Ozodbek Botiraliev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

“Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond that it can bear.”
This channel is run by @ozodbek_sk.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

1.000 T-REX vs 80,000 CHICKENS:

6.2 million people: Interesting

The comeback will be stronger than the setback.


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Misty Mountains

Alhamdulillah for Sundays like this.


4.7k 0 9 35 307

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

5.2k 0 11 21 142

Репост из: Ulug'bek Umidjonov
Dear subscibers and students, I am off to a one-day vacation. So please, don’t text me. If you do, you are immrdiately getting banned. #sorry

Hope you understand!


1) Idea Development
2) Discussion essays
3) Problem / Solution essays

Compiled by @ozodbek_sk (Writing 8.0)

Все мимолетно: и тот, кто помнит, и то, о чем помнят.

5.5k 0 14 18 91

Be a man and share this collection on your channel.

6.6k 0 3 24 139

Trump saved America from having a female president twice.

7k 0 4 20 280

Репост из: Mood Swings
“Don't wake up in the same terrible place ten years from now, just because you're terrified of what needs to be done today.”


We need a capture for this screenshot.

Any ideas?


1) Idea Development

Compiled by @ozodbek_sk (Writing 8.0)

6. They are them.

Репост из: Ozodbek's IELTS
Big Redfalgs in Students:

1) They always come late.
2) They attend the lessons on and off.
3) They don't take notes during lessons.
4) They ask for permission to leave early.
5) They want to get 7.0+ in two months.


4.9k 0 12 10 123

Репост из: Ozodbek's IELTS
Yesterday, we were learning inversions with my morning advanced group, and one student made this example:

“Seldom do teachers reward their students.”

So, to prove her wrong, I decided to gift my best student in November a free IELTS seat. Maybe I will do that every month.


4.7k 0 3 12 113

If Allah blesses me with a daughter, I am going to name her "Hafsa", insha Allah.

6.3k 0 18 70 343

Репост из: Ahmad Qodiriy || Blog
📊 Writing Task 1 siz uchun qiyinmi? Table, Map va Process tushsa dovdirab qolasizmi? 20 minutda hech tugata olmaysizmi?

Unda yaqinda bo'lib o'tadigan kurs oldidan 'Demo lesson' qatnashing.

Noyabr 7-kuni maxsus dars o'tamiz. (ERTAGA)

📊Eng ishonchli sourcelar
📊Har kuni nima qilish kerak 7+ olish uchun
📊Qanday qilib 20 minutda practice qilish usullari aytaman.

Sizdan issiq choy ichib, darsda faol bo'lish bo'lsa bo'ldi. Dars oxirida yaqinda ochiladigan Task 1 kursimga qabul ochaman.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.