Comfort Crowd

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Познавательное

~Observing life
~Discussing uncomfortable questions with comfortable people

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Cried, but did the thing anyway😌😌

Let's see😃😃

Репост из: Тест на дружбу | Проверка друзей
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I don't know if it's right or wrong.
I just know that when I turn 50, I want to look back at this moment and drawn in memories, not regrets.

Sometimes just:

Репост из: Starry Messenger
Don't leave anything for later...
Later, the coffee gets cold...
Later, you lose interest...
Later, the day turns into night...
Later, people grow up...
Later, people grow old...
Later, life goes by...
Later, you regret not doing something... when you had the chance...
Life is a fleeting dance, a delicate balance of moments that unfold before us, never to return in quite the same way again.
Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, a weight that bears down upon the soul with the burden of missed chances and unspoken words.
So, let us not leave anything for later. Let us seize the moments as they come, with hearts open and arms outstretched to embrace the possibilities that lie before us. For in the end, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we left undone, the words left unspoken, the dreams left unfulfilled.

excerpt from Before the Coffee Gets Cold
Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Reading these kinds of life philosophies, I realize that I grew up with them- they aren’t something new to me- because I was privileged to be raised by mature parents. I was smarter than most of my peers and did well in almost everything. All in all, it was easier for me to comprehend the things going on around me, thanks to their parenting during an experienced enough period of their lives. They are both such artistic beings; I grew up reading their works in their old photo albums and notepads.

My dad taught me everything- he was always there for me as a child and while I was growing up- through every single step of my life. Even though I didn’t have siblings, I never felt alone or bored (as most people assume). I haven’t met anyone as kind-hearted and sincere as him anywhere else in the world I have been or seen.
He taught me to be present in the moment, to take risks, to stay calm even in the strongest storms, and, no matter what happens, to be kind. Never heard him cursing. He was always eager to listen to what I had to say(something I rarely encounter in other parents). He was tolerant of my views on life as I started forming my own opinions and never forced his beliefs or principles on me. Was always gentle with me and my mom.

He was a very stable person- faithful. He never changed his job or workplace, even though he had better opportunities. At times during his retirement, we would talk about what if he did and how could things be different, and even at those moments, he encouraged me to learn from his experience- to never get stuck in one place.

Life is all about the experiences you go through, and now I feel like someone who is 75+ because of all the stories I was told- not just stories, but real-life experiences: a little bit about life during the war, a little bit about life afterward, a little bit about life in a family with around 12 children, a little bit about life in the early independence years, and a little bit about life in Siberia as a soldier.
I am so grateful for being raised by such resourceful parents, so grateful they raised me in a place surrounded by nature, taught me to love it and be part of it, taught me how to grow my own food, and showed me how to enjoy the simple things in life.
Now, as I reside in a big city, I understand how important these things are for children.

We had a lot of plans for the future… but at least, I am happy that I could tell him that I love him when I had the opportunity🤍

Pls, don’t lose the opportunity when you have it!

You can only find out by actually finding out

The sky is so beautiful today!

Also, wanted to tell about this beautiful thing I have been experiencing lately: slow mornings. As a person who enjoys quiet things, I find happiness when alarms don't blare, I do not rush out the door, and face traffic. I love it when I peacefully have my breakfast and then indulge into my studies. Couldn't be more perfect, could it?

Репост из: Urikguli
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👩🏻‍🦯‍➡️2 soat dunyoni ko’rmasdan harakatlandim. Nogironligi bo’lgan shaxslar uchun sharoitlar mavjud bo’lmagan Toshkent ko’chalarida bu juda qo’rqinchli bo’ldi.

🚦Svetoforlarda signal bo’lishi, taktil yo’laklar, panduslar orqali shaharni ancha qulay qilish mumkin. Lekin ko’p sonli aholi va davlat tashkilotlari bunga befarq bo’lar ekan, muammo yechilmaydi.

💚Video ushbu muammoni yechishda manfaatli bo’lishi uchun maksimal qo’llab-quvvatlang!

Happy ceasefire in Gaza, we waited for it for whole 15 months! May Allah grant Jannah to everyone who passed away in this war and to eveyone who suffered from displacement, famine, and loss of the loves ones. Still can't believe it's actually happening.

My cat loves the door to outside to be left a little open so that he can stare outside, look at people pass, cars ride, birds fly, and probably contemplate about how good is life. He looks so calm while doing it, I think I would do the exact same thing if I were a cat. Still, a big fan of doing so.

I would love to learn the art of being present. Cause most of the time, I'm here, but my mind is somewhere far away.

​​I think education is the biggest blessing of all in my life. I just think of people who never got to get a quality education, and it just makes me immensely grateful to be where I am. Like, I no longer think about studying as a chore, but as my favorite part of the day, cause I just love the process of studying, the satisfaction after I study, and how I feel my brain fill up with knowledge haha. At this point, it's not a choice, it's a lifestyle.

Nothing feels better than being you, loving yourself, appreciating each moment and every connection

Riyozat mevasidur misli bodom,
Yuzi qattigʻ ichidur ishta inʼom.
Kishin maqsudina eltar riyozat,
Riyozatsiz ish oʻlgʻay besaranjom.
Agar sabr-u riyozat cheksang, ey jon,
Pishub oldinggʻa tushgay mevayi xom.

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​​Actually, life is simple.

-A walk in the fresh air
-Your favorite food
-Time with family and friends
-Your favorite film/series
-Time spent alone

Can make you happy so long as you have purpose and goals in life and your surrounding is positive. If these components aren't met or aren't fully met, it's hard to find happiness, I believe.

From my observations.

December photo dump🐦‍⬛️❄️

Being short is terribly impractical

​​The Cost of Keeping It Together.

Have you ever caught yourself saying “I’m fine” when you’re absolutely not fine—like it’s an automatic response?

It’s funny how we’re all masters at holding it together. You could be having the worst day, just wishing everything could stop for a while, but somehow you still show up, laugh with your friends, keep up with deadlines as if nothing happened, and no one really knows what’s going on inside this "fineness". The thing is, keeping it together works—until it doesn’t.

Because eventually, you do break, no matter how much you prevent it. Maybe something small triggers you, or you burn out so quietly that even you don’t notice until things get too bad. Holding things in feels like the best option for the moment, but it costs more in the long run—your energy, your peace, your mental health.

I’m trying to impy the rule of saying “I’m not okay right now”, and it doesn’t mean I'm falling apart. Sometimes, it’s the exact thing that keeps me whole. So here’s a little reminder for me and you: You don’t have to carry everything alone. And you don’t have to wait until you can’t anymore.

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