Most commonly used phrases for speaking 🗣👥
1. How is it going? - Ishlaring qanday?
2. Long time no see! - Anchadan beri ko’rishmadik!
3. What have you been up to? - Nimalar qilib yuribsan?
4. Can’t complain. Hamma ishlarim joyida.
5. How do you know? Qayerdan bilasan?
6. That’s a good one. Zo’r hazil.
7. It is very kind of you. Yordamingiz uchun rahmat.
8. Thank you anyway. Nima bo’lganda ham rahmat.
9. Thank you in advance. Oldindan rahmat.
10. No worries! Tashvishlanmang.
11. What’s going on? Bu yerda nima bo’lyapti?
12. Did I get you right? Sizni to’g’ri tushundimmi?
13. Don’t take it to heart. Ko’nglingga yaqin olma.
14. I didn’t catch the last word. Oxirgi so’zizni eshitmay qoldim.
15. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Uzr, sizni tinglamayotgan edim.
16. It doesn’t matter. Farqi yo’q.
17. Fingers crossed. Omad!
18. Oh, that. That explains it. Ha, tushundim.
19. Things happen. Bo’lib turadi.
20. Sorry to bother you. Uzr, bezovta qilgan bo’lsam.
21. I’ll be with you in a minute. Bir daqiqa!
22. Where were you? Biz nima deyayotgan edik?
23. You were saying? Nima deyayotgan edingiz?
24. Lucky you! Qanchalar omadlisiza!
25. I freaked out! Juda jahlim chiqdi!
26. Good for you! Omadingiz keldi!
27. You’ve got to be kidding me! Hazillashayotgan bo’lsangiz kerak!
28. Cheer up! Kayfiyatingni ko’tar!
29. Come on, you can do it! Qani, sen buni eplaysan!
30. Keep up the good work! Yaxshi ishlashda davom eting.
31. That’s lit! Zo’rku!
32. There you go! Aytgandimku!
33. Not a bit. Umuman unday emas!
34. There is no room for doubt. Shubhaga o’rin yo’q.
35. I’ll text you! Sizga xabar jo’nataman.
36. It’s not worth it! Xafa bo’lishga arzimaydi.
37. You rock! Siz zo’rsiz!
38. You should go the extra mile… Siz qattiqroq ishlashiz kerak.
39. Step up your game. Qattiqroq ishlang.
40. Pull yourself together. O’zingni qo’lga ol.
41. You sold me! Siz meni ko’ndirdingiz!
42. Couldn’t care less. Bu juda zerikarli.
43. This is a no-brainer. Bu juda oson ish.
44. I screwed up! Men xato qildim.
45. Can you cover me? O’rnimga ishlay olasizmi?
46. I’d be better be going! Man ketishim kerak.
47. Take care! O’zingizni ehtiyot qiling.
48. Thank heavens it’s Friday/Saturday! Xudoga shukur, bugun Juma/Shanba (dam olish kuni ma'nosida).
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
1. How is it going? - Ishlaring qanday?
2. Long time no see! - Anchadan beri ko’rishmadik!
3. What have you been up to? - Nimalar qilib yuribsan?
4. Can’t complain. Hamma ishlarim joyida.
5. How do you know? Qayerdan bilasan?
6. That’s a good one. Zo’r hazil.
7. It is very kind of you. Yordamingiz uchun rahmat.
8. Thank you anyway. Nima bo’lganda ham rahmat.
9. Thank you in advance. Oldindan rahmat.
10. No worries! Tashvishlanmang.
11. What’s going on? Bu yerda nima bo’lyapti?
12. Did I get you right? Sizni to’g’ri tushundimmi?
13. Don’t take it to heart. Ko’nglingga yaqin olma.
14. I didn’t catch the last word. Oxirgi so’zizni eshitmay qoldim.
15. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Uzr, sizni tinglamayotgan edim.
16. It doesn’t matter. Farqi yo’q.
17. Fingers crossed. Omad!
18. Oh, that. That explains it. Ha, tushundim.
19. Things happen. Bo’lib turadi.
20. Sorry to bother you. Uzr, bezovta qilgan bo’lsam.
21. I’ll be with you in a minute. Bir daqiqa!
22. Where were you? Biz nima deyayotgan edik?
23. You were saying? Nima deyayotgan edingiz?
24. Lucky you! Qanchalar omadlisiza!
25. I freaked out! Juda jahlim chiqdi!
26. Good for you! Omadingiz keldi!
27. You’ve got to be kidding me! Hazillashayotgan bo’lsangiz kerak!
28. Cheer up! Kayfiyatingni ko’tar!
29. Come on, you can do it! Qani, sen buni eplaysan!
30. Keep up the good work! Yaxshi ishlashda davom eting.
31. That’s lit! Zo’rku!
32. There you go! Aytgandimku!
33. Not a bit. Umuman unday emas!
34. There is no room for doubt. Shubhaga o’rin yo’q.
35. I’ll text you! Sizga xabar jo’nataman.
36. It’s not worth it! Xafa bo’lishga arzimaydi.
37. You rock! Siz zo’rsiz!
38. You should go the extra mile… Siz qattiqroq ishlashiz kerak.
39. Step up your game. Qattiqroq ishlang.
40. Pull yourself together. O’zingni qo’lga ol.
41. You sold me! Siz meni ko’ndirdingiz!
42. Couldn’t care less. Bu juda zerikarli.
43. This is a no-brainer. Bu juda oson ish.
44. I screwed up! Men xato qildim.
45. Can you cover me? O’rnimga ishlay olasizmi?
46. I’d be better be going! Man ketishim kerak.
47. Take care! O’zingizni ehtiyot qiling.
48. Thank heavens it’s Friday/Saturday! Xudoga shukur, bugun Juma/Shanba (dam olish kuni ma'nosida).
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing