𝑱𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒉𝒊𝒓 ✨️

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Creator • Filmmaking • Lifestyle
📍 | Located in Uzbekistan
📩 | contact @javohirok

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Stuck between "Giving up" and "Thinking how much more I can take"'

Stuck between “i'm so proud of myself” and “i'm not doing enough”

Stuck between "I should understand them" and "What about my feelings"

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2024... you were a difficult yeart.

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Remember what you deserve.

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this will find you when you need it most

life is a soup and i'm a fork

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How true it was when Alan Watts said:

The future is a concept, it
doesn't exist. There is no
such thing as tomorrow.
There never will be, because time is always
now. That's one of the
things we discover when
we stop talking to
ourselves and stop
thinking. We find there is
only present, only an
eternal now.


getting no message,
is also a message.

SPEED > everything else

Have an idea that might double your business income?




Everyone else is "thinking on it" trying to play God.

Want to figure out if it works faster than everyone else does?



What's the worst that happens??

You spend some energy? You do a bit of work??


Stop thinking about whether you should go to the gym or not.

Stop thinking about whether you should open that business.

The fastest way to figure out the universe is through trial and error.




You will never regret working your very hardest to achieve something.

No one ever regrets PURPOSE.

You could work your VERY HARDEST to become the world's best violinist and change your goal a mere two years later.

You could never play the violin for the rest of your entire human existence and I can GUARANTEE that you won't regret a single moment of it.

No one regrets INTENT.

You'll regret all the time you "accidentally" spent mindlessly scrolling.

All the times you woke up, opened your phone, 20 minutes passed and you didn't know what you'd watched, seen or read.

You'll regret every second of doing what SOMEONE ELSE wants you to do.

All the times you listened to others who told you to do something because it's "what you're supposed to do".

And everyone knows this.
But they all still waste their entire lives away,

Never do anything GREAT.

I won my first world title belt at 22.

I was 4x world champion at 28.

I made my first million at 29.

Made my first 10 million at 31.

My first 100 million at 34.

I have positively impacted the entire globe, most famous man alive, the Top G and I donate millions of dollars to charity every single year.

I have not wasted my time.

So I ask you.


Everything is based on energy.

Everything you see now, every war, every invention, even the moon and the stars.

Everything has been created or destroyed by energy.

The difference between a successful and a failed business?


Leadership and visionaries simply redirect the energies of men.

Steve Jobs didn't actually CREATE the iPhone.

Some miner put his energy into extracting the raw materials from the earth.

Some engineer put his energy into building the parts.

Some design team put their energy into working to fit all the pieces into place.

Steve Jobs had the energy to send the design back to the designers.

He had the energy to yell and command it be this or that way.

If he had a LAZY design team, Apple wouldn't have worked.

If he had a LAZY engineer,

Apple wouldn't have worked.

There is no room for lack of energy in a successful company.

To do anything great, tremendous amounts of energy must be spent.

Calories must be burned.

Sacrifices must be made.

Every single day over 1,000 man-hours of some of the brightest men on the planet are SPENT to make THE REAL WORLD students successful.

When you see the success stories I want you to understand it is ENERGY that made them real.

A child is raised through the combined energies of his mother, father, teachers and society.

A lie is propagated to the masses through the coordinated energies of the media machines.

ENERGY is the only thing that is real.

It is the ultimate decider of what is valuable, what propagates and what survives.

When you see less energy devoted towards a project, goal, task or idea, be sure that it is DYING.

Only constant unrelenting energy can keep something alive.

Only energy can make it grow.

This is why The Matrix tries so hard to make you weak,

This is why it works so hard to sap you of your energy.

Because if you have no energy, you are truly useless in this world.

Unable to resist.

Репост из: Nabijonov Javohir | Blog
Dead poets society walpapers📖📝


real eyes, realize, real lies

You don't live on the earth, you are passing.



I am not alone. l'm with myself.
Two different things.

- You have the potential and a great chance with time and health.

P.S. Be passionate and creative, most emphasize on passion.

Kanalimdagi bir qadrdon podpishshikni iltimosiga binoan oʻzim shu vaqtgacha oʻqigan eng yaxshi 30 ta kitob roʻyxati. Toʻgʻri, hali ancha durdonalar yoʻq bu listda, lekin ancha durdonalar ham yoʻq emas. Bularni hammasi men oʻta yuqori darajada qadrlaydigan, qayta-qayta oʻqiydigan kitoblarim. Oʻqib chiqqan kitoblarim orasidan terib olish biroz qiyin boʻldi. Lekin bu roʻyxatdagi istalgan kitobni ikkilanishsiz sotib olish va bemalol oʻqib chiqish mumkin. Barchasi sof badiiy asarlar, ilmiy asarlar yoʻq. Qaysi tilda oʻqigan boʻlsam, oʻsha tilda nomi berildi. Xullas, mana:

1. Haruki Murakami. Kafka on the shore
2. Haruki Murakami. Norwegian wood
3. Remark. Uch ogʻayni
4. Dostoyevskiy. Telba
5. Markes. Yolgʻizlikning yuz yili
6. Dyuma. Graf Monte-Kristo
7. Haruki Murakami. Shamol qoʻshigʻini tingla
8. Stendal. Qizil va qora
9. Charlz Bukovski. Factotum
10. Dostoyevskiy. Jinoyat va jazo
11. Lev Tolstoy. Tirilish
12. Hermann Hesse. Choʻl boʻrisi
13. Jerom Selinjer. Javdarzordagi xaloskor.
14. Xulio Kortasar. Oʻyinning tugashi(hikoyalar toʻplami)
15. Haruki Murakami. Men without women(hikoyalar toʻplami)
16. Kobo Abe. Xuddi odamdek
17. Mixail Bulgakov. Usta va Margarita
18. Servantes. Don Kixot
19. Haruki Murakami. Pinbol-1973
20. Teodor Drayzer. Amerika fojeasi
21. Gogol. Oʻlik jonlar
22. Pushkin. Yevgeniy Onegin
23. Mopassan. Hayot
24. Haruki Murakami. A wild sheep chase
25. Lao She. Mushuklar shahri xotiralari
26. Agata Kristi. Lord Ejuardning oʻlimi
27. Dostoyevskiy. Qimorboz
28. Haruki Murakami. К югу от границы, на запад от солнца
29. Gyote. Faust
30. Remark. Qora haykal.

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