So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Xarid qilishga oid so'zlar
🎯 I would like to buy ... - sotib olishni istayman
🎯 with low heels / low heeled - past poshnada
🎯 with high heels / high heeled - baland poshnada
🎯 This size fits well - Shu o'lcham to'g'ri keladi
🎯 How much is it? - Necha pul turadi?
🎯 Please show me that shirt - Iltimos, menga anavi ko'ylakni ko'rsatib yuboring
🎯 Do you think you can repair it? - Siz buni tamirlasa bo'ladi, deb o'ylayapsizmi?
🎯 My size is thirty-nine- Mening olchamim 39
🎯 What size is this? - Bu qaysi o'lcham?
🎯 Please give me a larger (smaller) size - Iltimos, menga kattaroq o'lchamdagisini bering
🎯 I'll take it - Men buni olaman
🎯 Will you give me another pair? - Ikkinchi juftini bering
🎯 Shoes feel comfortable - Poyabzal juda qulay ekan
🎯 May I try this suit on? - Kostyumni o'lchab ko'rsam maylimi?
🎯 What did you buy? - Nima xarid qildingiz?
️️️📡 @ingliztilitv
⚡️ Xarid qilishga oid so'zlar
🎯 I would like to buy ... - sotib olishni istayman
🎯 with low heels / low heeled - past poshnada
🎯 with high heels / high heeled - baland poshnada
🎯 This size fits well - Shu o'lcham to'g'ri keladi
🎯 How much is it? - Necha pul turadi?
🎯 Please show me that shirt - Iltimos, menga anavi ko'ylakni ko'rsatib yuboring
🎯 Do you think you can repair it? - Siz buni tamirlasa bo'ladi, deb o'ylayapsizmi?
🎯 My size is thirty-nine- Mening olchamim 39
🎯 What size is this? - Bu qaysi o'lcham?
🎯 Please give me a larger (smaller) size - Iltimos, menga kattaroq o'lchamdagisini bering
🎯 I'll take it - Men buni olaman
🎯 Will you give me another pair? - Ikkinchi juftini bering
🎯 Shoes feel comfortable - Poyabzal juda qulay ekan
🎯 May I try this suit on? - Kostyumni o'lchab ko'rsam maylimi?
🎯 What did you buy? - Nima xarid qildingiz?
️️️📡 @ingliztilitv