🖥 Hotcoinda barcha video tasklarni to'liq bajarsangiz 11 HOT ishlab olasiz.
Yangi task: "What is HOT Protocol" Kod: SIGN
🫴 Oldingi Video task kodlari:
1-Task: "What is Blockchain" kod: SMART CONTRACTS
2-Task: "Four Types of Blockchain Explained" kod: TRY ISLAND HOPPING
3-Task: "Crypto Tokens Explained — Utility and Security Tokens, NFTs, Memecoins" kod: EXPLORE AND LEARN
4-Task: "Blockchain Ecosystem" kod: COMMUNITY
5-Task: "How to spend HOT from balance?" kod: HOT MINING
6-Task: "Beginners guide HOT Wallet" kod: SEED PHRASE
TON Task: "What is Ton Blockchaint" kod: FAST
7-Task: "What is Airdrop in Crypto and How Does it Work?" kod: DISCOVER
8-Task: "What is Crypto swaps?" kod: COMMISSIONS
9-Task: "What is Meme coins?" kod: HYPE
Solana Task: "What is Solana Blockchain?" kod: MARKET PLACE
10-Task: "What is Crypto airdops?" kod: FREE
11-Task: "Who is Market Makers?" kod: PROFIT
12-Task: "About crypto volatility" kod: POPCORN
13-Task: "About crazy crypto stories" kod: IMAGINATION
*Claim qilish uchun Near soʻrayotgan boʻlsa "Continue with HOT" qilib ham olishingiz mumkin lekin yigʻilgan tokenlardan 50% minus qilinadi. 1 Near 2000 ta claimga yetadi.
Hotcoinga qoʻshiling: @herewalletbot
Kanal | Chat | Music
Yangi task: "What is HOT Protocol" Kod: SIGN
🫴 Oldingi Video task kodlari:
1-Task: "What is Blockchain" kod: SMART CONTRACTS
2-Task: "Four Types of Blockchain Explained" kod: TRY ISLAND HOPPING
3-Task: "Crypto Tokens Explained — Utility and Security Tokens, NFTs, Memecoins" kod: EXPLORE AND LEARN
4-Task: "Blockchain Ecosystem" kod: COMMUNITY
5-Task: "How to spend HOT from balance?" kod: HOT MINING
6-Task: "Beginners guide HOT Wallet" kod: SEED PHRASE
TON Task: "What is Ton Blockchaint" kod: FAST
7-Task: "What is Airdrop in Crypto and How Does it Work?" kod: DISCOVER
8-Task: "What is Crypto swaps?" kod: COMMISSIONS
9-Task: "What is Meme coins?" kod: HYPE
Solana Task: "What is Solana Blockchain?" kod: MARKET PLACE
10-Task: "What is Crypto airdops?" kod: FREE
11-Task: "Who is Market Makers?" kod: PROFIT
12-Task: "About crypto volatility" kod: POPCORN
13-Task: "About crazy crypto stories" kod: IMAGINATION
*Claim qilish uchun Near soʻrayotgan boʻlsa "Continue with HOT" qilib ham olishingiz mumkin lekin yigʻilgan tokenlardan 50% minus qilinadi. 1 Near 2000 ta claimga yetadi.
Hotcoinga qoʻshiling: @herewalletbot
Kanal | Chat | Music