🇺🇿 Markaziy Osiyo va mintaqada zamonaviy tibbiyotga asos solgan birinchi oliy tibbiy ma’lumotli shifokor ayol Gulsum Asfendiyarova xotirasiga bag‘ishlangan xalqaro ilmiy konferensiya
🇬🇧International scientific conference dedicated to the memory of Gulsum Asfendiyarova, the first woman doctor with higher medical education who founded modern medicine in Central Asia and the region
TTA Urganch filiali Matbuot xizmatining rasmiy sahifalari:
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🇬🇧International scientific conference dedicated to the memory of Gulsum Asfendiyarova, the first woman doctor with higher medical education who founded modern medicine in Central Asia and the region
TTA Urganch filiali Matbuot xizmatining rasmiy sahifalari:
🌐 Veb-sayt |🚀Telegram |📷Instagram |🔵Facebook | 📹 Youtube