
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

20 kunlik Reading va Listening marafon
❗ Multilevel imtihonida tushgan va tushayotgan savollar...

To contact me: @togayev99sk

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

✅ Rasman Natijalar ertaga chiqadi deyishimizga ham 8 kun qoldi!!

- Are you waiting for?

Part two ANSWERS


✅ Jigar, nechta topdiz, faqat to'g'risini aytingchi?!!!

Full: 🏆
Five: 👍
Four: ⚡️
Less: 😢


➡️ Kim brinchi va to'g'ri toparkan???

Let's go, guys!!!

Exam natijalari chiqishiga oz qoldi, har ehtimol tayyorgarlik qilib turaverish kerak!!!

🎧 Listening part two#

✅ Authentic exam paper#

✅ Answers will be shared!!!


❗️ Listening Part Two #

✅ Bizning kanal

⭕️ Kanalni publicly open qildim!

🔗 Kanal linkini yaqin do'stlaringizga tarqatsangiz xursand bo'lar edim.

🤝 Albatta, bu bizning loyal Easymultilevelchilarimizga tegishli!!!

❓ Can you do that?

Yes, teacher: 🔥🔥🔥


Mock test boshlandi!!!

➡️ Name+Reason!

- What do you like to do in your free time?

- Do you play any sports?

➡️ Strucrture to answer part one questions

Give an argument + develop it properly+ give an example!!!

F/C: 48
LR: 51
P: 48
Overall: 49 B1

Faqat speakingda muammosi borlar uchun!!!

The first lesson - How can we improve our speaking skills?

❗️ Language is not a subject!

✅ Language is a very natural process!

Do not study languages!

Aqcuire languages

➡️ Speaking!!!

- Use very simple words, structures and ideas but correctly!
- Boost your vocabulary ( Collocations)

- Stay healthy
- Stay in a good shape
- Relieve stress
- Socialize together
- Spend quality time
- Spend time in nature...

- What do you like to do on the weekends?

➡️ Do not afraid of making mistakes!

1.6k 0 10 215 86

We started!!!


Speaking lesson#

How can we start speaking fluently?

Dars qaysi tilda bo'lsin?

- English: 🔥
- Uzbek: 👍
- Mix: ❤️

Ovoz quality?

1.5k 0 0 39 101

Dars vaqti: 21:00


➡️ I have just finished my lesson!

Yes, sir: 🤝

Bugun dars bo'ladi!!!

🎙 - Speaking

Will you attend?

Yes, sir:🔥🔥🔥

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to inquire about obtaining a business loan to set up a study center in my local area. As education is essential, I believe a well-equipped learning environment will benefit students seeking academic support.

The study center will provide tutoring services in subjects like mathematics, science, and languages. It will have modern learning tools, a small library, and quiet study areas. I also plan to hire experienced tutors to ensure high-quality education.

To start this business, I need a loan of $30,000. This amount will cover renting a suitable space, buying furniture and study materials, and promoting the center. Based on my financial plan, I expect to repay the loan within five years in monthly installments.

I would appreciate details on interest rates, repayment options, and any requirements. Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Is it easy to understand?
Yes: 🔥🔥🔥
No: 😭😭😭

1.9k 0 79 20 98

Request# Task one#

You want to start your own small business. Write a letter to a bank requesting information about obtaining a business loan to finance your new company. In your letter:
- What kind of business you want to start
- How much money you need
- The length of time over which you would expect to repay the money

Write at least 150 words.

✅ C1 sample ko'ramizmi?
Yes, sir: 🔥🔥🔥


#shadowing #Calmness
🎧 Day 1 - Why Calmness is your superpower?

✅ Shadowing can both help you sound more natural and improve you understanding!

✅ Xunuk gapiradigalarga ko'proq qilish tavsiya etiladi!!!

©️Denzel Washington

➡️ Be active, Jigar!!! 🏆🔥🐳

📱 Easymultilevel

👀 Oramizda C1 olgan teacherlar bormi?

💻 Balkim birgalikda ishlarmiz!!!

- Kommentga darajangizni yozib qoldiring!!!

Yenam aytdi: Hamma soat 1 gacha uxlash shartmas ekan, ayniqsa, talablar dedi. Umrni arendaga olganmi bular yoki dedi?!!!

❗️ Juda passilar bugun!!!


❗️ Audio...

Test 100% real exam paperga o'xshash!!!

➡️ Listeningdan 65+ oladiganlar qani ishlaymiz. Javoblarni commentda qoldiring!!!


1.8k 0 27 32 37

🎧 Listening part one#

➡️ Part one qismida xato qilishlikka hech kimning haqqi yo'q!

✅ Tips to get all the anwers correct:

1. Understand the questions asked by the speaker!
2. Carefully match the given information to what you understand from the audio!


1.6k 0 29 16 32

🔥 Ko'pchilikka foydamiz tegayotganidan xursandman nihoyatda!!!

➡️ Bayram ham o'tdi, ertadan yana tizimli darslarimizni davom ettiramiz!!!

💬 Qaysi skill bo'yicha darslarni tashkil etaylik?

Reading darsimiz tugadi, bundan xabaringiz bor!!!

Shu bollar ham sizni orqayizdan olgan ustoz

Показано 20 последних публикаций.