Boburmirzo English | 8.5

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

• Vaziyat o'zgarsa qilaman, deb yurgan hamma ishingizni, vaziyat o'zgarsa ham qilmaysiz.
• Aqliy mehnatga toqati yo'q xalq, jismoniy mehnatga mahkumdir.
Administrator: @inomovichb
IELTS score: 8.5

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Курсы и гайды
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Tabriklayman Muzaffarxon ukam! Baribir 7.0 olaman degan sertifikat bu o’rtolar!


724 0 1 31 35

Репост из: Айман Ёғий
Ислом шариат аёлларни ҳар куни эҳтиром қилишга буюрди. Бир кунни хослаб олиш эса, ҳақларни зое қилиш бўлади.


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Bosmisizlarmi eeee!

Jahon tillarida o’qiydigan C1 siz talabalar, sizlar qachon C1 olasizlar? Final exam of the university and Master’s Degree will be guaranteed!


Tabriklayman Marjona! Juda hursand bo’ldim! Hamma Section C1 chiqqan!


871 0 5 20 65

What do you think about my photographing skills?

477 0 0 13 60

📌CD IELTS rasmiy imtihonlarini Everestda topshiring!

🤔Oxirgi paytlarda CD IELTS imtihonlari ko'pchilik uchun qiziqish uyg'otmoqda:

Agar kompyuterda ishlash siz uchun qulay bo'lsa imtihon vaqtida o'zingizni ancha erkin his qilasiz;
• Javoblari ham tezroq chiqadi;
Va yana bir yaxshi tomoni uni Everestda ham topshirish mumkin :)

Biz imtihonlarga tayyormiz!

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Rassiyada bo’lishi ham shart emas aslida! Shunchaki bizga vijdon kerak! Vijdonsizlarga esa gapimiz yo’q.

O’qish kerak !

Репост из: Speaking for IELTS

Akasi yoki otasi Rassiyada ishlayotgan odam “issiq uyda turib o’qishga motivation topa olmayapman” deyishga haqqi yo’q!! deb o’ylayman.

Sunday Mock Results

Location: Everest MU
Date: 02/03/2025
Cost: free for my students

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Learning a foreign language has become more popular than ever before after globalization has made countries more open to each other, in my opinion. What still remains debatable is the reason why people acquire a foreign language: it is argued by some that the only motives are work or travel, while others think there are other rationales behind this. I personally think that there a range other motivations that urge people to study another language.

On the one hand, some argue that travelling or working abroad are the sole reasons for the acquisition of a new language. The reason is that these two factor are the most common in the modern era, as contemporary people can travel to different tourist destinations globally or be employed in any corner of the world thanks to improved international relations supposedly following globalization. This definitely increases the need to know the language of the host country to make most of the journey or employment. That is why some individuals conservatively attribute learning another tongue solely to travel or employment reasons. What has slipped their mind, however, is the fact that education is equally important factor, if not more significant.

On the other hand, others including me believe that education is of equal significance to why people study a foreign language. Universities today are more tolerant and acceptive to students from across the world, necessitating the acquisition of the host country's mother tongue. This ensures that international students can get higher education more easily and effectively. English language tests, such as IELTS and TOEFL, can be a striking example for my point. Certificates from this kind of language tests open a lot of doors to opportunities. Even more specific example can Uzbekistan - a Central Asian country -, where applicants with at least B1 or B2 certificates in English can be admitted to universities, whereas the majority of these students never intend to either study or travel abroad.

In conclusion, people learn a foreign language not only in order to trip to or work in other countries but also to study. Thus, it would be wrong to attribute language learning to only journeys and occupation abroad, in my opinion.


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