Student of UzSWLU 👩🏻🎓💙 1/4 Bookish girl Aziza💫 IELTS holder ❤️ Travel lover🌱 Har bir odam o'zi bir olam💫
05.02.2023 01:13
Welcome to the blog of Aziza Bonu🌸 11th grade student at school in Jizzakh🏫 English lover📖 Bookish girl📚 IELTS holder💜 Har bir odam o'zi bir olam💫
28.01.2023 01:15
WELCOME to the blog of Aziza Bonu💞 11th grade student at school in Jizzakh🏫 👩🏻🎓IELTS 6.5 holder with Speaking 7🥰 Bookworm #2023 3/50💫 Har bir odam o'zi bir olam🪐💫💜 Murojaat uchun : @Bookish_A_bot
27.01.2023 01:18
WELCOME to the blog of Aziza Bonu💞 11th grade student at school in Jizzakh🏫 👩🏻🎓IELTS 6.5 holder with Speaking 7🥰 Har bir odam o'zi bir olam🪐💫💜 Murojaat uchun : @Bookish_A_bot
24.01.2023 01:17
WELCOME to the blog of Aziza Bonu💞 11th grade student at school in Jizzakh🏫 👩🏻🎓IELTS 6.5 holder🥰 Har bir odam o'zi bir olam🪐💫💜 Murojaat uchun : @Bookish_A_bot
23.01.2023 01:16
Har bir odam o'zi bir olam🪐💫💜 Murojaat uchun : @Bookish_A_bot
22.01.2023 01:15
Har bir odam o'zi bir olam🪐💫💜
29.12.2022 22:02
WELCOME to the blog of Aziza Bonu 💞 🏛11th grade student at school in Jizzakh 👩🏻🎓IELTS 6.5 holder with speaking 7.0🥰 📚Booklover💞 🌏Travellover💜 Har bir odam o'zi bir olam🪐💫💜