Salimbek Mamasodiqov

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

A new way of becoming your true self.
"Writer, thinker, doer. Welcome to my corner of the web."
Bog'lanish uchun: @Salimbek_prog

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Gapim to'g'ri chiqdi.



Репост из: Sirojiddin's blog
Realchilarni so’kinib asab bo’lishini ko’rishdanda zavqliroq nima bor mandek ichi qora barsachi uchun?

Roskalnikov xonasida onasidan kelgan "mo'jazgina" maktubni o'qimoqda. San Peterburg, 1865-yil.
- Fyodor Dostoyevski, "Jinoyat va jazo".

To'g'risi bu yerda bir narsa yozishgayam qo'rqib qoldim. Poetry, love, purity mavzularidan gapirsam sevganga, o'zim haqimda biror narsa yozsam psixga, sal tushgun kayfiyatda post bo'lib qolsa depressiyadagi odamga chiqarib qo'yyapsizlar. Hamma narsani noto'g'ri yo'yurmang-e. 😁

P.s. bu postlarda unstabillik mani MBTI tipimdan, serious olmang. 😅😅

For those who think I'm stressed, or in depression. Please understand, there is no such thing happening. What I meant here is my spiritual well-being and connectedness to our Lord.

Waiting Ramadan. Missing Ramadan, missing all the things that give beauty to this world.

I'm a dead soul in a living body. 💔

#real Fact.
Kitoblar, ingliz tili, adabiyot, shaxsiy rivojlanish, umuman ko'proq matn yoziladigan kanallarda, eng asosiysi, bollar tomonidan yuritiladigan kanallarda qizlar ko'p bo'larkan.

P.s. hazilmas, naq 5 ta mashhur kanal isboti.

Telegram uchun 50 gb olding, lekin seni telegraming yaxshi ishlamayapti, bu mb ni nimaga ishlatishni bilmayapsan...

P.s. hozir man.

If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.

©️ Friedrich Nietzsche’s book Beyond Good and Evil.

P.s. I'm not reading it)

Dostoyevskiyning har bir gapi inson yuragini ichiga tortqizib yuborarkan...

#reading i said earlier to give the summary of "Animal farm". I thought it would take a long page but ultimately i didn't want to give you the full idea of this book. a must read one . here is the summary: this book has a very good style of writing and describing the events in a great manner. When you’re reading this book you wonder what’s really going on in it and why Orwell describing a “farm” like this. the real story as you know is the Sovet Union and its operating system over 15 countries prescribes as the farm in the story. The most hated characters for me in the book was Napoleon, Squealler and other pigs.
Also, when it comes to rebellion animals were too happy because the pigs persuaded them to fight for themselves and make their idea like even if we work hared we’re not working for humans , but for ourselves. the sequence of events lead to a total confusion of the destruction of “animalism commandment”. and my point is to understand the rule og human nature and politics we should definitely read this book.
the clear understanding of this “fake” world.

🚨 Dani Olmo va Pau Viktorga vaqtinchalikka ro'yxatdan o'tish huquqi berildi, chunki Ispaniyaning oliy sport sudi "Barselona" va La Liga ishini tahlil qilishda davom etmoqda.‌‌

🛜 @Inlineuz .

P.s. Man barsachi bo'lsam ham Perezga rahmat aytaman u aralashmaganda bular ro'yxatdan o'ta olmasdi.

Hech qachon birovning ustidan kulma, u dunyodagi javobi mayli, bu dunyoda huddi o'sha holatga o'zing tushmasdan o'lmaysan.

P.s. O'zimga)

Dunyoning naqadar mal'unligini bilganingda yashaging ham kelmay qolarkan

Don't try to be accepted by some "people". The right ones will stay anyway.

- ohirida sen sevganlar emas, seni sevganlar yoningda qoladi.

Agar birortasi "yaqin orada" menga kitob sovg'a qilmoqchiligini bilib qolsam.

P.s. but it won't happen, cause there's no one 😅.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.