Mukhsina | IELTS 7.5

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Human version of the sun🔆
-Young & dedicated teacher
-Lifelong learner
-Bachelor’s UzSWLU ✔️
-more than 500 students..(online)
Owner: @d_mukhsina

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Guys, there are 4 seats left for evening group

Time: 20:30 three times a week
Start: 1 st of February

If you are interested: @pro_adminm

Репост из: Habib’s Blog

Good morning 🔆

Academic Writing bo'yicha juda kerakli qo’llanma ✍️

💡Bu kitobni har doim yoningizda saqlang (sizga hali ko’p kerak bo'ladi)

1k 0 41 6 15

🔔 Ingliz tilida "sense of..." degan narsa bor, bu feelinglaringizni yoki umumiy feelinglarni ko'rsatish uchun juda zo'r yo'l

Ayniqsa part 3 da general gapirayotganingizda qo'l kelishidan umidvorman 🙋

Use it wisely) :
◀️Sense of Purpose
Definition: A clear and motivating reason for doing something; a feeling that your life or actions are meaningful.
Example: Volunteering at the shelter gave her a sense of purpose she hadn't felt in years.

◀️Sense of Belonging
Definition: A feeling of being accepted and valued in a group or place.
Example: Joining the club provided him with a sense of belonging he never experienced in school.

◀️Sense of Responsibility
Definition: The feeling of being accountable or obliged to take care of something or someone.
Example: Becoming an older sibling gave her a strong sense of responsibility toward her family.

◀️Sense of Achievement
Definition: A feeling of pride and fulfillment after accomplishing something significant.
Example: He felt an overwhelming sense of achievement after completing his first marathon.

◀️Sense of Wonder
Definition: A feeling of amazement and admiration, often about something beautiful or extraordinary.
Example: Traveling to the mountains always filled her with a sense of wonder at nature's beauty.

◀️Sense of Justice
Definition: A strong belief in fairness and doing what is morally right.
Example: His sense of justice drove him to speak out against corruption in the workplace.

◀️Sense of Humor
Definition: The ability to find or express things in a funny or amusing way.
Example: Her sense of humor lightened the mood even in difficult situations.

◀️Sense of Direction
Definition: The ability to navigate or find one's way in a place, or metaphorically, in life.
Example: Despite being in a new city, her strong sense of direction helped her find her way around quickly.

◀️Sense of Freedom
Definition: A feeling of being free from restrictions or control.
Example: Moving to a new country gave him an incredible sense of freedom and independence.

◀️Sense of Security
Definition: The feeling of being safe and protected, both physically and emotionally.
Example: The close-knit community gave her a sense of security she hadn’t felt in years.

Source: Ameenah_murad ✈️

965 0 10 3 25

Vosid got an overall score of 7.0 in his first attempt, which helps him get into a university of his choice for master’s 🚀🔥

Congratulations, mr Vosid!


Репост из: Siroj's notes | 8.0

"Famous" means someone or something is well-known to many people, usually because of a specific achievement, event, or characteristic. For example, Albert Einstein is famous for his contributions to science.

"Popular," on the other hand, means being liked or enjoyed by many people. It's more about being admired or preferred. For instance, pizza is popular because lots of people enjoy eating it.

So, a person can be famous but not popular (e.g., someone known for doing something bad), and someone can be popular but not famous (e.g., a local teacher loved by their students).

Mavile, one of the most hardworking students, August - September oylarida, asosan speaking va writing uchun mo’ljallangan kursda o’qigandilar.

Speaking - 6.0 🗣️
Writing - 5.5 ✍️

Overall: 6.0 🔥

Congratulations, Mavile 🌸

“Nega biz 10 kunda o’rganadigan narsani 10 yilda o’rganamiz?”

Biz har doim ishimizni oxirgi nuqtada bajarishga urinamiz.

Ya’ni imtihonga tayorlanish uchun bizda 6 oy bo’ladi, lekin oxirgi 1 haftada tayorlanamiz. Uyga vazifani bajarish uchun 1 haftamiz bo’ladi, lekin oxirgi 30 daqiqada bajaramiz. Diplom ishini yozishga 1 yilimiz bo’ladi, lekin oxirgi 1 oyda yozamiz.

Ha, miyamiz biladi bu ishni bajarish uchun bizga 10 oy emas, 10 kunning o’zi yetarli ekanini 🫠

Lekin siz o’sha 10 kunni juda katta pressure bilan bosib o’tasiz. Shuning uchun “procrastination” ni chetga surib hamma ishlaringizni o’zingiz reja qilgan vaqtda qilishga odatlaning. Oxirgi nuqtada katta nagruzka bilan ishlagandan ko’ra kunlar davomida mayda taskchalarga bo’lib qo’ygan ancha yaxshiroq.


😶‍🌫️Find the missing word: «I MUST hand in the project today … no wait, my bad, I ______ do it tomorrow»
  •   will have to
  •   should have
  •   will must
  •   will have must
121 голосов

🍷Choose the right word: «One of my aunts lives in Germany, ____ one in France»
  •   the other
  •   another
  •   an other
  •   other
125 голосов

🧐What word is missing? Alice: "When will the film start?" «Alice wanted to know when the film _____»
  •   will start
  •   started
  •   would start
130 голосов

✅ Choose the right sentence:
  •   He doesn’t know where is the restroom
  •   He doesn’t know if the restrooms is
  •   He doesn’t know where the restroom is
137 голосов

Assalamu alaykum hammaga hozir siz bilan quiz test yechamiz ✅

🩵Keep something at bay- biror narsadan nari yurish

🌷Meaning: Keep something away
🌷Example: A good way to keep your anxiety at bay is through meditation

🪷 Mukhsina | IELTS 7.5

Shu blog 2025 yilda rivojlanib ketsin deganlar bitta like😂🙏🏻❤️

with love ms Mukhsina 🎅

Money idioms 💸

1️⃣ Nest egg 🥚
Explanation: Money saved up for something important in the future, like retirement.

Example: “Sara’s been putting money aside for years—she has a nice nest egg for when she retires.”

2️⃣ Cash cow 🐄
Explanation: Something that makes a lot of money easily and regularly.

Example: “Their new app is a cash cow; it brings in lots of money every month.”

3️⃣ Money talks 🤑
Explanation: Money gives people power and influence.

Example: “He got a spot at the sold-out concert because, well, money talks!”

4️⃣ On the money 💵
Explanation: Completely correct or accurate.

Example: “Her guess about the price was on the money—she got it exactly right.”

5️⃣ Penny pincher 🪙
Explanation: Someone who is very careful not to spend too much money.

Example: “Jake is a penny pincher; he never spends more than he has to.”

🪷 Mukhsina | IELTS 7.5

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