Money idioms 💸
Nest egg 🥚Explanation: Money saved up for something important in the future, like retirement.
Example: “Sara’s been putting money aside for years—she has a nice nest egg for when she retires.”
Cash cow 🐄Explanation: Something that makes a lot of money easily and regularly.
Example: “Their new app is a cash cow; it brings in lots of money every month.”
Money talks 🤑Explanation: Money gives people power and influence.
Example: “He got a spot at the sold-out concert because, well, money talks!”
On the money 💵Explanation: Completely correct or accurate.
Example: “Her guess about the price was on the money—she got it exactly right.”
Penny pincher 🪙Explanation: Someone who is very careful not to spend too much money.
Example: “Jake is a penny pincher; he never spends more than he has to.”
Mukhsina | IELTS 7.5