Predloglar – Prepositions
o'rin-paytni bildiruvchi predloglar.
at - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
at 2 oclock
at 10,30.
at yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiadi:
at the table
at the office
at home
in - kunning ma'lum bir bo'lagi bilan ishlatiladi
in the morning
in the day time
in the afternon
in the evening
in - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
in the room
in the pocket
in the table
in-oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
in may
in summer
in 1960
on - ustida ma'nosini anglatadi
on the roof
on the table.
On hafta kunlari, oylar raqami bilan kelsa qo'llaniladi:
on Sunday
on the 8th of March
on the first of September
with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
with my friend
after - so 'ng, keyin
after the lessons
before - oldin, avval
before the classes.
Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha bir til
predloglar kelib, turlicha ma'no anglatib iboralarga aylanadilar.
to look for — qidirmoq
to look at - qaramoq
to look through — qarab chiqmoq.
Va boshqa ma'nolarda keladi. Bunday iboralarni yodlash kerak.
Predloglarga e'tibor berib gaplarni tarjima qiling:
1. Some men are in the corridor.
2. He is at the desk.
3. The TV set is in the corner of the room.
4. After the lessons we go ho me.
5. I wash my hands before dinner.
6. This is a picture of a cafe.
7. The books are on the shelves
8. There are some now words in the text.
9. My father is at the office.
10. At 12 o'clock we have dinner.
11. These texts are for reading.
12. We haven't much snow in winter.
13. The dog is under the table.
14. He is looking through the window.
15. English people like to speak about weather.
II. Mos predloglarni qo'llang:
1. Ann, what are you doing here? I am waiting for ...Mary.
2. Mary and I go to the library together.
3. We have breakfast .. the kitchen.
4. My father is ... work now.
5. We go for a ... the now.
6. My friend likes playing chess.
7. He spends a lot ... time ... it.
8. Yesterday we played chess ... six
9. We spent Sunday ... the country.
10. His house is a long way... his office.
11. He is always ... time ... work.
12. I.. enjoyed traveling.. ship.
13. The Caucasus is famous ... its holiday centers.
14 ... the way ... Italy they flew ... many European countries.
Predloglarni qo'ying.
1. I'd like this letter to go mail.
2. I wonder why you are not pleased ... your sons progress?
3. "I am afraid I haven't got any knowledge ... me".
4. The old man says that her life retired ... 50
5. ... my first visit too Samarkand I spent three hours sightseeing.
6. I met ... a friend ... the way ... the factory.
7. The graduated ... the University of Economics.
8. She usually goes ... the Institute ... 8 o'clock ... the morning and gets .. early.
9. They' ll move ... a new flat soon.
10. He always looks ... his books.
11. She is leaving ... London next week.
12. My daughter studies ... school.
IV. Gaplarni tarjima qiling.
1. Talabalar hozir kutubxonadalar.
2. Biz sinfdamiz.
3. Yakshanba kunlari biz uydamiz.
4. Dadam ertalabdan kechgacha ofisda bo'ladilar.
5. Stolimda kitoblarim ko'p.
6. Men bog'da sayr qilishni yoqtiraman.
7. Men institutga piyoda boraman.
8. Men gazetadagi maqolalarni ko'rib chiqdim. 10.0'qituvchi doska yonida turibdi.
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
Predloglar – Prepositions
o'rin-paytni bildiruvchi predloglar.
at - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
at 2 oclock
at 10,30.
at yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiadi:
at the table
at the office
at home
in - kunning ma'lum bir bo'lagi bilan ishlatiladi
in the morning
in the day time
in the afternon
in the evening
in - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
in the room
in the pocket
in the table
in-oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
in may
in summer
in 1960
on - ustida ma'nosini anglatadi
on the roof
on the table.
On hafta kunlari, oylar raqami bilan kelsa qo'llaniladi:
on Sunday
on the 8th of March
on the first of September
with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
with my friend
after - so 'ng, keyin
after the lessons
before - oldin, avval
before the classes.
Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha bir til
predloglar kelib, turlicha ma'no anglatib iboralarga aylanadilar.
to look for — qidirmoq
to look at - qaramoq
to look through — qarab chiqmoq.
Va boshqa ma'nolarda keladi. Bunday iboralarni yodlash kerak.
Predloglarga e'tibor berib gaplarni tarjima qiling:
1. Some men are in the corridor.
2. He is at the desk.
3. The TV set is in the corner of the room.
4. After the lessons we go ho me.
5. I wash my hands before dinner.
6. This is a picture of a cafe.
7. The books are on the shelves
8. There are some now words in the text.
9. My father is at the office.
10. At 12 o'clock we have dinner.
11. These texts are for reading.
12. We haven't much snow in winter.
13. The dog is under the table.
14. He is looking through the window.
15. English people like to speak about weather.
II. Mos predloglarni qo'llang:
1. Ann, what are you doing here? I am waiting for ...Mary.
2. Mary and I go to the library together.
3. We have breakfast .. the kitchen.
4. My father is ... work now.
5. We go for a ... the now.
6. My friend likes playing chess.
7. He spends a lot ... time ... it.
8. Yesterday we played chess ... six
9. We spent Sunday ... the country.
10. His house is a long way... his office.
11. He is always ... time ... work.
12. I.. enjoyed traveling.. ship.
13. The Caucasus is famous ... its holiday centers.
14 ... the way ... Italy they flew ... many European countries.
Predloglarni qo'ying.
1. I'd like this letter to go mail.
2. I wonder why you are not pleased ... your sons progress?
3. "I am afraid I haven't got any knowledge ... me".
4. The old man says that her life retired ... 50
5. ... my first visit too Samarkand I spent three hours sightseeing.
6. I met ... a friend ... the way ... the factory.
7. The graduated ... the University of Economics.
8. She usually goes ... the Institute ... 8 o'clock ... the morning and gets .. early.
9. They' ll move ... a new flat soon.
10. He always looks ... his books.
11. She is leaving ... London next week.
12. My daughter studies ... school.
IV. Gaplarni tarjima qiling.
1. Talabalar hozir kutubxonadalar.
2. Biz sinfdamiz.
3. Yakshanba kunlari biz uydamiz.
4. Dadam ertalabdan kechgacha ofisda bo'ladilar.
5. Stolimda kitoblarim ko'p.
6. Men bog'da sayr qilishni yoqtiraman.
7. Men institutga piyoda boraman.
8. Men gazetadagi maqolalarni ko'rib chiqdim. 10.0'qituvchi doska yonida turibdi.
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing