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During finals week I came to the library at 5 am to prepare for exams. Unlike I expected, the library was just as full as it was when I left at 10 pm the day before after feeling exhausted. The whole KAIST population was studying.

Some guy who was sitting next to me the day before was still sitting at the same spot when I came back after getting some sleep—glued to his chair, reading his books.

No wonder why the average exam scores were high. These guys are ready to do everything to be the best. I need to learn from them.

1. Blackjack

Some parts of this game were done by TAs, but we still had to understand what was going on to complete the rest of the code. It seemed tough at the beginning, but it sure was very rewarding when I completed it.

In Blackjack, everyone plays against the dealer. Players receive all cards face up and the dealer's first card is face up and the second is face down. The game's objective is to get closer to 21 than the dealer without going over 21. If a hand goes over 21, it is called a “bust” or “break” and the wager is lost.

Read more about blackjack here.

2. Finding Identical Pictures

The goal of the game is to find all the slots with the same pictures. If the player chooses incorrect set of pictures, the pictures close and the player is given another chance to guess until all the pictures are found.

Both of these games were created using the same concept, objects (classes).

It's beautiful how with just basic knowledge and some effort, you can create something that is much more advanced.

Autumn at KAIST. Waiting for snow. ☕️

Source: KAIST Photo Archive

I am done with my third semester, the most challenging semester I had so far with 18 credits. Generally, I did my best in terms of learning concepts and managing my time, but I will need to push harder if I want to be at the top of the class. Here is my review of the classes I took this semester:

EE202 - Signals and Systems
Loved the Professor and TAs. Exams required no memorization. Results for homework and exams were released very quickly. Content-wise, we learned about various types of transforms used in engineering and the properties of signals and systems.
The best course of this semester for sure.

CS101 - Introduction to Programming
This was probably the most academically rewarding class I took. I couldn't wait until the new homework was released and felt so satisfied after spending hours on a task and finding a solution. We learned Python and created many games. (I will share those too).

We worked with a robot called Hubo and covered topics related to animations, loops, conditionals, sequences, photo and text processing, objects, etc.

MAS109 - Introduction to Linear Algebra

I didn't do too bad or too good. Made a lot of silly mistakes in the midterm but did well in the final exam and quizzes. The book itself and its contents were quite easy, but exams and quizzes were more challenging. We learned about Determinants, Matrices, Dimensions, Linear Transformations, and Diagonalization.

EE204 - Electromagnetics 1
Basically, Calculus 2 + Physics 2 = Electromagnetics 1
Loved this course too. Loved the Professor. Again, no memorization. Formulas were included in the exams. Pure knowledge and pure skill. Everything was almost picture-perfect. The only thing that could be improved is they could release the exam and homework results more quickly (maybe the problem was with the number of students).
Although I learned a lot in this course, the exams were a little difficult and required more practice than just the book problems (for me personally). Though not being at the top of the class I did all I could possibly do and I am ready to do better in the upcoming semesters.

EE211 - Introduction to Physical Electronics
This was a very conceptual class, related to semiconductors. I would have named this course Introduction to Semiconductor Physics. Taking into account that this was the most difficult class for this semester, I think I did quite well. Nothing much to talk about.

HSS273 - English Short Stories
Wrote essays, and did presentations (mostly on feminism and racism). A very good humanities course.


The objective is to push boxes around in a warehouse, trying to get them to storage locations.

The robot (hubo) is controlled using w, a, s, d.

In the code, we had to work with numbers. For example 2 was considered a box, 1 is the location that the box needs to reach, 3 is a box that has reached its location. Primarily, the code was just a bunch of ifs and elses that considered specific cases for each move. Or at least, that's what I did.

This assignment took half of my day. But it was academically satisfying.

Here is the link to the original game.

This semester I took Introduction to Programming, we learnt Python. I liked this course a lot, it was nothing like any other programming course I have taken before. I especially liked the fact that we didn't just learn the syntax of Python, but practiced thinking and knowledge of programming.

Though for people who have never done programming before, it seemed like it was difficult. And it was for me.

We had homework and labs every week. And I am going to share what I have done so far. It was very interesting.

My friend Jamshidbek got into Vanderbilt!!!




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Me after people ask me about how I did in my final exams:

who are you picking?

The best fights always happen during my midterms/finals. I am not missing this one.

Gotta do some homework in MATLAB.

Or, as I like to call it, METHLAB


I was into cars since my childhood. When I am bored, I just like looking through the pictures of the cars they post on this channel.

This one has been my favorite by far.

One of my teachers has started a project, definitely check it out.


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