🇺🇸 Pond
🇺🇿 Hovuz
1. The ducks are swimming in the pond.
(Oʻrdaklar hovuzda suzishyapti.)
2. There is a small pond in the middle of the park.
(Parkning oʻrtasida kichik bir hovuz bor.)
3. He threw a stone into the pond, and it made ripples.
(U hovuzga tosh tashladi va toʻlqinlar paydo boʻldi.)
4. The fish in the pond are very colorful.
(Hovuzdagi baliqlar juda rang-barang.)
5. We sat by the pond and enjoyed the peaceful view.
(Biz hovuz yonida oʻtirib, osoyishta manzaradan zavq oldik.)
🇺🇸 Pond
🇺🇿 Hovuz
1. The ducks are swimming in the pond.
(Oʻrdaklar hovuzda suzishyapti.)
2. There is a small pond in the middle of the park.
(Parkning oʻrtasida kichik bir hovuz bor.)
3. He threw a stone into the pond, and it made ripples.
(U hovuzga tosh tashladi va toʻlqinlar paydo boʻldi.)
4. The fish in the pond are very colorful.
(Hovuzdagi baliqlar juda rang-barang.)
5. We sat by the pond and enjoyed the peaceful view.
(Biz hovuz yonida oʻtirib, osoyishta manzaradan zavq oldik.)