"Love, Death + Robots" serialining darajasini tushunib olish uchun bitta suhbatga e'tibor berishni yetarli bo'lishi mumkin.
- Hm, what was it for?
- The idea behind this thing was to annihilate as many humans as possible, as quick as possible.
- This exercise suddenly got a little dark, didn't it?
- Well, to be fair, they only used these a few times.
- To be fair, you would only need a few times.
Gap yadroviy qurol, ya'ni atom bombalari haqida edi. Buni hazil orqali yetkazib beradigan suhbatga e'tibor bering. Dialoglar saviyasi ancha yuqori.
"Love, Death + Robots" serialining darajasini tushunib olish uchun bitta suhbatga e'tibor berishni yetarli bo'lishi mumkin.
- Hm, what was it for?
- The idea behind this thing was to annihilate as many humans as possible, as quick as possible.
- This exercise suddenly got a little dark, didn't it?
- Well, to be fair, they only used these a few times.
- To be fair, you would only need a few times.
Gap yadroviy qurol, ya'ni atom bombalari haqida edi. Buni hazil orqali yetkazib beradigan suhbatga e'tibor bering. Dialoglar saviyasi ancha yuqori.