🛒Useful vocabulary
People and personality
1. Sociable - kirishuvchan.
He is a sociable man.
2. Hooked - mukkasidan ketgan.
My brother is hooked on football.
3. Ingenious - aqlli,dono.
He is the most ingenious songwriter I've ever known.
4. Hopeless - umidsiz.
It's hopeless trying to convince him.
5. Amiable - do'stona,yoqimli.
She is not only beautiful but also amiable to everybody.
6. Suspicious - shubha bilan qaraydigan.
He was suspicios when he saw us in the garden
7. Considerate - mehribon,tushunadigan.
Although Peter is young, he is very considerate.
8. Bossy - buyruqboz.
We liked him a lot, even if he was bossy.
9. Awkward - qiyin,kirishmaydigan.
I felt a little awkward.
10. Proficient - malakali,mohir.
My brother is very proficient at computer programming.
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People and personality
1. Sociable - kirishuvchan.
He is a sociable man.
2. Hooked - mukkasidan ketgan.
My brother is hooked on football.
3. Ingenious - aqlli,dono.
He is the most ingenious songwriter I've ever known.
4. Hopeless - umidsiz.
It's hopeless trying to convince him.
5. Amiable - do'stona,yoqimli.
She is not only beautiful but also amiable to everybody.
6. Suspicious - shubha bilan qaraydigan.
He was suspicios when he saw us in the garden
7. Considerate - mehribon,tushunadigan.
Although Peter is young, he is very considerate.
8. Bossy - buyruqboz.
We liked him a lot, even if he was bossy.
9. Awkward - qiyin,kirishmaydigan.
I felt a little awkward.
10. Proficient - malakali,mohir.
My brother is very proficient at computer programming.
🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal