Javohir Ismatullayev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Personal page: javohir.net

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Alimoff Live
Кола сенга комплимент қиляпти😌

Репост из: Naxalov | AI Blog 🔥
#DeepSeek #ChatGPT

Репост из: Texnoplov⚡️
DJI endi dron chiqaradimi?

Xitoyda birinchi buklanuvchi dron ixtiro qilindi. DJI Flip atigi 249 g vaznga ega va 4K suratga olish uchun 48 megapikselli kamera bilan jihozlangan.


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Last few weeks I've been developing a dating app called @anordatingbot. Today I released the first version of the app and decided to share it with you. Please, test it and let me know if you find any bugs or if you have any ideas on how to improve it.

Guess what I'm working on?

Репост из: QULOQ News
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В Турции собака-мать сама принесла умирающего щенка к ветеринару

Дворняга появилась у клиники с щенком в зубах. Врачи быстро приняли животных и незамедлительно начали спасать песёля. Мать-собака всё это время находилась рядом. Благодаря усилиям ветеринаров, щенка удалось спасти. Позже волонтёры приютили всех собакенов

Сравните с предыдущей новостью 🥺

@quloqnews — подписаться

Репост из: Prizma
Агар ўзбек журналистикаси битта бренд бўлса, унинг юзи мана шу одам бўлиши керак:

Репост из: Uzbekonomics
Menimcha jiddiyroq narsalar bilan shug’ullanish kerak. O’zbekistonlikning cho’ntagidagi telefoni qog’ozi bormi yo’qmi, uning narxi, yoki soni qanchaligan ko’ra muhimroq va kattaroq masalalar bo’lsa kerak. Buning ma’murchilik xarajatlari, unga ketgan vaqt, iste’molchilarga tug’dirilgan noqulayliklarning ko’zlangan maqsadini va mohiyatini tushuna olmadim.

Men UzIMEI tizimi yanada takomillashtirilyapti deyilganda undan butunlay voz kechilyapti deb o'ylabman. Teskarisi ekan.

Haligacha tushunmayman, shu UzIMEIni. Birorta iste'molchi bo'lmasa kerakki bundan nolimagan. 2025 yil axir. Jiddiyroq narsalar bilan shug'ullanaylik, hech bo'lmasa iste'molchilarni bo'g'maydigan.


Репост из: Uzbekonomics
Vatan himoyachilari kuniga eng yaxshi tilak bu Vatanimizni himoya qilishga, qurolli kuchlarimizni ishlatishga hech qachon va hech qanday zaruriyat tug'ilmasin.

Vatanimiz doimo tinch, erkin va har tomonlama mustahkam bo'lsin.


Репост из: Students' Union WIUT
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It all began one day at the start of the first semester when Azimjon developed a severe headache and went to the medical center. He was referred to the hospital, where doctors discovered that Azimjan was suffering from sinusitis, requiring surgery. After receiving this diagnosis, Azimjan returned home to Bukhara to the surgery. Unfortunately, during the operation , Azimjan fell into coma. Since then, for the past three month our friend and fellow student, Azimjan, has been in a coma.

Now, Azimjan urgently needs another surgery to recover, but the cost is substantial—$81,000.

This is where our help is needed.

Below you can find the details where you can transfer money to help him

HUMO: 9860 0201 2630 1355
Uzcard: 8600 0203 0044 5298
Visa: 4463 0900 0007 3885
Бобоев Aкбар (father)

We as Students’ Union have decided to allocate 10 million soums from our fund to help our fellow student.

Join us, as every contribution matters, no matter how much you donate. Whether you donate 5,000 or
or $100, your support will make a tremendous difference.

Let us come together as a community and show the strength of our unity in this difficult time. Let's help our friend Azimjan heal and return to us.

WIUT Students’ Union

Btw, second season of "Squid Game" is out, did you watch it?


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Репост из: Нейродвиж
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Посудомойка на максималках: инженер собрал гениальный механизм, который очистит посуду и даже ВЫСУШИТ.

Так, а можно нам в офис такое? 😂

Репост из: Lazizbek.io 🗽
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Waymo (haydovchisiz taksi)


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