Saydulloh | IELTS 7.5

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Only the way forward.
🎧Listening - 8.5( 37)
📌Reading - 8.5 ( 38)
👨‍🏫More than 1 year of teaching experience
🏢Workplace : Smart English LC
🔐Able to teach English Grammar in a month and level up to pre-intermediate
P.P👉 @Saydulloh_2006

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Soon, there will be a time when my " soon" s come true.


Every time, you feel like you cannot go on, you feel so lost and that you are so alone,
But don't despair, and don't lose hope, cause Allah is always by your side.

What song do you think this part is taken from?

Whatever, it is heart touching song 🎵.

Репост из: Muallim Said
How to speak like a Pro?

- So'zlarni yoqlashda qiynalasiz va eng alamlisi ularni ishlata olmaysiz
- Yodlagan Vocabulary 1 hafta o'tmay esingizdan chiqib ketadi
- Part 2/3 da idea kelmaydi

IELTS Speaking ko'nikmangizni qanday qilib 0.5-1.5 darajada oshirish mumkinligini bilmoqchimisiz?

Ertaga soat 6:40da bo'lib o'tadigan darsimga qo'shiling. Sizga nafaqat quruq maslahat balki konkret action plan va materiallarniham beraman.

Darsga qo'shilish uchun 👇

When you see kids fasting😂😂😂

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Kuladigan qo'zi ko'rganmisiz? 😁

Репост из: Muhammad Ali | Rasmiy Blog
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Kun davomida yaxshi kayfiyat hamrohingiz bo’lsin.☺️

Qo’zichoqlarning shirinligini qo’y boqqanlar biladi.🤗



Soon, there will be a time when I say " Good bye " to everything and go wherever I want...

By the way, agar sherik bo'lmoqchi bo'lsangiz, kech qoldizda, allaqachon joy band qilingan😂


170 0 0 14 21


179 0 0 13 17

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Enjoy your day...

Happy Ramadan ✨🌙
Happy Spring 🌸

📌Happy Friday ✨
⏳Happy the day of Taroveh 💫
⏳Happy the upcoming night of the first day of Ramadan ✨

May Allah make us of those who are the most righteous,
May Allah forgive us and grant us Jannah,
May Allah accept our blessings and duas,

Don't forget to send salutations to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Allohumma solli a'la sayyidina Muhammad.

Soon, there will be a time when I talk for an hour, you'll listen: you'll talk for an hour, I'll listen...


Axir biz ham odammiz,
Bo'lmasada molimiz,
Bordur aziz jonimiz,
Axir biz ham odammiz.

Mayli qilmang yodimiz,
Yetkazmang murodimiz,
Hech qilmasmiz dodimiz,
Axir biz ham odammiz.

P.S.Shu vaqtda sovuqda moshina kutib ilhomjon kelib qoldida endi... ( lekin haqiqat...)


Soon, there will be a time when your children say: Dady, money money,


Soon, there will be a time when I wake up thinking like I am much freer than the past...


Soon, there will be a time when I become free of all responsibilities that I have now...


Показано 20 последних публикаций.