🇺🇸 Pip
🇺🇿 Meva danagi
1. I found a small pip inside the apple.
Men olma ichida kichik bir danak topdim.
2. The orange had too many pips, so I had to remove them.
Apelsinda juda ko‘p danak bor edi, shuning uchun ularni olib tashladim.
3. He accidentally swallowed a cherry pip.
U tasodifan gilos danagini yutib yubordi.
4. Watermelon pips can sometimes be eaten.
Tarvuz danaklari ba’zan yeyish mumkin.
5. She spat out the grape pip after eating the fruit.
U mevaning donini yeb bo‘lgach, uzum danagini tupurdi.
🇺🇸 Pip
🇺🇿 Meva danagi
1. I found a small pip inside the apple.
Men olma ichida kichik bir danak topdim.
2. The orange had too many pips, so I had to remove them.
Apelsinda juda ko‘p danak bor edi, shuning uchun ularni olib tashladim.
3. He accidentally swallowed a cherry pip.
U tasodifan gilos danagini yutib yubordi.
4. Watermelon pips can sometimes be eaten.
Tarvuz danaklari ba’zan yeyish mumkin.
5. She spat out the grape pip after eating the fruit.
U mevaning donini yeb bo‘lgach, uzum danagini tupurdi.