Black death (bubonic plague) = qora o’lat
Devastating (adj) = causing a lot of damage or destroying things
Hastily (adv) = very quickly without thought
Rumor (n) = mish-mish, gap-so’zlar
Indicate (v) = show
Alike (adv) = similarly = likewise = equally
Malady = ill, serious problem
Vulgar (adj) = rude, qo’pol
Contagious (adj) = infectious
Mere (adj) = just, only
Elaborate (adj) = very complicated, detailed
Elaborate (v) = to explain or describe smth in more detailed way
Rational (adj) = reasonable = logical = reasoned
Unsophisticated = not complicated = simple and basic
Administer = manage
Flee (v) = to leave a person or place very quickly because you are afraid of possible danger
Desperate (adj) = hopeless, umidsiz, noiloj, tushkunlikka tushgan
Abandon (v) = to leave
Thus (adv) = in this way = like this
Mitigate (v) = alleviate = reduce = to make smth less harmful
Eliminate (v) = remove = destroy = stop
Devastating (adj) = causing a lot of damage or destroying things
Hastily (adv) = very quickly without thought
Rumor (n) = mish-mish, gap-so’zlar
Indicate (v) = show
Alike (adv) = similarly = likewise = equally
Malady = ill, serious problem
Vulgar (adj) = rude, qo’pol
Contagious (adj) = infectious
Mere (adj) = just, only
Elaborate (adj) = very complicated, detailed
Elaborate (v) = to explain or describe smth in more detailed way
Rational (adj) = reasonable = logical = reasoned
Unsophisticated = not complicated = simple and basic
Administer = manage
Flee (v) = to leave a person or place very quickly because you are afraid of possible danger
Desperate (adj) = hopeless, umidsiz, noiloj, tushkunlikka tushgan
Abandon (v) = to leave
Thus (adv) = in this way = like this
Mitigate (v) = alleviate = reduce = to make smth less harmful
Eliminate (v) = remove = destroy = stop