IELTS Reading Exam Tips1. Read the instructions carefully and make a note of how many words you can use for your answer. Each word is counted, for example “university reception hall” is three words and “workbook” is one word.
2. Each answer is worth one point so don’t waste too much time finding one particular answer when you could spend the same amount of time finding two easier answers. You decide when to move on to the next question.
3. Keep your eye on the clock. Make sure you have enough time for the final passage.
4. You can tackle the passages in any order you want. This is the same for the questions – you can skip questions and come back to them later if you want.
5. Write your answers directly on to your answer sheet for the paper-based test. There is no extra time for transferring later. For the computer test, your answers will be put directly into the computer.
6. Always spend time analysing the questions before looking for an answer. If you don’t analyse the question enough, you’ll end up jumping from question to passage so many times because you are confused which wastes valuable time.
7. Look out for paraphrasing. Find the keywords in the question and pay attention to paraphrases in the passage.
8. Your aim is to find answers – not to understand the whole passage. Focus on your goal – find as many answers as you can.
9. It is recommended to use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS FOR YOUR ANSWERS for the paper test to avoid problems with handwriting. This isn’t an issue with the computer test.
10. Spelling is essential to get right or the question will be marked wrong.