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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Did you know that

PUPIL has another meaning❓

• PUPIL - The black part of eyes through which light enters; enlarges in dim light and decreases in size in bright light.
The pupil (Latin pupilla "little doll" > pupa "doll") is the variable-sized, black circular or slit shaped opening in the center of the iris that regulates the amount of light that enters the eye. It appears black because most of the light entering the pupil is absorbed by the tissues inside the eye.

P.S. Pupil" is used in British English to refer to very young schoolchildren, typically in primary school. By high school, "student" is the preferred term.


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📚 Around the corner, phrase.

❓ Definition: Very near.

❗️ Examples:

1. There's a chemist around the corner.
2. The commander was claiming that peace was just around the corner.


Working From Home.pdf
I am sharing a very useful article from which you can get tons of vocabulary and particularly ideas for your ESSAYS and and speaking questions.

Give it a read.


Ayo, people, listen up!

I know most IELTS candidates as well as the ones who are taking the Multilevel exam want to find a magic formula to achieve their target score. Hence, they tend to buy online courses-both from widely-acknowledged language instructors and certain "no-name" tutors.

Remember, online courses do good to you if you have a certain level of English, particularly B1+ or B2 threshold. For starters, it takes significantly more time to get the hang of any language than doing that in a classroom, especially if you are not disciplined enough.

My whole point is warning you against wasting your money if you have little understanding of what and why you are buying.

I grew to hate all marketing gimmicks by online teachers who have mastered the art of persuasive advertising.

So, be careful with your money. You had better attend on-site lessons to learn anything, be it a language or skill.

P/S.: I am not here to criticize and denounce a certain person. I am just sharing what I came to understand after so many years spent on both online and offline learning and teaching.


I am sharing with you a list of most commonly misspelt words.
Make sure you are spelling them correctly in LISTENING and WRITING.



Presenting you some TOP excuses to use when you are late.



Map vocabulary

Bend - burilish, qayrilish
• Don't drive too fast, there is a sudden bend in the road.

Highway - katta yo'l, katta trassa
• People usually drive fast on the highway.

Walk along - bo'ylab, yoqalab, yonidan bormoq/yurmoq
• Walk along the main road!

Opposite - qarama qarshi tomonda
• The school is on the opposite side of the school

Adjacent to - yonida, yaqinida
• My apartment is adjacent to the airport



A sample answer for a question with topic vocabulary.


Word of the day.


If you don't know, there is a composer called Hans Zimmer who is living on this planet.

Genius. It is all I can say about him.


As you see, not always do students use these words and phrases appropriately. Word choice is a sensitive matter. If you are not sure whether a certain word is right for the context, you had better play it safe and use a more common one.


Репост из: SPEAKING with MARDON

Ilm olishda amal qilish shart bo’lgan, lekin deyarli hech qayerda uchratmaydigan 4 tavsiya:

1. Gunohlardan tiyilish.

Waki' ibn al-Jarrahnig so’zlariga ko’ra “Ilm nurdir. Alloh uni gunohkor bandalariga bermaydi”.

2. Meyordan ortiqcha ovqat yemaslik.

Ko’p ovqat yeyish zehnni susaytiradi, dangasalikni oshiradi va ilm olishga to’sqinlik qiladi.

3. Erta yotib, erta turish (quyoshdan oldin).

Uyquning eng foydali qismi kechki soat 11.00 va 1.00 oraliqlarida bo’ladi. Bu vaqtdagi uyquning o’rnini boshqa vaqtdagi uyqu hech qachon bosa olmaydi.

4. Ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan mutqalo voz kechish.

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar, ayniqsa ulardagi REELS, insonning diqqatini (attention span) kamaytiradi. Natijada, fikr tarqoq bo’lib, uzoq vaqt bir narsa ustida bosh qotira olmay qolinadi. Fokus esa o’rganishda juda muhim.

As soon as I get the chance, I'll comment on each student's achievement.
For now, you can see how our student's aced the test.


Репост из: EDU MASTERS
Natijalar markazidan yangi ajoyib natijalar! 😎

🔥 Edu Masters – sifatli ta’lim, tajribali ustozlar jamoasi, inglizcha atmosfera beruvchi muhit va yuqori natijalar garovi.

⚡️ O’quvchilarimiz nafaqat ingliz tilini noldan sifatli o’rganishlari, balki CEFR imtihonidan B2 va C1 natijalarni qo’lga kiritishmoqda.

2025-yil davomida siz ham ularning orasida bo’lishni istasangiz, hoziroq izohga + belgisini qoldirishni unutmang.👇

Kurslarga yozilish uchun:
☎️ 88 010 09 08
📨 @edumasters_manager

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