Фильтр публикаций

glorify - ulug‘lamoq,

hustle - tiqilinch, gavjumlik, to'polon, to's-to'polon, shovqin-suron

deprivation - mahrum qilish (kerakli narsalardan), kerakli narsalardan mahrum qilish

dubbing-in - dublyaj

Hack - uddasidan chiqmoq,

Ultimate - maksimal, eng yuqori

Engage in sth - aralashmoq, o'ralashmoq, qatnashmoq

Innovative - yangicha

leverage - iloji boricha foydalanib qolmoq

Fuel - yoqilg'i quymoq

Репост из: Articles in English
Why Sleep is the Ultimate Productivity Hack😴

While you sleep, your brain engages in "offline processing," a function that helps you connect ideas and find innovative solutions. Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali, and Thomas Edison were all known to leverage sleep and napping to fuel their creative processes.



1. Do you like to watch films?

2. What kinds of movies do you like best?

3. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

4. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

5. What was the first film that you watched?

6. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

7. Do you like to go to the cinema with your friends?

8. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

@IELTS_Speaking_Assistant_App - Real IELTS speaking questions on Telegram!

Mastering the Present Simple Tense: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

The Present Simple tense is one of the first things you learn in English, but it’s also one of the most important. We use it every day! In this post, we’ll break it down in a fun and simple way with examples, a short story, common mistakes, and even a mini-quiz at the end. Let’s go!

1. When Do We Use the Present Simple?

We use the Present Simple for:

✅ Habits & Routines

I wake up at 7 AM.

She goes to school every day.

✅ Facts & General Truths

The sun rises in the east.

Water boils at 100°C.

✅ Schedules & Timetables

The train leaves at 9 PM.

My class starts at 8:30 AM.

✅ Likes, Dislikes, and Feelings

I love coffee.

He doesn’t like spicy food.

2. How to Form the Present Simple

A) Affirmative Sentences

Formula: Subject + Verb (+s/es for he/she/it)

⚡ Tip: Add -s or -es to verbs for he/she/it (e.g., go → goes, watch → watches).

B) Negative Sentences

Formula: Subject + do/does not + Verb

I don’t like football.

She doesn’t eat meat.

⚡ Tip: Use doesn’t for he/she/it and don’t for other subjects.

C) Questions

Formula: Do/Does + Subject + Verb?

Do you speak English?

Does he play football?

⚡ Tip: The main verb never changes in questions and negatives.

3. A Short Story Using Present Simple

Meet Anna. She lives in London and works as a teacher. Every day, she wakes up at 6 AM and drinks coffee. She doesn’t like tea. She teaches English to students. On weekends, she goes to the park and reads books.

Her best friend, Mike, doesn’t wake up early. He watches movies at night and plays video games. Anna always tells him, “Mike, you need more sleep!” but he never listens.

4. Common Mistakes (and How to Fix Them!)

❌ He go to school every day. (Wrong)
✅ He goes to school every day. (Correct)

❌ She don’t like pizza. (Wrong)
✅ She doesn’t like pizza. (Correct)

❌ Does he likes football? (Wrong)
✅ Does he like football? (Correct)

5. Quick Quiz – Test Yourself!

1. She ___ (play) the piano every day.

2. They ___ (not/watch) TV in the morning.

3. ___ you (like) chocolate?

4. He ___ (study) English at school.

5. What time ___ the bus (leave)?

Comment your answers below!

Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) – The Scholar of the Ummah

Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) was one of the most knowledgeable and intelligent companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was a cousin of the Prophet and became known as “Tarjuman al-Qur’an” (The Interpreter of the Qur’an) due to his deep understanding of Islamic teachings.

The Prophet (PBUH) made a special dua for him: "O Allah, grant him deep understanding of the religion and teach him the interpretation of the Qur’an." This prayer was accepted, and Ibn Abbas became a leading scholar in Tafsir (Qur’anic interpretation) and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).

Despite being young during the Prophet’s lifetime, he absorbed vast knowledge and later became an advisor to the Caliphs, especially Umar ibn Khattab (RA). His wisdom and scholarship made him one of the greatest Islamic thinkers of all time.

Cefr ❌

1-kun: IELTS 8+ va kuchli inson bo‘lish strategiyasi

Bu kunning asosiy maqsadi – IELTS 8+ ga erishish uchun aniq strategiya tuzish va kuchli inson bo‘lish uchun muhim odatlarni shakllantirish.


Jadvalingizga moslashgan 1-kunlik reja

✅ 08:00 – 09:00 → IELTS Diagnostik Testi va O‘zini Baholash

Cambridge IELTS kitoblaridan Listening va Reading bo‘yicha 1 ta test bajaring.

Writing Task 2 uchun kamida 250 so‘zli insho yozing.

Natijalarni baholang va eng zaif tomoningizni aniqlang.

IELTS 8+ uchun asosiy kamchiliklar ro‘yxatini tuzing.

✅ 09:00 – 09:30 → Maqsadlar va Strategiyani Yozish

IELTS bo‘yicha 3 oylik katta maqsad yozing.

Har bir bo‘lim uchun 1-haftalik maqsadlar belgilang.

IELTS 8+ tayyorgarligini kuchli inson bo‘lish bilan bog‘lash:

Intizom: Har kuni IELTS mashg‘ulotlariga vaqt ajratish.

Fikrni aniq ifodalash: Writing va Speaking orqali mantiqiy fikrlashni rivojlantirish.

Chidamlilik: Qiyin topshiriqlardan qochmaslik.

✅ 09:30 – 10:00 → IELTS Writing va Thinking Skills Mashqlari

Writing Task 2: 5 daqiqa ichida yozish rejasini tuzish mashqi.

Critical Thinking: 1 ta akademik maqolani o‘qib, undagi asosiy fikrni yozib olish.

✅ 10:00 – 10:30 → Vocabulary va Grammar Ishlash

IELTS Writing va Speaking uchun 10 ta yangi so‘z va 2 ta grammatik qoidani yozib oling.

Yangi so‘zlarni ishlatib 5 ta gap yozing.

✅ 10:30 – 12:00 → Dam olish / Shaxsiy Ishlar

✅ 13:30 – 18:30 → Universitet Darslari

✅ 19:00 – 19:30 → IELTS Speaking: Fikrni Aniq Ifodalash Mashqlari

Mirror speaking (o‘z aksingiz bilan gaplashish).

IELTS Speaking Part 1 uchun 5 ta savolga javob berish va ovozingizni yozib eshitish.

✅ 20:00 – 21:00 → IELTS Writing Task 2: O‘z Fikrini Yaxshi Ifodalash

250 so‘zli Writing Task 2 yozing.

Argumentlarni aniq va mantiqiy ifodalashga e’tibor qarating.

✅ 22:00 → Agar juft kun bo‘lsa, online darsga qatnashish

✅ 23:00 – 23:15 → Kunlik Refleksiya va Baholash

Bugun nimalarni o‘rgandim?

Qanday muammolarga duch keldim?

Ertaga nimani yaxshiroq qilishim kerak?


1-kunning yakuni uchun tekshiruv savollari:

1. IELTS test natijalarimni tahlil qilib, zaif tomonlarimni aniqladimmi?

2. IELTS 8+ uchun aniq strategiya yozdimmi?

3. Bugungi mashg‘ulotlarim intizom va fikrlash qobiliyatimni oshirishga yordam berdimi?

4. Har bir bo‘lim uchun kamida 1 ta vazifa bajardimmi?

Bu reja sizning IELTS va shaxsiy rivojlanish yo‘lingizni kuchli boshlashga yordam beradi. Siz uchun qaysi vazifalar eng muhim yoki murakkab bo‘lishi mumkin?

#book #sat

New SAT vocabulary workbook | Saberson Method

@grants_hunter - join us!

Bobsleigh - chana uchish sporti

I am come back and Inshaalah this channel isn't stop!

✋🙂‍↕️ Assalomu-alaykum

Renunciate (v) - voz kechmoq

Renunciation (n) :

1) voz kechish
2) o'zini tiyish

Репост из: Shodiyor | Grants Hunter
GRE uchun bepul manbalar


P.s: today I am so generous 😅

@grants_hunter - join us!!!

Репост из: Shodiyor | Grants Hunter
GMAT uchun bepul manbalar

Gmat Free
Manhattan Prep

P.s: Keyingi post GRE uchun 😉

@grants_hunter - join us!

Репост из: Shodiyor | Grants Hunter
IELTSga tayyorlanish uchun manbalar

Ieltsfocus.com - Essay va task 1ning barcha turlarini tahlil qiladi.

ieltsliz.com - eng ommabop sayt, imtihonning barcha sectionlarini misollar bilan tahlil qiladi.

howtospell.co.uk - siz so'zlarni yozishni mashq qilishingiz va birinchi navbatda tinglash va o'qish uchun foydali bo'lgan nutq qismlarini aniqlashingiz mumkin.

Ludwig.guru yoki kontekst reverso - bu siz yozgan jumlalar uchun eng yaxshi kontekstni ko'rsatadigan saytlar. Insholar uchun juda foydali.

yourielts.ru - Mariya Molashenkoning loyihasi. Sayt muntazam ravishda so'zlashuv mavzulari bilan yangilanadi, sayt o'qituvchilar uchun ham foydali bo'ladi.

ieltsonlinetests.com - ielts kompyuter o'rgatish sayti. Amalga oshirilgandan so'ng, u xatolarni ko'rsatadi va ballni hisoblab chiqadi.

writeandimprove.com, prowritingaid.com, hemingwayapp.com, languagetool.org - inshoingizni tekshirish uchun saytlar.

@grants_hunter - join us!

Nominative is a grammatical term used to describe the case of a noun or pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence. It essentially identifies the person or thing performing the action of the verb.
In simpler terms, it's the noun or pronoun that is doing the action.

For example, in the sentence "The cat chased the mouse," "cat" is the subject and is in the nominative case.

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