📣TTPU talabalari va bitiruvchisi "Bo‘lajak olim" tanlov g‘olibiga aylandi
Joriy yilning 21-fevral kuni Innovatsion rivojlanish agentligi hamda Yoshlar akademiyasi tomonidan yoshlarning ilmiy g'oyalari va startap loyihalarini qo‘llab-quvvatlash maqsadida tashkil etilgan "Bo‘lajak olim" tanlovining g‘oliblarini taqdirlash marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
🔹Tanlovga jami 540 ta ilmiy g‘oya taqdim etilib, tanlov komissiyasining yakuniy xulosalariga ko‘ra, 23 nafar ishtirokchi g‘olib deb topildi.
🔻Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti "Software Engineering" yo‘nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi Rustamov Dilmurod ("360 gradusda strim qiluvchi '360 Livestream Robot'" loyihasi);
🔻"Information Technologies" yo‘nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi Abduraimov Nodirjon ("Elektron navbat" loyihasi);
🔻"Software Engineering" yo‘nalishi Abdullayev Ne‘matulla ("Qalqon" loyihasi);
🔻"Information Technologies" yo‘nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi Muxammadaliyev Abdusolih ("IDPay" loyihasi);
🔻TTPU bitiruvchisi Doniyorov Ahror ("AutoPrint" loyihasi) ishtirok etib, tanlov g‘oliblariga aylandilar.
Taqdirlash marosimida g‘olib ishtirokchilar grant mablag‘lari hamda sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlandilar.
📣 TTPU students and graduate became winners of the "Future Scientist" competition
On February 21, the Agency for Innovative Development and the Youth Academy held an award ceremony for the winners of the "Future Scientist" competition, organized to support young people's scientific ideas and startup projects.
🔹 A total of 540 scientific ideas were submitted to the competition, and based on the final decisions of the selection committee, 23 participants were declared winners. Among them:
🔻 Rustamov Dilmurod, a 3rd-year "Software Engineering" student at TTPU, with the project "360 Livestream Robot", a 360-degree streaming system;
🔻 Abduraimov Nodirjon, a 3rd-year "Information Technologies" student, with the project "Elektron navbat";
🔻 Abdullayev Nematulla, a "Software Engineering" student, with the project "Qalqon";
🔻 Muxammadaliyev Abdusolih, a 3rd-year "Information Technologies" student, with the project "IDPay";
🔻 Doniyorov Ahror, a TTPU graduate, with the project "AutoPrint".
At the award ceremony, the winners were presented with grant funds and certificates.
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Joriy yilning 21-fevral kuni Innovatsion rivojlanish agentligi hamda Yoshlar akademiyasi tomonidan yoshlarning ilmiy g'oyalari va startap loyihalarini qo‘llab-quvvatlash maqsadida tashkil etilgan "Bo‘lajak olim" tanlovining g‘oliblarini taqdirlash marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
🔹Tanlovga jami 540 ta ilmiy g‘oya taqdim etilib, tanlov komissiyasining yakuniy xulosalariga ko‘ra, 23 nafar ishtirokchi g‘olib deb topildi.
🔻Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti "Software Engineering" yo‘nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi Rustamov Dilmurod ("360 gradusda strim qiluvchi '360 Livestream Robot'" loyihasi);
🔻"Information Technologies" yo‘nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi Abduraimov Nodirjon ("Elektron navbat" loyihasi);
🔻"Software Engineering" yo‘nalishi Abdullayev Ne‘matulla ("Qalqon" loyihasi);
🔻"Information Technologies" yo‘nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi Muxammadaliyev Abdusolih ("IDPay" loyihasi);
🔻TTPU bitiruvchisi Doniyorov Ahror ("AutoPrint" loyihasi) ishtirok etib, tanlov g‘oliblariga aylandilar.
Taqdirlash marosimida g‘olib ishtirokchilar grant mablag‘lari hamda sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlandilar.
📣 TTPU students and graduate became winners of the "Future Scientist" competition
On February 21, the Agency for Innovative Development and the Youth Academy held an award ceremony for the winners of the "Future Scientist" competition, organized to support young people's scientific ideas and startup projects.
🔹 A total of 540 scientific ideas were submitted to the competition, and based on the final decisions of the selection committee, 23 participants were declared winners. Among them:
🔻 Rustamov Dilmurod, a 3rd-year "Software Engineering" student at TTPU, with the project "360 Livestream Robot", a 360-degree streaming system;
🔻 Abduraimov Nodirjon, a 3rd-year "Information Technologies" student, with the project "Elektron navbat";
🔻 Abdullayev Nematulla, a "Software Engineering" student, with the project "Qalqon";
🔻 Muxammadaliyev Abdusolih, a 3rd-year "Information Technologies" student, with the project "IDPay";
🔻 Doniyorov Ahror, a TTPU graduate, with the project "AutoPrint".
At the award ceremony, the winners were presented with grant funds and certificates.
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