
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Религия

Assalomu alekum Va Rahmatullohu Va Barokatuhu! 🥰😊 @dunyayinchat

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Репост из: °𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑆𝑒𝑟🫧🕊
Xalqaro sertifikat 🥰

1. Cursa - Cursos online
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ionicframework.cursosdegraca dasturini yuklab olasiz;
2. Dasturga kirib, 'Create your account' ni bosasiz;
3. Kirgach, 2xil yo‘l orqali akkaunt ochishingiz mumkin: emailingizni kirgizib, yoki Google orqali;
4. Akkaunt yaratilgach, ism-familiyangizni to'liq kiritasiz;
5. Keyin parol kiritasiz;
6. Va qaysi sohalarga qiziqsangiz, shularni belgilaysiz;
7. Yakunlangach, 'Start' ni bosib, o'qishni boshlaysiz;
8. 'Choose by categories'ga o‘tib, sohalardan birini tanlaysiz. Tanlangan soha bo‘yicha 'to read' va 'to watch' yanì, o'qish va tomosha qilish uchun kurslari bor; ularni ko'rib chiqasiz yoki o'qib)
Achievements degan joyida sertifikatlarni yuklab olasiz

Sertifikatni olgach, biz bilan ulashish esdan chiqmasin🤫
📍Manba bilan olinsin

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

📹 موسيقى حزينة رائعة. Great music🤍✨
👤 yaya77SH

🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi. (Audio)

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

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🤖 @TopSaversBot orqali yuklab olindi.

Репост из: 𝐍 𝐀 𝐉 𝐈 𝐘 𝐘 𝐀
Siz uchun optom narxdagi orginal uhodiviy kosmetikalar💕

Shu kanaldan topishingiz mumkin ⬇️


Репост из: Скромная9🌙
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Репост из: Скромная9🌙
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Репост из: Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS
People living in the 21st century have a better life quality than people who lived in previous times.

Do you agree or disagree

There is a view that people today have a higher quality of life than in the past. While modern life has its problems, people are living much better life than in previous times.

One main threat we face today is environmental disasters. Due to factors such as rapid industrialization, deforestation, and increased production, air pollution and global warming have become major problems. These human-induced issues have resulted in the loss of biodiversity and emergence of several health issues, affecting millions of people around the world. In the past, however, people tended to enjoy richer biodiversity and cleaner environment.

Despite these problems, life today is much better for the majority. Firstly, recent years have seen major advancements in medicine. Some of the recent breakthroughs in this field include antibiotics, vaccines, and technologies that allow for effective diagnosis. Thanks to these developments, many deadly diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and polio have been eliminated, which resulted in healthier life and longer life expectancy in many parts of the world.

A better work-life balance is another factor that contributes to happier life. Technological revolution now means that people are less physically involved in their jobs and house-chores as well as having more opportunities for entertainment. Reduced physical workload, easy access to leisure activities, and increased connectivity have significantly improved the quality of life for many people.

In conclusion, life today is not without its drawbacks. However, the problems are insignificant compared to the comforts of modern life thanks to developments in medicine and technology.

250 words

BAND 9.0


Репост из: Bilmaysiz !
- Yaxshi qizlar kitob o'qiydi, yaxshi yigitlar esa kitob olib beradi...

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Even the sky is on fire by seeing our breakup.


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Do you remember that first time of our kissing, how beautiful and soft it was?


Репост из: sinamor
sometimes we miss the feeling, but not the person


Репост из: sinamor
Promise me that We will meet before the first snow.


Репост из: Her Bios
Expect heartbreaks, it’s Dunya.

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