Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

📊Daily IELTS ,MULTILEVEL practices
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

- Have a nice day 🔥

- Qaysi skill dan material ulashay comment qoldiramiz 👇



Task 1 

You are part of a sports commitee at your school.
write a suggestion letter to a school principal on the improvement of sport facilities to school.

Task 2

Some people think homework is unnecessary at school and it should ne banned

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#recentquestion 22.09.24
Some people think that modern technologies have a negative impact on the way we communicate.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#CEFRMultilevel #writing
#task2 #essay

Modern technologies, like smartphones and social media, have greatly changed the way we communicate. Some people think these changes have had a negative impact on communication. While there are some downsides, I believe the positive effects are stronger.

On one hand, it is true that modern technologies can make communication feel less personal. For example, when we send a text message, email, or even communicate through social media, we cannot see the other person’s face or hear their voice. This can sometimes make it harder to fully understand the emotions behind the words. Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice are all important parts of communication that are often missing when we rely on written messages. As a result, misunderstandings can happen more easily. Additionally, some people have become so used to communicating through screens that they may struggle to hold face-to-face conversations or interact in social situations.

On the other hand, technology has made communication faster, more convenient, and more accessible than ever before. With the help of messaging apps, video calls, and social media, we can stay in touch with people no matter where they are in the world. In the past, staying connected with friends or family members who lived far away was difficult and expensive. Now, we can send a message or make a video call within seconds, allowing us to maintain relationships over long distances. This is especially important in today’s globalized world, where people often live and work far from their hometowns.

Furthermore, modern technologies allow us to communicate with large groups of people at once. Social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram let us share updates, photos, and thoughts with many friends at the same time, which can help us feel more connected to others. Even though we may not be talking face-to-face, these interactions still play a role in building and maintaining relationships.

In conclusion, while modern technology can make communication feel less personal at times, I believe it has greatly improved how we stay connected. As long as we use it wisely and balance it with real-life interactions, the benefits far outweigh the downsides.


#recentquestion 22.09.24
#CEFRMultilevel #writing
#task1 #letter

You are a member of school environmental club. Write a letter to the head of school how to make it an eco-friendly area.
● explain why it is important to take care of the environment;
● give your suggestions such as recycling, energy saving or green spaces;
● say this will improve the school.

Dear Mr Johnson,

I am writing as a member of the school’s environmental club to suggest some ideas on how we can make our school more eco-friendly. Taking care of the environment is important because it helps protect our planet for future generations. If we all do our part, we can reduce pollution and save natural resources.

One idea is to start a recycling program for paper, plastic, and glass. We could place recycling bins in classrooms and around the school. Another idea is to save energy by turning off lights and computers when they are not in use. We could also plant more trees and create green spaces where students can learn about nature and relax.

Making our school eco-friendly will improve the environment and also teach students about the importance of sustainability. It will make our school a better place to learn and grow.

Thank you for considering these suggestions.

Miss Guzal 😅

🟢 22.09.2024 | Multi-Level Exam | Writing 1-smena savollari

➡️ Task 1:
You are a member of school environmental club. Write a letter to the head of school how to make it an eco-friendly area.

- explain why it is important to take care of the environment;
- give you suggestions such as recycling, energy saving or green spaces;
- say this will improve the school.

➡️ Task 2:
Some people think that modern technologies have a negative impact on the way we communicate.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Multi-level baholash tartibi va javoblar varaqasi (titul)

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🎄 Band 9.0 Sample Complain letter for Multi-Level Writing Task 1 real exam question.
About recycling bins


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⭐️Writing Task1
⭐️#How to write letters & STEPS in writing a letter for exam
✅ #Request_letter

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🌟New format yòriqnoma

⏭️Part 1.1

📍3 ta savol, òylash uchun 5 soniya, 30 soniya gapirishga

⏭️Part 1.2

📍Rasm tasvirlash, òylash uchun 10 soniya, gapirishga 45 soniya, qolgan 2 ta savoliga òylash uchun 5, gapirishga 30 soniya beriladi

⏭️Part 2.

📍1 savol, 1 minut òylashga, 2 minut gapirishga

⏭️Part 3

📍1 minut òylashga, 2 minut gapirishga

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❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Chet tillarini bilish darajasini baholashning ko‘p darajali(multilevel) tizimida gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati bo‘yicha videoyo‘riqnoma.

✅Ushbu yangi format  talabgorlarning ingliz, fransuz, nemis va arab tillaridan gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashda joriy etiladi.


Multi-level imtihonida ko'p tushadigan xat(letter) (writing task 1) turlari ⬇️


Multi-level imtihonida ko'p tushadigan insho (writing task 2) turlari⬇️



Imtihoniz qachon ekan?
  •   21-sentabr (1-smena)
  •   21-sentabr (2-smena)
  •   22-sentabr (1-smena)
  •   22-sentabr (2-smena)
242 голосов

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🔹Predlogli birikmalar

🔸 at war - urushda
🔸 at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
🔸 at ease - erkin
🔸 at rest - dam olishda
🔸 at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
🔸 at lunch - tushlikda

🔺 by accident - tasodifan
🔺 by design - qasddan

🔺 in danger - xatarda
🔺 in need - muhtojlikda
🔺 in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
🔺 in reply - javoban
🔺 in love - oshiqlikda
🔺 in difficulty - qiyinchilikda

🔹 on guard - himoyada
🔹 on purpose - ataylab
🔹 on fire - o‘t ichida
🔹 on sale - sotuvda
🔹 on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
🔹 on time - vaqtida
🔹 on duty - navbatchilikda
🔹 on land - yerda
🔹 on sea - dengizda

🔸 out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
🔸 out of danger - xatardan holi
🔸 out of date - eskirgan
🔸 out of door - tashqarida
🔸 out of order - buzilgan
🔸 out of stock - qolmagan
🔸 out of turn - navbatdan tashqari


➡️ Sharing is caring

reyting shkalasi.pdf
CEFR(Multilevel) speaking imtihonining yangicha formati va baholash mezonlari


📚 IELTSga tayyorgarlik ko’rayotgan har bir kandidat uchun o’ta muhim checklist!

IELTS 4.0-5.0 dan 8.0 ga olib chiqadigan kitoblar ketma-ketligi!

Gooo reactionssss 👆👆👆

Mock 2 answers.pdf
Mock 2 Listening.pdf
Mock 2 Reading.pdf
#Multi-level full mock test

Multi-level imtihoniga tayyorlanayotgan dòstlaringizga ham ulashing


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