#topic_vocabulary: The arts
abstract - mavhum, aniq bo'lmagan
auction - auktsion
audition - kastingdagi ijro
bestseller - bestseller
collector's item - kolleksiya buyumi
curator - musey xodimi
fine art - amaliy san'at
installation - san'at asari jamlanmasi
lines - aktyor so'zi
lyrics - lirika
masterpiece - shox asar
paperback - qog'oz muqovali kitob
period - davr
priceless - bebaho
recital - ifoda etish, aytib berish
retrospective - o'tmishga qaratilgan
score - soundtrek
sketch - eskiz, eskiz chizmoq, skech
work of art - sa'at asari
worthless - qiymatsiz
abstract - mavhum, aniq bo'lmagan
auction - auktsion
audition - kastingdagi ijro
bestseller - bestseller
collector's item - kolleksiya buyumi
curator - musey xodimi
fine art - amaliy san'at
installation - san'at asari jamlanmasi
lines - aktyor so'zi
lyrics - lirika
masterpiece - shox asar
paperback - qog'oz muqovali kitob
period - davr
priceless - bebaho
recital - ifoda etish, aytib berish
retrospective - o'tmishga qaratilgan
score - soundtrek
sketch - eskiz, eskiz chizmoq, skech
work of art - sa'at asari
worthless - qiymatsiz