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Push me, got cut off. I only allow myself to push me.

Fuck your borders. You wanna help someone get better at something? Stop with every second advices and judgements. Give them a space to experiment. Give them a space to experience.

Репост из: Save As Bot
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Рад был помочь! Ваш, @SaveAsBot


gng are we leaving “spectrum” in 2024?

Audience is confused. You are here to lead them. So do NOT get leads from your own audience.

Happy first snow.

Never let no one discourage you from what you feel you must be doing. Never let no one decide on your worth.

Репост из: kmd.did.art
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Beautiful day is when you forget about using your phone because it barely matters

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Its too short to give a fuck about what bunch of mediocre limited mind people think about you.

No one promised you anything in life. You make it yourself. You go through shit. You stay strong and play the main. Life is unpredictable. Friend you met today might be dead by tomorrow, you might be dead by tomorrow. Thats why its beautiful. So enjoy it, while it still lasts.

Sometimes you can love someone enough to end whatever you got in-between. Some things just better happen, for everyone’s own goods.

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