Yozgim Keldida

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Цитаты

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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Marathonda qatnashish uchun quyidagi shartlarni bajarishiz kerak:

@RS_IELTS kanaliga a'zo bo'ling

✅ Tepadagi postdan bitta pastdagi postni (https://t.me/RS_IELTS/12100) (mana shu postni, mening ustimga bosing) ni o'zizda bo'lgan 3 ta ingliz tili guruhiga (har bir guruhdan 10 tadan ko'p odam bo'lishi kerak) yuboring
Yuborganlik haqidagi screenshotni shu odamga @ShS_1821 yuborasiz
✅ U sizga dars bo'ladigan kanalning linkini beradi
✅ Kanalga qo'shilib marathon boshlanishini kutasiz.

I don't know why am I sad
Maybe I love somebody
Nooo it is false

Brilliant scientists wrote more than 150 works, but only five of them reached us. Al-Beruni estimated the distance to the Moon as 664 Earth radii, compiled a catalog of 1029 stars, the positions of which were recalculated from earlier Arab zijas – and this is far from all the achievements of this overman.

The fate of the scientist is very interesting and unusual, like many geniuses

Abu Reikhan Muhammad ibn Ahmed al- Beruni, a great scientist, poet and philosopher, was able to master almost all the sciences of his time. His interests extended to such sciences as astronomy and geography, mathematics and physics, chemistry and botany, geodesy and pharmacology, geology and mineralogy, history and ethnography, philosophy and philology. In addition, al-Beruni knew more than six languages, including Persian, Khorezmian, Jewish, Arabic, Greek, Syriac, and Sanskrit. He was fluent in Arabic and Persian writing. Such person as al-Beruni, Friedrich Nietzsche called the overman.

Everyone knows how long and painfully the science has gone to the irrefutable truth about the shape of the Earth and its rotation around the Sun. Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei tried to prove their point “And yet it moves”. Somebody was not believed and was given to the Inquisition, someone even after a round-the-world trip was subjected to doubts and criticism. However, in another part of the world, 500 years earlier, the medieval encyclopedic scientist Al-Beruni was able to calculate the radius of the Earth, mathematically proving that the Earth rotates and has a round shape.

 around the Sun. Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei tried to prove their point “And yet it moves”. Somebody was not believed and was given to the Inquisition, someone even after a round-the-world trip was subjected to doubts and criticism. However, in another part of the world, 500 years earlier, the medieval encyclopedic scientist Al-Beruni was able to calculate the radius of the Earth, mathematically proving that the Earth rotates and has a round shape.

Rayhon Beruniy
Abu-Rayhon Beruniy– a remarkable scientist, amazing with variety of his scientific interests, boldness of idea, the author of more than 150 works devoted to actual issues of natural sciences, philosophy, history, philology, great encyclopaedist– the thinker, the humanist of the Middle Ages epoch.
Outlook of Abu-Rayhon Beruniy was formed at the end of X – the beginning of XI century in Central Asia. He was born on 2 Zu-ul-hidja in 362 (on September 4, 973 A.D.) in suburb of Kyat, former feudal capital of Khorezm. On the native land he has received good education and from a youth began his scientific activity. Due to political events in Khoresm Beruniy left the native land and approximately in between 998-1004 lived in Gurgan, at southeast coast of Caspian Sea. At this time he has done a great work – «Monuments of the past generations ». 
In about 1005 Beruniy came back to Khorezm, where at a court yard of the Khorezm king Abu Abbas Mamun ibn Mamun (1009-1017) occupied honorable position. In 1017 Mahmud Gaznavi (998-1034) has subordinated to himself Khoresm, and in the same year Beruniy together with some other scientists had been compelled to follow the conqueror to Hansa where he stayed up to the end of his life.
Despite the unfavorable conditions for him in the capital Mahmuda, Beruniy was entirely given to scientific researches.
Together with the army of sultan, Beruniy had several times visited India. He has taken advantage of the trips for studying this country and as a result, by 4030 he had written an outstanding composition on India. Earlier, in 1025 Beruniy finished "Geodesy". To sultan Masud (1030-1041), the receiver Mahmud, Beruniy has devoted his main work on mathematics and astronomy – « Masudov kanon». At government of the subsequent sultan – Masud (1041 - 1048) – Беруни written the big work on mineralogy, and at the end of a life – "Saydan". 
He died in Gazna 2 Radjab 440. (on December 11, 1048).
Al-Khorezmi Muhammed Bin - Mussa



Savollar soni: 15 ta
Test kodi: 65704
Boshlandi: 21:00
Tugaydi: 21:20

Sen ham chiqib ket 😂
1:1 qilish yaxshi ko'rasanku

In the life of every person, no matter how old he is, there is joy and sadness, love and pleasure, jealousy and discontent. These feelings are manifested in different ways. One is beautiful in anger, the other is ugly in love. It depends on how a person was raised. In childhood, experiences are especially sharp, and the mind is not yet ready enough to correctly assess everything that is happening around. A trifle, a trifle can become the most important events for a child, remain in his memory forever and can play a good or bad role. Any child can grow into a kind, compassionate, brave, honest person. The most important thing is not to waste time and stop all bad things in time. The sooner we awaken the good feelings of love in our hearts, the more spiritual powers will appear in a person.

For the World Bank, the implementation of programs in Uzbekistan is considered one of the three most important areas of activity in the Europe and Central Asia regions. These programs are aimed primarily at macroeconomic reforms and modernization of agriculture, water management, improvement of water supply and irrigation services, development of urban and rural infrastructure, energy, transport, health systems, education, and social protection of the population.


Mohi qandaysane

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