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Ertaga soat 13:50 da ushbu yangi guruhimiz uchun tanishuv darsi bo'lib o'tadi Global o'quv markazida.

Please describe your hometown.

I’m from Gijduvan, a small but historically significant town in the Bukhara region. The town has a peaceful atmosphere and a strong sense of community. Despite its size, Gijduvan holds a special place in my heart because of its cultural richness and the warm hospitality of its people.

What is your town well-known for?

Gijduvan is renowned for its culinary delights, particularly its mouthwatering shashlik. The local cuisine reflects the town’s rich cultural heritage and artisanal traditions.

Do you like your hometown?

Absolutely, I have a profound affection for my hometown. Gijduvan may be small, but it’s steeped in culture and history. The tranquil lifestyle and the close-knit community make it a wonderful place to live.

Is that a big city or a small place?

Gijduvan is a modest-sized town, not as large as Tashkent, but it has its own unique charm. It’s a place where tradition meets simplicity, and while it may lack the bustling urban life of bigger cities, it more than makes up for it with its cultural depth and authentic atmosphere.

How long have you been living there?

I’ve been living in Gijduvan my entire life—24 years. It’s where I was born, grew up, and now work as a teacher. The town has played a pivotal role in shaping my identity, and I have countless cherished memories of growing up here.

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

For the foreseeable future, yes. I’m deeply rooted in Gijduvan, and my family, friends, and career are here. However, I’m also open to exploring opportunities in larger cities like Tashkent to further my professional growth. That said, Gijduvan will always be my emotional anchor, and I’ll likely return here to settle down eventually.

Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

While I appreciate the serenity and natural beauty of the countryside, I think I’d prefer to stay in a place like my own hometown which offers a perfect blend of tradition and community. The countryside might be too isolated for me, but I’d love to visit occasionally to recharge and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

#nodirjonsIELTS #part1 #speaking #band8


#speaking #record #sample #part1 #band8

#part1 #questions

“Qabul qil o’zingni boringni
O’zingga ber e’tiboringni.

Keyiin izla do’stu yoringni
Yig’ishtir halittan iftihoringni

Rivojlantir iqtidoringni
Imillama qo’lingdan keladi

Kuttirma uyingda o’tirgan intizoringni.”


Made by my sister. Looks good)

O’quv markazimizda boshlang’ich sinflar uchun guruh ochamizmi?
  •   Ha
  •   Shart emas

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Eshiting va hulosa qiling


The bar graph shows the various methods of waste management - burning, using as chemicals, recycling and landfilling in four different countries: Netherlands, Italy, Spain and The UK. Overall, waste management methods demonstrate significant variations across the four countries. Furthermore, landfilling was the most commonly used category, while using chemicals accounted for a smaller proportion.

The Netherlands recorded one of the lowest figures for burns, with approximately 10%. In contrast to Italy, which accounted for over 20% of waste in burning, Spain was significantly higher by 30% and the UK showed lower proportion with the gap of 3%. Used as a chemical method in Italy outnumbered the Netherlands showing 18% and 12 % respectively, while Spain’s indication was almost equal to the UK with the percentages of 17%.

Whereas Recycling is the predominant among the four management categories in the Netherlands (67%), it is considered as the third biggest one in Italy with under 20%. Spain and the UK had similar points at 12% for this method. In contrast, landfilling accounted for just 7% of waste management in the Netherlands, while it was the most widely used method in Italy and Spain (both 40%) and the UK (68%).

#task1 #nodirjonsIELTS


#task1 #IELTS


Bir necha safardan beri bir xolat takrorlanyapti. Imtihonga kirgan o’quvchilarimdan bir nechtasiga juda kam ishonch bildirardim, sababi ularni yoshi va tayorgarligi juda yaxshi ko’rinmasdi men uchun. Natijalar chiqqan paytda ular borligini ham yodimdan chiqarib qo’ygandim. Hatto ularni ota onasi yoki o’zi telefon qilib sertifikat olganini aytishganda ham sal muzlab qolganim esimda, qanday qilib….? Keyin esa ularni ota onasi bilan gaplashgan paytimda bir o’xshashlikka duch keldim. Ular bir gapni takror - takror aytishdi. Men har kuni namozimda/ duolarimda farzandimni natijasini so’rardim. Ular shunchalik umid bilan so’rashgan ediki, Alloh ilojsiz narsani ham bor qilib qo’ydi😢.

Bu holatda shaxsan o’zim bo’ldim va bir narsani tushundim. Biz o’zimizga to’liq ishongan paytimizda ham agar U xohlamasa bari bekor ekan.Yoki agar u xohlasa Muso uchun ikkiga ochilgan dengiz siz uchun ham ochilar ekan.

Agar siz ham shu insonlar qatorida bo’lsangiz, duo qilishdan to’xtamang chunki Robbimning qadari hamma uchun alohida bitilgandir, faqat vaqti va soati bilan amalga oshadi.


🎶 Sardor Rahimxon - Orqangda Alloh Turibdi

U sizning yuragingizdagi g’ilu g’ashlikni yaxshi bilguvchi zotdir. Ungagina ibodat qilamiz va faqatgina undan yordam so’raymiz.

Agar sizga kishilar tomonidan ozor yetsa va siz mahzun bo’lsangiz, bilingizki sizning ortingizda olamlar robbisi Alloh turibti. U eng yaxshi do’st va yordir.

CEFR guruhimiz uchun qabul davom etmoqda

Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun:
📱 @Global_Adminstration
📞 916484152

🚀 GLOBAL RESULTS date 28th December.

🔥Niyozov Azizbek - CEFR B2


🚀 GLOBAL RESULTS date 28th December.

🔥Muxiddinova Dilnoza- CEFR B2


🚀 GLOBAL RESULTS date 28th December.

🔥Shokirova Marjona - CEFR B2


🚀 GLOBAL RESULTS date 28th December.

🔥Komilov Doston


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