If the courtier happens to engage in arms in some public spectacle such as jousting ... he will ensure that the horse he has is beautifully caparisoned , that he himself is suitably attired , with appropriate mottoes and ingenious devices to attract the eyes of the onlookers in his direction as surely as the ladestone attracts iron. (Baldassare Castiglione, 1478-1529)
Explanation: At the beginning of your rise to the top, then, spend all your energy on attracting attention. The quality of your attraction is irrelevant. No matter how badly your acts are, or how slanderously personal were the attacks on your message, never complain. Attract people with your appearance or manner, but never show your true color(Law 3). Courtier spent all his energy on attracting people, with his beautifully dressed horse, strong mottoes and skilfully made devices which undoubtedly drawn people's attention.
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