Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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©Шайҳ Муҳаммад Содиқ Муҳаммад Юсуф.

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Barchamizga oylar sultoni Ramazon muborak boʻlsin. Ushbu muborak oy barchamizga tinchlik, baraka va fayz olib kelsin! Qilgan duolarimiz ijobat, tutgan ro‘zalarimiz maqbul bo‘lsin.

🌟 Alloh qalblarimizni nurga to‘ldirsin, ilm yo‘lidagi harakatlarimizga baraka bersin!. Ramazon kirishi bilan jannat eshiklari ochiladi!In shaa Alloh

Репост из: Hasanboy Karimjonov | Blog
Agar kimdir o'zgarishni boshlamoqchi bo'lsa, chiroyli sana kelyapti:)


Suvda cho‘kmaydigan, o‘tda yonmaydigan boyligimiz – bilim. Bizda bundan ishonchliroq boylik yo‘q.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev


☑️ O'zbekiston amputantlar terma jamoasi Osiyo chempioni. Barakalla!

🏆 Amputantlar Osiyo Chempionati | FINAL

🇮🇩 Indoneziya 0:6 O'zbekiston 🇺🇿

Ps: Ma'lumot uchun terma jamoamiz 2022-yil Istanbulda o'tkazilgan Jahon chempionatida uchinchi o'rinni qo'lga kiritishgan, va umumiy hisobda, 3 karra Jahon chempioni, 2 karra ikkinchi o'rin, 3 karra uchinchi o'rin va 2 karra to'rtinchi o'rin sohiblari🔥

- Buncha muammoning ichida insonga bir Kaba-i muazzama lozim va yana Abu Bakr Siddiq(r.a.) kabi bir do'st.!

Abdumannon 🤝 Xondamir 🤝 Ixtiyor

Bir dono odamdan so'rashibdi:
- Ota bilan farzandning kulgusida qanday farq bor.
Dono odam javob beribdi:
- Farzand baxtiyor bo'lgan vaqtida kuladi. Ota esa farzandining baxtiyorligini ko'rganda kuladi...!

#writing #task_1

The table and chars below give information about doctors in Australia between 1986 and 2006.

The given table depicts the number of Australian doctors in 1986, 1996, and 2006, while the bar chart shows the percentage of doctors in Australia by gender and place of birth.

In general, the number of doctors in Australia witnessed considerable increases over time. Interestingly, male doctors significantly outnumbered female ones in the first year of the graph. However, the number of male doctors decreased over the years, while the reverse was true for female doctors, whose numbers increased. Furthermore, doctors born in Australia were more than twice as many as those born overseas. By 2006, however, the figures had equalized.

Examining the details, the table shows the number of doctors in Australia in the given three years. In 1986, the total number was 23,720. Within a decade, this figure increased by almost 6,000, reaching 29,060 in 1996, and further rose to 35,450 in the final year of the period.

As for the information provided in the bar chart, the percentages of male doctors were approximately 75%, 69%, and 62% in 1986, 1996, and 2006, respectively, while those of female doctors were around 25%, 31%, and 38% in the same years. Moreover, the proportion of doctors born in Australia was slightly over 60%, compared to just under 40% for those born overseas in 1986. However, by 2006, both groups accounted for an equal 50%.

Score: 7+ 🔥
Word count: 224 words
Time: 18 mins for writing and extra 3 mins for checking.

#writing #task_1

The table and chars below give information about doctors in Australia between 1986 and 2006.

2 kun davom etgan Shaxmat bo'yicha viloyat chempionatida 5-o'rinni oldim, va Buxoroda bo'lib o'tadigan Respublika boshqichiga yo'llanma oldim, Alhamdulillah.

111 0 0 31 30

Tushunmaganlar uchun: MANA BU TOG'😁


Little achievement of mine🔥

174 0 0 11 26

Hammaga "malibu" nasib qilsin, tagidan shamol o'tib tursin😁

IELTS o'qimoqchilar, ismlarizni Abduqodirga o'zgartirib qo'yaverizlar😁

203 0 1 22 24

Very first result for 2025🔥

As for the information of that competetion, it was called "DK BUSINESS HACKATON" which was held in Kazakhstan.
This certificate is the result of hard work, team approach and individual activity.

Ps: Actually, our team(XNMIX) had took these certificates earlier.

Ajoyib g'alaba, shunday emasmi?

Ps: "Fidokor" menman😁

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Bugun, 9-yanvar 2025-yil, men uchun ajoyib kun, "nega?", - deysizmi, chunki bundan qariyb yarim asr oldin mening duogo'yim, motivatorim, har sohadagi ilk ustozim va hozirda erishayotgan yutuqlarimning asosiy sababchisi - dadajonim tavallud topganlar. Bugun ular 50 yoshni qarshilayaptilar, shu sababdan ularni bu ulug' yosh bilan muborakbod etmoqchiman: ilohim har doim sog'-salomat bo'lib, bizga bosh bo'lib yuring, dadajon. Tug'ilgan kuningiz bilan tabriklayman 🎉


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