Articles in English

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

📚 "Beyond Reading"
— IELTSga birgalikda poydevor quramiz!
👉 @ali21admin

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций


2.6k 0 3 22 149

The Day of Arafah

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"On this day, Allah, the most Exalted, descends to the nearest heaven, and He is proud of His servants on the earth and says to those in heavens, look at My servants, they have come from far and near, with hair dishevelled and faces covered with dust, to seek my Mercy. Even if their sins are as much the sand or the froth of the sea, I shall forgive them."


4.3k 1 172 5 113


3.9k 0 3 55 126

Top ten books for SELF-DISCOVERY📚

Al-Ghazali emphasizes the importance of inner purity, the temporary nature of worldly possessions, and the eternal joy found in spiritual devotion. His insights are a timeless reminder of the significance of aligning oneself with divine principles and seeking happiness through spiritual fulfillment rather than material gain.


4.7k 0 160 8 56

Har kuni o'zingizga va'da berasiz;

bugun hech bo'lmasa bitta article o'qiyman

— ertalab soat 6 dan kunimni boshlayman

— 30 pages kitob o'qiyman

— meditation qilaman

— kamida bir soat ingliz tilida speaking qilaman

— hech bolmasa 30 ta push-ups qilaman

Lekin, bu planlaringiz shunchaki notebookda or private bloglaringizda qolib ketyaptimi?

Unda siz bilan hayotingizda katta o'zgarish olib kiradigan challenge boshlaymiz.


4.8k 1 59 23 98

Pros and Cons of FAST FOOD🍔🍟

The production and distribution of fast food ingredients, packaging, and waste contribute significantly to environmental degradation. Large-scale agricultural practices associated with meat and dairy production contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution.


5.1k 0 206 5 49

bu article'ni óqidizmi demasam ham óqiganiz aniq, qoravoylar😂)

5.1k 0 4 56 183

How can I stop my SKIN from DARKENING under the sun?🌚
Is that bad or good?

Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV radiation is at its peak. Seeking shade or using an umbrella can reduce exposure.


6.7k 0 276 21 101

Yozni productive o'tkazmoqchilar!

Sizni yangiliklar bo'roni shu yerda kutyapti)


Yoz kelib, bu issiqda ko'pchilik "dangasa bólib qoldik" deb shikoyat qilmoqda...

Sizda ham shunaqa bólyaptimi?

6.5k 0 5 48 207

Can Fasting Help You Live to 100?

Fasting, defined as the voluntary abstention from food for various periods, has been practiced for millennia for religious, spiritual, and health reasons. Today, it has captured the attention of the scientific community, with research exploring its effects on aging and chronic diseases.


7.5k 0 150 13 48

— you cannot use someone else's map to find yourself)

6.1k 0 22 14 127

Imagination: It's Not Just For Children🤔

Imagination is at the heart of problem-solving and innovation. It enables us to think beyond the obvious and explore unconventional solutions. This is particularly evident in fields that require high levels of creativity and innovation, such as design, engineering, and entrepreneurship.


7.5k 0 137 4 53

Chalob ichish vaqti kelibtiku!!!🤩

7k 0 9 135 234

Pros and Cons of Letting Your Child WATCH TV 📺

Educational shows inspire kids to take action and engage in productive behaviours. If your child doesn’t like traditional teaching methods, then educational programs can be a great way to make him learn while having fun. Sports shows also encourage kids to be active and healthy.


8.1k 0 169 3 54

Har kuni peshkom yuradigan dóstim, stories qoyibdi:

Kibrni yengish uchun metroga tushdim.

Men: 🌚

6.8k 0 17 22 299

How to Take a Power Nap (and Why)🥱

Everyone knows a power nap feels good, but did you know power naps fit right into your normal sleep/wake cycle? And, if done right, they can really help you get through the day. With many of us working from home, there’s an increased opportunity and better environment for taking a nap.


Karzinka non + qaymoq✅

Nima derdi, baxt ODDIYLIKDAMI?😅

7k 0 9 51 164

Can You Be a Hero? 🦸‍♂

Would I endanger myself to rescue a stranger? Few are confronted with risking their lives to rescue a stranger. However, there are other situations where there is still some risk in acting on another’s behalf. For example, what do you do when you see a disheveled person who appears to be in distress sprawled on the sidewalk?


8.2k 0 128 4 43
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