Three Ways to Cure Intelligence Excusitis
Three easy ways to cure intelligence excusitis are:
1. Never underestimate your own intelligence, and never
overestimate the intelligence of others. Don't sell yourself
short. Concentrate on your assets. Discover your superior
talents. Remember, it's not how many brains you've got
that matters. Rather, it's how you use your brains that
counts. Manage your brains instead of worrying about how
much IQ you've got.
2. Remind yourself several times daily, "My attitudes are more
important than my intelligence." At work and at home
practice positive attitudes. See the reasons why you can do
it, not the reasons why you can't. Develop an "I'm winning"
attitude. Put your intelligence to creative positive use. Use it
to fmd ways to win, not to prove you will lose.
3. Remember that the ability to think is of much greater
value than the ability to memorize facts. Use your mind
to create and develop ideas, to find new and better ways,
to do things. Ask yourself, '11m I using my mental ability
to make history, or am I using it merely to record history
made by others?"
Three easy ways to cure intelligence excusitis are:
1. Never underestimate your own intelligence, and never
overestimate the intelligence of others. Don't sell yourself
short. Concentrate on your assets. Discover your superior
talents. Remember, it's not how many brains you've got
that matters. Rather, it's how you use your brains that
counts. Manage your brains instead of worrying about how
much IQ you've got.
2. Remind yourself several times daily, "My attitudes are more
important than my intelligence." At work and at home
practice positive attitudes. See the reasons why you can do
it, not the reasons why you can't. Develop an "I'm winning"
attitude. Put your intelligence to creative positive use. Use it
to fmd ways to win, not to prove you will lose.
3. Remember that the ability to think is of much greater
value than the ability to memorize facts. Use your mind
to create and develop ideas, to find new and better ways,
to do things. Ask yourself, '11m I using my mental ability
to make history, or am I using it merely to record history
made by others?"