Репост из: firdavsey
Those who follow their instinctive needs with discerning intellect and those who learn what they have to learn with experimental intellect are still in their animality — says Ibn Khaldun, praising for that human beings can be human beings with only their speculative intellect (men's superiority over other living beings). However, human being's speculative intellect cannot grow apart from his experimental and discerning intellects, meaning that a man can theorize in his mind based on what he experience in life. Likely, people blind by birth cannot dream in images as they never see. Instead, they dream with other sensations as they feel them. Example leads to that human beings' speculative intellect evolves through how much they sense.
Then, if the speculative intellect were given by God, it could work without the effects of human beings' animal-like intellects. However, it could not. Instead, it develops with them.
Does it mean, the speculative intellect is a part of evolution, not superiority given by God?
Then, if the speculative intellect were given by God, it could work without the effects of human beings' animal-like intellects. However, it could not. Instead, it develops with them.
Does it mean, the speculative intellect is a part of evolution, not superiority given by God?