
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Цитаты

Personal blog of:
💠Muslim,daughter, sister, wife, mother.
💠ASIFL Bachelor.
💠IELTS 8.0 holder.
A simple channel with quotes, my short stories, and some more✨️
Agar bir kun postlarimni kitob qilsam,undagi bir sahifam bo'lasizmi?
✔️@life_memoir_bot 🔔

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

If ignorance is bliss, some people must be the happiest on Earth.


"Respect people who wear glasses because they have paid to be able to see you."


The only thing more inflated than the economy is some people's egos.



Ular bizni esladilar, kelmadilar.
Ular bizni ko'rdilar, kelmadilar.
Biz ularni chaqirdik, kelmadilar.
Biz sodiqlarcha kutdik, kelmadilar.
Ularga muhtoj bo'ldik, kelmadilar.
Bas, ulardan kechdik, eslamasmiz hech.

Mana turibdilar, qoshimizga keldilar.
Lekin endi ko'zlarimiz ularni ko'rurmi?!


I don’t avoid responsibilities; I just strategically reschedule them for ‘future me’ to handle.


The problem with stupid people is they don’t know they’re stupid. That’s what makes them so dangerous.


Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth…


My multitasking ability is amazing. I can mess up multiple things at once ;)



Qush uyasi.

Choy ichgan stoli ustida turgan narsalarni ikki yonga surib, peshonasi tirishib o'tirgan Mohinur bo'ynini ishqadi - tolib ketibdi. Soatga qarasa rosa 2 soatdan beri qimirlamay o'tiribdi ekan, telefon degan narsani qo'li yo'g'u, qo'yib yubormaydi, tovba. Essiz shuncha vaqt, nimalarga ulgurardi, ha mayli.

O'rnidan turgandi, boshi aylanib ketib, qaytib o'tirdi - birdan turgani uchun shunday bo'ldi. Bir lahza peshonasini ushlab o'tirdida, tag'in turdi, endi hammasi yaxshi edi. Boya o'g'li maktabdan kelgandi, negadir ovqatlanishga chiqmadi, borib xabar olishga qaror qildi. Yo'lda yotgan kiyimlarni oyog'i bilan bir chetga surib, yo'lak oxiridan bitta oldingi eshikni ochdi, ochdiyu ko'zlari kosasidan chiqquday anqayib qoldi - o'g'li maktab sumkasini ko'ksiga bosgancha, telefoni bilan andarmon edi. Hali maktab formasini ham yechmagan bolasiga qarata aytar so'zi shu bo'ldi:
- " Boshqa ishing yo'qmi seni?

Tamom🙃 tushundingiz deb umid qilaman)

Xotirasi kuchli odamga xavas qilmang.. u kerakli narsalar bilan birga, alamli, og'riqli xotiralarni ham unutolmaydi💔


"Common sense is like a deodorant - people who need it the most do not use it."


For peace:

I delete, I block, I disown, I leave, I ignore


I'm not lazy; just highly motivated to do nothing:D


Dear me, sorry for constantly breaking you because of others.


The theme for this year is:



Forget what hurt you...

But never forget what it taught you


Here, you can borrow my belief in you until you find yours.🫴


If the wait is longer, probably the blessing is bigger, too.


This Ramadan, may the Angel on your right keep writing and writing...


Ehtiyot bo'ling, eshiklar yopiladi.

Keyingi bekat - Ramazon❤️

Показано 20 последних публикаций.