TOPIC: Certain buildings are worth preserving more than other buildings.What type of buildings can be preserved?Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
There is a widely accepted belief that more preservation efforts should be made for certain types of buildings. In my view, these types of buildings can vary depending on their importance in various aspects of life, and I also believe that the advantages of this are far more significant than the disadvantages.
The first group of buildings that deserve preservation can be historical buildings. Historical buildings often showcase traditional values and beliefs and the glory of the nation in the past, meaning their preservation can be the preservation of national identity and a sense of pride among the members of the community. For example, in my country, architectural preservation of the Registan Square in Samarkand contributes a strong sense of achievement made by our ancestors in the Middle Ages, developing in many aspects of life, including art, science, and personal freedom. This is potentially the reason why most of the presidents of other countries are welcomed in this place, further emphasizing the importance of its protection and proving that historical buildings should be prioritized over other buildings to preserve.
Another group of buildings can be those encompassing cultural elements in themselves. In the world where globalization and Westernization are threatening many cultural traditions, the protection of buildings that reflect the local culture can contribute to cultural preservation. Although such buildings may seem to be historical buildings only, newly built housing in many parts of the world still holds cultural value in itself. For example, in Oman, almost all buildings can give information about the past, and the architectural style of this country passed through many generations, enriching cultural diversity. Therefore, it can be concluded that the preservation of buildings reflecting cultural heritages can help us preserve traditional heritages and ensure cultural enrichment.
Religious structures can be the third group of buildings that need to be prioritized. As places of worship hold spiritual importance for billions of people all around the globe, their preservation can be paramount and even contribute to the cohesion of countless communities. In contrast, their destruction would cause social unrest and is widely condemned by many people. For example, due to the brutal Soviet regime, innumerable mosques were wiped out, and many civilians rose against this even if it cost their lives. This shows that spiritually holy places, including mosques, cathedrals, and churches, can be necessary to protect.
In conclusion, there are particular groups of buildings that can be deemed more significant than others. Among all those, the first one is historical landmarks due to their historical significance, and the second group is those reflecting traditional craftsmanship, enabling us to maintain cultural diversity. The third and final group of such buildings is religiously holy sites since their protection is central for the cohesion of many people.
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