDP—implemented by American Councils for International Education in partnership with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education and designed by George Mason University with local experts—is empowering education leaders nationwide.

✨ Here’s a look back at our journey. Enjoy the highlights, and stay tuned for 2025 as ELDP reaches even more school administrators!

📲 Follow the ELDP Telegram channel to stay updated on our progress and achievements!

#ELDP #EducationLeadership #EmpoweringEducators #ACUzbekistan

Репост из: Young Professional Internships Program
🎉 Wrapping up an amazing year with YPIP!

From creating new opportunities to developing valuable skills, YPIP 2024 has been an unforgettable journey. This year was filled with remarkable achievements and meaningful results that made a real impact.

📊 Check out the key milestones and successes we've accomplished together, in numbers.

A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible. Here’s to another incredible year of growth, learning, and making a difference! 🚀

📌 The Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP) offers students in Uzbekistan the opportunity to build professional skills through fully-funded summer internships with local companies in Tashkent, supported by the U.S. Embassy Tashkent and administered by American Councils Uzbekistan.

Репост из: USAID Youth Employment Skills Activity
🎬 Throwback to Our Successful Training Event! 🎬

We’re excited to share this clip from a local news channel covering the impactful teacher training session for business and vocational track school teachers held on August 20-21 in Khorezm in collaboration with USAID's Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity and the Ministry of Preschool and School Education (MoPSE).

Focused on enhancing the qualifications of "Economics and Business" teachers, the training provided in-depth insights into the curriculum and advanced teaching methodologies. Teachers from all 13 selected schools in the region actively participated in this training and are now successfully implementing the skills they gained to deliver the new Economics and Business curriculum starting in the 2024-2025 academic year! 📚✨

Check out the news clip for a glimpse of this impactful initiative in action!

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🎬 Muvaffaqiyatli o'tgan treningimizdan lavhalar! 🎬

Biz, "O‘zbekistonda yoshlarning ishga joylashish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish (YES)" dasturi va Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vazirligi bilan hamkorlikda 20-21 avgust kunlari Xorazm viloyatida "biznes va kasb-hunarga o'qitish" yo'nalishi maktablari o'qituvchilar uchun malaka oshirish seminar-treningining mahalliy yangiliklar kanalidagi lavhasini ulashishdan xursandmiz.

"Iqtisodiyot va Biznes" fani o'qituvchilarining malakasini oshirishga qaratilgan seminar-treningda o'qituvchilarga yangi o'quv dasturi va ilg'or pedagogik metodologiyalar haqida batafsil ma'lumot berildi. Viloyatning ushbu yo'nalish uchun tanlab olingan barcha 13 maktab o'qituvchilari treningda faol ishtirok etishdi hamda egallagan bilim va ko'nikmalarini hozirda 2024-2025 o'quv yilida boshlangan yangi iqtisodiyot va biznes fanini samarali o'qitishda foydalanib kelmoqdalar! 📚✨

Ushbu ta'lim tashabbusining amaliyotini ko'rish uchun yangiliklar video lavhasini tomosha qiling!

Репост из: USAID Youth Employment Skills Activity
🌟 Empowering School Leaders for Sustainable Change! 🌟

On December 19th, USAID Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity organized a transformative training for school directors from 18 pilot schools in Fergana. Focused on building leadership and fundraising skills, the training aimed to help directors drive lasting change in their schools and communities. 💡

By enhancing their ability to lead community-focused initiatives and strengthen connections with local communities and the private sector, these school leaders are now better equipped to ensure the sustainability of YES school-based Economics and Entrepreneurship program. This initiative is helping them create lasting impact for their students, empowering the young aspiring entrepreneurs to thrive for years to come. 🌱✨

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🌟 Kelajakda barqaror o'zgarishlarni ta'minlash uchun maktab direktorlarining yetakchilik ko'nikmalarini mustahkamlayapmiz! 🌟

19-dekabr kuni USAIDning "O‘zbekistonda yoshlarning ishga joylashish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish (YES)" dasturi Farg‘onadagi 18 ta tajriba-sinov maktab direktorlari uchun o‘zgarish yaratadigan treningni tashkil etdi. Etakchilik va mablag‘ yig‘ish ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan ushbu trening, rahbarlarga maktablarida va jamoalarda barqaror o‘zgarishlar qilishga yordam berishni maqsad qilgan. 💡

Jamiyatga yo'naltirilgan tashabbuslarni olib borish qobiliyatini mustahkamlash va shu bilan mahalliy jamoalar va xususiy sektor bilan aloqalarni mustahkamlash orqali tajriba-sinov maktab direktorlari endi o'z maktablarida YES Iqtisodiyot va Tadbirkorlik dasturini samarali amalga oshirishni ta'minlash uchun yaxshiroq tayyorlangan. Ushbu tashabbus ularga yosh tadbirkorlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash va kelgusi yillar davomida ularning farovonligini ta'minlash orqali o'z o'quvchilariga doimiy ta'sir ko'rsatishga yordam beradi. 🌱✨

Репост из: C5+O.N.E.
🌍 Shaping Tomorrow: C5+O.N.E. Central Asia-U.S. Regional Conference on Energy and Environment

From December 17–19, 2024, 170 participants from Cohort 3 of the C5+O.N.E. program representing Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan gathered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for a pivotal conference on energy and environmental sustainability. Held at Hilton Tashkent City, the event featured discussions on energy security, sustainable water management, renewable energy education, and empowering women in decision-making.

U.S. Ambassador Jonathan Henick and Ms. Ann Domorad, Senior Managing Director of Field Operations and Programs at American Councils delivered opening remarks, setting the stage for expert panels and collaborative dialogue.

Highlights included the Graduate Poster Presentations, showcasing innovative solutions for sustainability, and the NEXUS Game, where participants navigated cross-sectoral negotiations on water, energy, and food resources. The Cultural Gala Dinner fostered networking and celebrated Central Asia’s heritage with national performances.

The conference concluded with remarks from U.S. and regional leaders, emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration.

The event was a resounding success, strengthening regional ties and inspiring actionable solutions for a sustainable future.

#C5ONE #RegionalConference

🌟 Exciting Career Opportunity! 🌟

Join the American Councils for International Education Uzbekistan as an Alumni Program Coordinator!

If you're passionate about education, building connections, and making a difference in the lives of alums, this is the perfect role for you.

American Councils for International Education is a premier, international non-profit organization creating educational opportunities that prepare individuals and institutions to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world. Through academic exchanges, overseas language immersion, and educational development programs, American Councils has designed and administered innovative programs that broaden individual perspectives, increase knowledge, and deepen understanding for more than 40 years across more than 80 countries.

Feel free to share this opportunity with anyone who might be interested in this position.

🔗Click here to learn more about open position: Job opportunity

If you have any questions please, email them to

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🌟 YPIP & FLEX Alumni Mixer Highlights 🎓

On December 14, YPIP (Young Professional Internships Program) and FLEX Alumni (Future Leaders Exchange) teams hosted an engaging Alumni Mixer themed "Effective Communication for Success." 🗣

The event brought together 32 alumni for insightful discussions led by FLEX Hub Uzbekistan Director Austin Willson and YPIP Program Manager Sardor Djurabaev. Alumni shared how their programs enhanced their communication skills, enabling them to navigate conflicts at work, build understanding, and foster personal and professional growth.

The evening also featured a movie illustrating the transformative power of effective communication in strengthening relationships and achieving success.

This mixer provided a platform for alumni to connect, exchange ideas, and expand their networks. 🤝

#YPIP #FLEX #AlumniMixer #EffectiveCommunication

Репост из: USAID Youth Employment Skills Activity
Globally, women face greater obstacles to career advancement in the workplace. But thanks to the USAID's Youth Employment Skills (YES) program, in partnership with ShariotPlus and StartUp Factory, women at InColTex company in Fergana are gaining essential skills in Gender Equality and Inclusion (GESI). 🌟

Through this training, women learned how to advocate for themselves, break stereotypes, and promote inclusive practices in the workplace. Plus, the owner of InColTex, a leader in inclusive business, inspired participants with her journey. 👩‍💼✨

This initiative is helping create a more inclusive, equitable future where women in rural Fergana can access meaningful employment and drive positive change! 🙌 #USAID #YES #Uzbekistan

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Dunyo bo‘ylab ayollar ish joyida kasbiy o‘sishda ko‘proq to‘siqlarga duch keladilar. Ammo USAIDning “O‘zbekistonda yoshlarning ishga joylashish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish” (YES) dasturi SharoitPlus va StartUp Factory bilan hamkorlikda Farg‘onadagi InColTex kompaniyasida ayollarga Gender Tengligi va Inklyuziya (GESI) bo‘yicha muhim ko‘nikmalarni taqdim etmoqda. 🌟

Ushbu trening orqali ayollar o‘zlari uchun haqlarini himoya qilish, stereotiplarni yengish va ish joyida inklyuziv amaliyotlarni targ‘ib qilishni o‘rgandilar. Bundan tashqari, inklyuziv biznes yetakchisi bo‘lgan InColTex egasi o‘zining ilhomlantiruvchi hikoyasi bilan ishtirokchilarni ruhlantirdi. 👩‍💼✨

Ushbu tashabbus qishloqdagi ayollarga mazmunli ish topish va ijobiy o‘zgarishlar qilish imkonini beruvchi inklyuziv va adolatli kelajakni yaratishga yordam bermoqda! 🙌 #USAID #YES #Uzbekistan

Is your company looking for summer interns? Apply as a host company for the Young Professional Internships Program!

Funded by the U.S. Embassy Tashkent and implemented by American Councils, this program places talented young Uzbek students and recent graduates in host companies across Tashkent for a 12-week summer internship program in June, July, and August 2025.

YPIP offers employers the opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop promising young talents, and even build a potential pipeline for future full-time employees.

During the program, students gain real-world, hands-on experience by supporting their host companies. Participants also have opportunities for mentorship and professional development during the program.

If you are interested in collaborating with American Councils, empowering the youth of Uzbekistan and hosting interns during summer 2025, please complete the following form:

Репост из: USAID Youth Employment Skills Activity
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🌍✨ Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities ✨🌍

Today, the USAID Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity recognizes the incredible strength, resilience, and contributions of individuals with disabilities all around the world. Let’s work together to build a more inclusive society where everyone, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to thrive. 💙

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🌍✨ Xalqaro nogironlar kunini nishonlaymiz✨🌍

Bugun USAIDning “O‘zbekistonda yoshlarning ishga joylashish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish” (YES) dasturi butun dunyo bo‘ylab nogironligi bo‘lgan insonlarning ajoyib kuch-qudratini, matonatini va ulkan hissasini e’tirof etadi. Keling, hammamiz birgalikda, har kim o‘z qobiliyatidan qat’i nazar, muvaffaqiyatga erishishi mumkin bo‘lgan inklyuziv jamiyatni barpo etish uchun harakat qilaylik. 💙

📢 Reminder: YPIP Online Q&A Today!

🚀 Get all your questions about the Young Professional Internships Program answered by our team.

📅 Date: Today, December 2
⏰ Time: 4:00 PM Tashkent time
💻 Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 915 4286 8251
Passcode: 838852

Don’t miss this chance to learn more about the fully-funded internships and how to apply!

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Only 7️⃣ days left until the YPIP application deadline!

Meet Gulnoza Namozova, a YPIP 2024 alumna, and a senior at UzSWLU.

🚚 During her YPIP internship at Wings Distribution Company, the official distributor of Procter & Gamble in Uzbekistan, Gulnoza gained hands-on experience in trade marketing, data analysis, and professional presentations. This experience enhanced her hard skills in MS Office and boosted her communication skills—assets she now applies as a Content Manager at the Yosh Menejer Program.

Want a productive internship and the chance to network with inspiring young professionals like Gulnoza? These opportunities are just an application away.

Application Deadline: December 8, 2024

🔗Link to the application

📌 The Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP) offers students in Uzbekistan the opportunity to build professional skills through fully-funded summer internships with local companies in Tashkent, supported by the U.S. Embassy Tashkent and administered by American Councils Uzbekistan.

YPIP Hosts First Job Fair in Tashkent! 🎉

On November 25, 2024, the Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP) held its first-ever Job Fair, bringing together 30 leading companies and more than 700 participants in Tashkent. Over five hours, the event offered a vibrant space for networking, career growth, and professional development.

Attendees polished their resumes at the CV-checking zone ✍️, guided by YPIP mentors and alumni, and captured professional LinkedIn photos at the photo session zone 📸—a highlight for many. Companies and participants appreciated the fair as a valuable opportunity to connect 🤝 and explore potential collaborations.

📌 The Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP) offers students in Uzbekistan the opportunity to build professional skills through fully-funded summer internships with local companies in Tashkent, supported by the U.S. Embassy Tashkent and administered by American Councils Uzbekistan.

Показано 17 последних публикаций.