ТКТИ Халқаро ҳамкорлик - ТХТИ международное сотрудничество- TICT International cooperation 🇺🇿🇧🇾🇰🇷🇧🇬🇵🇼🇨🇳🇺🇸🇪🇸🇮🇹

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Тошкент кимё-технология институтининг халқаро ҳамкорлик бўлими
телеграм канали.
Телеграм канал отдела международного сотрудничества Ташкентского химико-технологического института.

Telegram channel of the international cooperation departament of TICT.

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: TKTI.UZ | Rasmiy kanal

📚 Hurmatli institut talabalari!

Хalqaro miqyosda o’z bilimlarini kengaytirish hamda o'z tajribasini orttirishni istagan talabalar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

Talab etilgan hujjalarni topshirish
muddati 2025-yil 5-fevral

➡️ Qiziqtirgan savollaringizga javob olish va aniq ma’lumotlar uchun Xalqaro hamkorlik va protokol bo’limiga murojaat qiling:
+998900352901 (E'zoza Usmonaliyeva)

👩‍🎓 TKTI.UZ | ✉️ Telegram | ✅ TUTOR.UZ | 💻KARYERA | 📱 Instagram | 📱 Facebook | 🌐 YouTube | 📱 VK | 🌐 Linkedin

Репост из: Sara Xabarlar - Tezkor Yangiliklar
17 январь – Халқаро устозлар куни

Ҳар бир инсоннинг ҳаётда, илм ёки касб-ҳунар йўлида устози бўлади. Устоз бу йиллар давомида тўплаган тажрибаси, билим ва маҳоратини шогирдига ўргатадиган, шогирдининг ютуқларидан қувонадиган, отадай улуғ шахс. Бугун ана шундай инсонларнинг байрами – Халқаро устозлар куни экан.

❗️Бизга илм берган, билмаганларимизни ўргатган устозларимизни бугунги байрамлари билан табриклаб, уларга миннатдорлик билдириб қўямиз.

Расмий саҳифаларимизга обуна бўлинг👇🏼


Репост из: TKTI.UZ | Rasmiy kanal

🇺🇿👩‍🎓 🇮🇹 Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya institutida Italiyaning Ka Foskari Venetsiya Universiteti bilan qo'shma ta'lim dasturlarini yo'lga qo'yish yuzasidan uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi.

✔️ 2025-yilning 16-yanvar sanasida Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya institutida, Italiya Respublikasining Ka Foskari Venetsiya Universiteti Oliy ta'lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vaziri maslahatchisi Dr. Marko Farci boshchiligidagi onlayn uchrashuv bo'lib otdi.

🔴 Institutimizda Oliy ta'lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirining maslahatchisi Dr. Marko Farci va Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya instituti rektori Usmonov Botir Shukurillayevich boshchiligida Ilmiy ishlar va innovatsiyalar bo‘yicha prorektor X.LPulatov, Xalqarolashtirish va transformatsiya departament boshlig‘i Z.A.Babaxanova, Xalqaro hamkorlik va protokol bo‘limi boshlig‘i S.S.Saidahmadov, Qo‘shma ta’lim dasturlarini muvofiqlashtirish bo'limi boshlig‘i A.Uzakov ishtirokida Italiyaning Ka Foskari Venetsiya Universiteti bilan qo'shma ta'lim dasturlarini yo'lga qo'yish yuzasidan uch tomonlama uchrashuvlar bo’lib o’tdi.

✔️ Uchrashuvda Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya instituti va Ka Foskari Venetsiya universiteti o‘rtasida kelgusidagi hamkorlikni kengaytirish kabi masalalar muhokama qilindi. Shuningdek Ka Foskari Venetsiya Universiteti bilan birgalikda qo‘shma ta'lim dasturlarini ochishni taklif qilindi hamda ilmiy tadqiqotlar, innovatsiyalar va sanoat texnologiyalari sohasida hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘yish va hamkorlikda ilmiy loyihalarni tashkil etish masalalari muhokama qilindi.

👩‍🎓 TKTI.UZ | ✉️ Telegram | ✅ TUTOR.UZ | 💻KARYERA | 📱 Instagram | 📱 Facebook | 🌐 YouTube | 📱 VK | 🌐 Linkedin

Репост из: XAB TCTI International Relations Department

🎉🎉 Приглашаем на Совместную международную конференцию в Университете Интеграл ( г. Лакнау, Индия). Со-организатор: ТХТИ.

🎊Конференция "Тенденции и инновации в науке и инженерии: Наладка взаимодействия между промышленностью и академией"

⏰Время: 20- 22 февраля 2025 г.

Секции конференции:

Сессия 1: Сотрудничество между академией, научными организациями, промышленностью и правительством в продвижении инноваций

Сессия 2: Воспитание инкубаторов

Сессия 3: Устойчивость и зелёные технологии (ЗЕЛЁНАЯ/ГОЛУБАЯ БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ)

Сессия 4(a): Интеграция инноваций (ЗОЛОТАЯ БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ)

Сессия 4(b): Наука о пище, инженерия и технологии (ЖЁЛТАЯ БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ) — Параллельная сессия

Сессия 5: Здравоохранение, диагностика и открытие лекарств (КРАСНАЯ БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ)

Сессия 6: Этические, нормативные и коммерциализационные вызовы и поддержка великих умов для процветания

Рег.взнос: 50 дол. (для участников из ТХТИ).

Репост из: XAB TCTI International Relations Department

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе 89-й научно-технической конференции профессорско-преподавательского состава, научных сотрудников и аспирантов Белорусского государственного технологического университета с международным участием), которая состоится с 3 по 18 февраля 2025 г.

Конференция посвящена 95-летнему юбилею БГТУ и Дню белорусской науки.

Материалы докладов конференции будут размещены в электронной библиотеке БГТУ https://bibl.belstu.by/.

Организационный взнос за участие в конференции не взимается.

Для участия в конференции необходимо до 20 января 2025 г. заполнить регистрационную форму по следующей ссылке: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYHnhm8qEg5GNX8Xbr-lZMRHmZutnlNZOjYrnAt-JgNH81aA/viewform?usp=dialog и прикрепить к ней материалы конференции.

Правила оформления материалов конференции и информационное сообщение прилагаются.

Сайт мероприятия https://conf.belstu.by/?page_id=17344

Репост из: National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan
🚨 Hurry! Just 2 Days Left to Register for the Erasmus+ Info Session!

Are you ready to explore Erasmus+ opportunities for Higher Education Institutions? Don’t miss this chance to gain expert insights and practical tips for success in CBHE projects!

🕐 Date: January 21, 2025, at 09:30
📍 Venue: Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies

🔗 Register now: https://forms.gle/ZiCnCwdEKv9gjyJR9
🗓 Registration deadline: January 17 at 18:00.

💡 What’s in it for you?
🔹 Learn about Erasmus+ opportunities for HEIs
🔹 Explore successful CBHE projects
🔹 Get expert tips on project management

This is your opportunity to connect with the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan and the HEREs team for guidance!

Read more: https://erasmus.uz/en/publications/456-navoiy-davlat-konchilik-va-texnologiya-universitetida-erasmus-axborot-va-targ-ibot-sessiyasi

Share this with your colleagues to make sure they don’t miss out!

🌟 Website | Telegram | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook

Репост из: National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan
📣 Preparing a Jean Monnet Project Proposal?

We’ve got the perfect resource for you! ✨

Watch the recorded session with Khaydarali Yunusov, where he provides:
🔹Step-by-step guidance on proposal preparation
🔹Insights into Jean Monnet project requirements
🔹Practical tips to strengthen your application

🟥 Watch the full session here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrAHgS222LM

💡 This video is all about Jean Monnet projects, so don’t miss out! Stay tuned for more content to help you with other Erasmus+ proposals. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates!

🌟 Website | Telegram | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook

Репост из: National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan
🌍✨ Dreaming of Studying in Europe?

Did you know there are hundreds of thousands of scholarships and financial support schemes available for international students? Whether you’re looking to cover tuition fees, living costs, or both, Europe has incredible opportunities waiting for you!

💡 Explore these funding options:
📌 Scholarships by country
Every European country offers unique scholarship schemes. Find out more about scholarship opportunities per country:
👉 Scholarship opportunities per country

📌 Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters
Fully funded scholarships that cover participation costs, travel, and even living expenses!
👉 Learn about Erasmus Mundus

📌 University Scholarships
Many universities offer their own financial support schemes. Check out their websites for specific offers!

Ready to take the next step? Discover more about studying in Europe here:
👉 Study in Europe

Your journey to a world-class education and unforgettable experiences starts now!

Read more: https://erasmus.uz/en/publications/457-yevropada-o-qishni-orzu-qilasizmi

🌟 Website | Telegram | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook

Репост из: Zebo Bobokhonova

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе 89-й научно - технической конференции профессорско-преподавательского состава, научных сотрудников и аспирантов Белорусского государственного технологического университета с международным участием), которая состоится  с 3 по 18 февраля 2025 г.

🔥🔥Конференция посвящена 95-летнему юбилею БГТУ и Дню белорусской науки.

Материалы докладов конференции будут размещены в электронной библиотеке БГТУ https://bibl.belstu.by/.

Организационный взнос за участие в конференции не взимается.

Для участия в конференции необходимо до 20 января 2025 г. заполнить  регистрационную форму  по следующей ссылке: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYHnhm8qEg5GNX8Xbr-lZMRHmZutnlNZOjYrnAt-JgNH81aA/viewform?usp=dialog и прикрепить  к  ней материалы конференции. 

Правила оформления материалов конференции и информационное сообщение прилагаются. 
Сайт мероприятия https://conf.belstu.by/?page_id=17344 

Репост из: XAB TCTI International Relations Department

🎊🎊Invitation to Participate in the International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Horticulture from Plant to Product: Challenges in Temperate Climate – 2025"

Invitation to Participate in the International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Horticulture from Plant to Product: Challenges in Temperate Climate – 2025"

✅We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference on "Sustainable Horticulture from Plant to Product: Challenges in Temperate Climate – 2025"

⚡️Place: Riga, Latvia
⏰ 20-22 August 2025

This conference will serve as a platform for leading researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities of sustainable horticulture in temperate climates.

The event will feature a series of keynote lectures, oral presentations, field excursions, and thematic sessions that will explore a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

✅Innovations in breeding of horticultural crops,
✅Sustainable use of genetic resources,
✅Sustainable growing for climate change mitigation,
✅Soil and balancing of greenhouse gases,
✅Plant protection,
✅Post-harvest and food processing,
✅Precise horticulture and smart farming.

Given your expertise in this area, we would be honored to have you present your research at this esteemed event. We encourage you to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, share your latest findings, and engage with fellow researchers and practitioners to foster collaboration and innovation on solutions to the pressing challenges faced by the horticulture sector.

Key Dates:

⏰Registration and abstract submission deadline: May 5, 2025
Late registration deadline: August 11, 2025
Conference dates: 20-22 August 2025

For more details, including the conference program, submission guidelines, and registration information, please visit our official conference website at https://ej.uz/lathortconference

Репост из: Zebo Bobokhonova

Dear colleagues, students, researchers,

We are pleased to invite you and members of your respective universities to participate in INTI International University’s:
💥 2nd International Conference on Engineering & Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICETSD 2025).

⏰Date: 15-16 August 2025

✅Format: Hybrid Mode

📌Venue: Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia

Please find more details on our conference in the poster or check out our website:
⏰Deadline for Thesis submission: 14.02.2025.

With regards,
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Md Munir Hayet Khan,

Conference Chair, ICETSD 2025


Репост из: Saxson Science Liaison Office Uzbekistan (Saksoniya oliygohlarining O‘zbekistondagi Ofisi)
🇺🇿 2025-YIL YOZGI SEMESTR UCHUN HUJJATLARNI HOZIROQ TOPSHIRING. Texnika universiteti Frayberg togʻ-kon akademiyasi (TUBAF) oʻqishga taklif etadi.

2025-yil yozgi semestrda TUBAFda oʻqishni xohlovchichar hujjatlarni 2025-yil 31-martgacha onlayn tarzda topshirishlari mumkin. Cheklovi boʻlmagan bakalavriat, diplom va magistratura dasturlari boʻyicha oʻqish aprel oyida boshlanadi. Noyob kichik oʻquv dasturlari universitetga Germaniyada adashtirib boʻlmas resurs universitetining alohida maqomini beradi.

TUBAFda quyidagilardan birini tanlashingiz mumkin:
• Matematika va informatika
• Kimyo, fizika va biofanlar
• Geologiya fanlari, geotexnika va konchilik ishi
• Mashinasozlik, texnologik va energetik injeneriya
• Materialshunoslik
• Iqtisodiyot fanlari

Onlayn roʻyxatdan oʻtgandan soʻng, barcha hujjatlar bevosita hujjat topshirish portaliga yuklanishi mumkin.

🇩🇪 Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF) - jetzt bewerben für das Sommersemester 2025
Studieninteressierte, die im Sommersemester 2025 ein Studium an der TUBAF beginnen möchten, können sich bis Ende März 2025 online bewerben. Alle zulassungsfreien Bachelor-, Diplom- und Masterstudiengänge starten im April.
Einzigartige, kleine Studiengänge geben der Uni ihr deutschlandweit unverwechselbares Profil einer Ressourcenuniversität.

An der TUBAF hast du die Wahl zwischen:
• Mathematik und Informatik
• Chemie, Physik und Biowissenschaften
• Geowissenschaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau
• Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Energietechnik
• Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie
• Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Nach der Online-Registrierung können alle Unterlagen direkt im Bewerbungsportal hochgeladen werden.
🇷🇺 Подайте документы на летний семестр 2025 года уже сейчас - Технический университет Фрайбергская горная академия (TUBAF)

Желающие учится в TUBAF начиная с летнего семестре 2025 года, могут подать документы онлайн до конца марта 2025 года. Сама учёба по всем свободно доступным направлениям бакалавриата, дипломирования и магистратуры начинается в апреле.
Уникальные для Германии небольшие направления учёбы придают университету особый статус ресурсного университета.

В TUBAF у вас есть выбор между:
• Математика и информатика
• Химия, физика и бионауки
• Геонауки, геотехника и горное дело
• Машиностроение, технологическая и энергетическая инженерия
• Материаловедение
• Экономические науки

После онлайн-регистрации все документы можно загрузить непосредственно на портале подачи документов.


Репост из: XAB TCTI International Relations Department
🎉 Study in Japan at KUAS!

✅If studying in Japan has been your dream, this is your opportunity to take the first step!

KUAS warmly reminds you of our invitation to join our webinar this Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at 2:00pm (Japan Standard Time) to learn more about our brand-new English-medium programs, where academic excellence meets exciting opportunities. Plus, all KUAS degree programs are conducted in English, with no prior Japanese language required!

What’s in store for you?
・ Dr. Rajiv Verma (Bioenvironmental Sciences) will dive into cutting-edge innovations in synthetic organic chemistry.
・ Dr. Parissa Haghirian (Global Business & Economics) will share her expertise in international and Japanese management.
・ Mr. Kiyoshi Takeda (Director of the International Admissions Office) will introduce the newly launched KUAS Outstanding Scholarship, making it even easier for international students to pursue their academic dreams in Japan.

Don’t miss out on this great pathway to studying in Japan! This is your chance to explore KUAS’ world-class undergraduate programs, innovative learning approaches, and exciting scholarship opportunities.

◆ Date & Time
Saturday, January 11th, 2025, at 2:00 PM (Japan Standard Time)
✍️‼️Webinar Registration

◆ Agenda
・ 2:00 PM - 2:05 PM: General introduction to KUAS

・ 2:05 PM - 2:20 PM: Dr. Verma will share insights into his research and discuss the unique aspects of KUAS’ Bioenvironmental Sciences program

・ 2:20 PM - 2:35 PM: Dr. Haghirian will describe her academic work and explain the unique aspects of KUAS’ Global Business and Economics program

・ 2:35 PM - 2:45 PM: Application schedules, tuition, and scholarships

・ 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM: Joint Q&A session with the panelists

Register for the webinar today and see how KUAS can help you achieve your academic and professional goals. We look forward to seeing you there.

Warmest Regards,
International Admissions Office
Kyoto University of Advanced Science

Репост из: National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan
🌟 Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) - SDSI: Service Design Master's Programme! 🌍

Are you passionate about creating innovative, human-centric solutions in a rapidly changing world? The SDSI - Joint Master’s Degree Programme is your chance to join a unique, interdisciplinary journey through Latvia, Finland, and Estonia. 🚀

💡 Quick Facts:
Language: English
Duration: 2 years (full-time, on-site)
Scholarship: €1,400/month for selected candidates
Degree: Multiple degrees from leading European universities

What You'll Learn:
This program blends design, business, technology, and social sciences to prepare future leaders in service innovation. Whether addressing sustainability, digital transformation, or creating meaningful societal change, you'll gain the skills to design impactful solutions.

📝 Key Admission Details:
Application Period: November 26, 2024 – February 23, 2025
Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, or ICT (min. 180 ECTS).
Tuition Fees: €4,000/year for EU/EEA; €8,000/year for others. (Free for scholarship holders!)

Take the first step toward becoming a global leader in service innovation! Visit the link for full details and apply now: SDSI Project Card

Read more: https://www.sdsi.ma/

🌟 Website | Telegram | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook

Репост из: MTRK ǀ Rasmiy kanal
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Ахборот 24 | В Вене прошло мероприятие, посвящённое 43-ей сессии Генеральной конференции ЮНЕСКО, которая пройдёт в Самарканде в 2025 году
#6jan #uzbekiston24

mtrk.uz | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram

Репост из: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Ready to level up your leadership skills?

📝 Young leaders of Uzbekistan, apply today for the Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy (GLEA) — a three-week, fully funded exchange to the University of Connecticut! 💡

Through hands-on learning and service, you'll advance your leadership abilities and join a community of leaders dedicated to tackling global challenges. 🤝

Deadline: January 19th

🔗 Click the link to learn more and apply!

#UConn #UConnGlobal

Репост из: "El-yurt umidi" Foundation

🇺🇿🇰🇷 2025-yil uchun Janubiy Koreyaning KAIST universitetida yozgi tadqiqot amaliyotida ishtirok eting!

Barcha mamlakatlar fuqarolari uchun amal qiladi.
Davomiyligi: 7 hafta (iyul-avgust).

🔣 Koreya ilm-fan va texnologiya ilg'or instituti (KAIST) talabalarni yozgi tadqiqot amaliyotiga taklif qiladi.

🔣 Dastur universitetning yetakchi ilmiy laboratoriyalarida ishlash, innovatsion loyihalarda tajriba orttirish va kasbiy ko‘nikmalarni rivojlantirish uchun noyob imkoniyatni taqdim etadi.

🔣 Afzalliklari:
- yashash xarajatlarini to'liq qoplanadi.
- Transport xarajatlarini moliyaviy qo'llab-quvvatlash mavjud.
- Yetakchi olimlar rahbarligida ilmiy loyihalarda ishtirok etish.
-Zamonaviy laboratoriyalar va resurslardan foydalanish.

Hujjat topshirish muddati: 2025-yil 5-fevral.

Batafsil tanishing

🌆 EYUF axborot xizmati

🌐 Eyuf.uz
💻Instagram🎞 YouTube 

🌐 www.eyuf.uz

Репост из: "El-yurt umidi" Foundation

🇺🇿🇧🇳 Bruney Sultonligi tomonidan Islom hamkorlik tashkilotiga a’zo davlatlar uchun bakalavr va magistrlik o‘quv dasturlari uchun stipendiya dasturini e’lon qiladi!

🔣 Tanlovdan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan nomzodlar 2025-yilning avgustidan boshlab quyidagi universitetlardan birida ta’lim olishi mumkin:

1. Universiti Brunei Darussalam (https:/ubd.edu.bn/);

2. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (

3. Universiti Teknologi Brunei (

4. Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan


5. Politeknik Brunei (

🔣 Arizalar 2025-yil 15-fevralga qadar quyidagi havola orqali qabul qilinadi: https://www.mfa.gov.bn/Pages/online-bdgs.aspx

🔣 Tanlov tartibi, shartlari va boshqa jihatlari yuzasidan batafsil ma’lumotlar bilan ham yuqoridagi havola orqali tanishish mumkin.

🌆 EYUF axborot xizmati

🌐 Eyuf.uz
💻Instagram🎞 YouTube 

🌐 www.eyuf.uz

Показано 20 последних публикаций.