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Cʼmon guys, there is not the end yet.

I am on this "then", I am still here, in EDUCATED. "Then" is going on, changing, improving, learning... day by day.


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Then first step was to visit to Karshi totally independently.

American Hub was just opened then. I met with people who once were just my dreams. Uktamovam and Miss Surayyo.

And got accepted to one Summer Camp in August. At the same time I bought a package holiday with my friends to UAE. Of course I chose, UAE. One week wholly changed me. And after coming back to Uzbekistan never felt the same again.

Then worked some time online and realized that it has no sense. We should study more. To be a good parent and inspirational strong teacher I should have done more.

I donʼt know maybe EDUCATED found me or I found EDUCATED, but I was sure there is something I should try again.



Everything changed so different..

I was a girl who only cared about IELTS and collecting some money. Ah, too harsh isnʼt it? Then in the hot summer day, June I think I joined Invaluable Community where I started to chase my dreams. I donʼt know how but I stepped further and further to see the outside world...

What next then?..


It has been almost 3 years now since I started running this channel.

And I actually can't remember where its name came from. The only thing I know is thanks to my channel, I am growing up year by year. Mentally and emotionally.

Before even, it was a problem for me to choose the best photo for this channel, I had chosen different Pinterest inspirational photos. And finally and suddenly I found this one. But this little girl in the picture has a lot of meaning. As you see, a little girl with a bag and traditional "doʻppi" is looking at far, where she dreams about her future.

Ah, these dreams are not just dreams. I mean it. My dreams are the goals that lead me.

With love — Little Blog!


Let me tell you about Little Blog a bit...

Look up to see the sky that belongs to you and show off the happiness that others donʼt have.

- Kung-Fu Panda


«Rosululloh s.a.v ning tilidan 30 qissa - 2013»


- oʻzlaringga qaranglar, erta turinglar. Endi shaytonga toʻnkasanglar shayton ham yoʻq. Kishanlangan, oʻzlaringga diqqatli boʻlinglar.

(arab tili ustozi, sahardan dars oʻtishga undayaptila)

When I want to enjoy the work I am doing everything turns out something cute. Even a panda. )



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Thatʼs the way we are all going to follow.

Alloh nasib qilmaydigan narsalarni hayol qildirmas!

(Usmon roziyallohu anhu)


It is now useless way to make the class silent!

When my students make to much noise, it is better for them to make a situation clear first. If it doesn't work the best way is to play game with them. Not only they pay strong attention to their speech but also they start to change their way of speaking in one language. it absolutely helps them to control their mind in mess.

As you see, even the most noisy student of me tried to speak in English, which means they are making an effort to explain their words in a totally different language.

And also I encourage them to speak Russian during the lesson. The more they use different languages, the faster they will learn. Even it is better for them to view the lesson as a game where they often try to win at the end with the highest scores.

So it has something in these voice mails, in this "mmm, mmm"s.

Do you understand now why I send them? – ❤️‍🔥


«Rosululloh s.a.v ning tilidan 30 qissa - 2013»


toʻydimoov 😶‍🌫️

men bezadim 😎
yordamchilar ham bor)

Репост из: Marvel IELTS / CEFR with Murod Tukhtaev
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Bolalarga darsim bor edi. 10tadan ziyod bola bor bugungi guruhimda, va qarabsizki atigi 3kishi kelgan. Buncha bular dars qoldirdi yana koʻpchilik deb telefon qilib chiqsam deyarli aksariyati uxlab qolgan ekan. Onalari "bolam ertalab sahar turgandi uxlab qolibdi, ustozi, ertaga borsa boʻladimi?" deydilardaa.

Kelgan oʻquvchilarim ham 2-3-4-sinf bolachalar, 8,9,10,11 yosh atrofi, hammasi roʻza ekan. Bittasi soat 7da ogʻiz yopgan ekan. Ishqilib abetda suv-puv ichvorishmasin. Biri "Ramazon aytib keldik eshigingizga..." deb boshlagandi, aytib boʻlganidan keyin shokolad bersam, "ustoz, men roʻzaman", dedi-yu.

Hay mayli, qiziquvchan bular, yaxshi narsalarga qiziqsa odam uzoqdan tomosha qilib ham xursand boʻladida..)

Va men ularga ertaga dars oʻtib beraman, bugun saharlikdan keyin uxlab qolishganku ☺️.



sekin sekin☺️.

Fayzli oyda hammamizning qalbimizdan nur, uyimizdan baraka arimasin. Qalblar taskin topsin, dardlar shifo.

Sevganlarimizni Allohim asrasin, yoʻllarini yorugʻ qilsin.

Xayrli tong, azizlar



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