Kamoliddinʼs blog | Ilm House⚡️📚

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

• Kamoliddin Siddiqov
• 17 y.o.
• Student of FERPS🔥🚀
• IELTS and SAT Tutor🔥💯
• IELTS -> Writing 6.5 , Speaking 7❤️🔥
• Business and economics⚡️
• International Business📚👨‍💻
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Owner: @Kamoliddin_Siddiqov

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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270 0 2 42 36

Fergana Presidential School ❤️

579 0 0 13 54

Qayerdanam idishlarni yuvib qoʻyaman debmana, 6 kishi nonushtada topgan jamiiyki idishlarini olib kelishdi😅

641 0 0 32 74

I'm back baby, with 91% accuracy⚡️

796 0 0 23 56

The brighter the sun shines, the darker the shadow becomes.🔥🌑

My math teacher Mr.Mendaros once said : "If you want to be a professor in university or data analyst you should be smart, but if you want to be successful person and successful businessman in life you should be leader, communicative, humble, kind and great networker. I saw these qualities in you, please keep it up" ❤️‍🔥

It doesn't matter whether you take the hard way, the easy way, whether you spend 100 days, or 1 day. What matters is your result...⚡️🏆

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Just broke my heart💔

994 0 24 20 56

Sleep will not save you if your soul is tired🫠😮‍💨

Chair yaʼni menga yozilgan tilaklar😁

973 0 0 23 42

Qachonki sen charchab soat 7 da uxlab qolganingda😅
Directni oʻzidan 14 kishi e😁

IDP has updated PRICES.

Please be informed that, effective from January 21st, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test fee - 2 420 000 UZS
Transfer - 605 000 UZS
EOR 1 510 000 UZS
OSR - 1 620 000 UZS

EOR - apelyatsiya
OSR - faqat CDI topshiruvchilari uchun, bitta section qayta topshirish.

Arguing with a fool proves there are two...😶


Invest in Yourself ! Continuously learn and improve. Whether it's through books, courses, or mentors, self-improvement is a priceless investment.

NUU requirement for SAT maths section✅

Demak, SAT oʻqimoqchi boʻlganlar koʻpchilik ekan. Hoʻp SAT guruh ochamiz, intensiv , tezlashtirilgan, kuchli guruh boʻladi. Lekin faqatgina oʻqiyman deganlarnigina oʻzim bir necha savollar bergan holda saralab qabul qilib olaman. Demak bomba kursga tayyormisiz lar? 🔥❤️

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Iʼm good at passing also...😅🔥
The beauty of pass...❤️

Eng qizig'i qaysi guruhni ochishimdan qat'iy nazar tezlashtirilgan, qattiq tartibda darslar bo'lib o'tadi. Men qanday tayyorlansam shunday tayyorlanasiz, sababi o'zim ham ikkalasini yana topshirib yanada balandroq ball olmoqchiman, shunday ekan baland ball olish uchun men nima qilsam siz ham shunday qilasiz. So, ochilayotgan guruhlar kuchli guruhlar bo'ladi...🔥✅

Guys, mandan ko'pchilik so'rab yozyapti, ba'zilar SAT oching desa, ba'zilar IELTS oching deyishyapti.Tig'iz vaqtim tufayli faqatgina bitta guruh ocholaman holos. Shuning uchun bir narsani sizdan so'ramoqchiman, IELTS guruh ochaymi yoki SAT guruh ochaymi? ✅
Ikkala kursimdagi natijalarni ham yaxshi bilasizlar...😉

IELTS -> ❤️
SAT -> 🔥

Показано 20 последних публикаций.