🇺🇸 Chain
🇺🇿 Zanjir, tros
1. The dog was tied to a chain in the backyard.
It hovlida metall zanjir bilan bog‘langan edi.
2. He pulled the heavy chain to open the old gate.
U eski darvozani ochish uchun og‘ir metall zanjirni tortdi.
3. The anchor was secured with a thick iron chain.
Langar qalin temir zanjir bilan mustahkamlangan edi.
4. The factory uses long steel chains to lift heavy machines.
Zavodda og‘ir mashinalarni ko‘tarish uchun uzun po‘lat zanjirlar ishlatiladi.
5. Blacksmiths used to make strong metal chains by hand.
Temirchilar ilgari mustahkam metall zanjirlarni qo‘lda yasashgan.
🇺🇸 Chain
🇺🇿 Zanjir, tros
1. The dog was tied to a chain in the backyard.
It hovlida metall zanjir bilan bog‘langan edi.
2. He pulled the heavy chain to open the old gate.
U eski darvozani ochish uchun og‘ir metall zanjirni tortdi.
3. The anchor was secured with a thick iron chain.
Langar qalin temir zanjir bilan mustahkamlangan edi.
4. The factory uses long steel chains to lift heavy machines.
Zavodda og‘ir mashinalarni ko‘tarish uchun uzun po‘lat zanjirlar ishlatiladi.
5. Blacksmiths used to make strong metal chains by hand.
Temirchilar ilgari mustahkam metall zanjirlarni qo‘lda yasashgan.