
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Shu kitobni yigʻlamasdan o'qiyolmiman🥹💌

"The heart is always in communion with Allah. It's the noise of the mind that prevents us from being aware of that innate connection"


Remember me, though I have to say goodbye
Remember me, don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.

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Репост из: синамор
самые красивые вещи в жизни - это не просто вещи. это люди, места, воспоминания и фотографии. это чувства, моменты, улыбки и смех

how a nice day it is? I'm just sitting near the window, watching it rain, reading a book and next to me a cup of hot tea☕

#book #quote
"...we may all be vastly different from one another when we are separate, but like puzzle pieces we each have a unique space to fill in order to complete the picture of oneness on Earth "

©A. Helwa

#book #quote
"...when we see the fulfillment of another's needs as being important as our own, we are actualising what means to have faith"

©A. Helwa

Репост из: thoughts.
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Bulut ekan shamolga oshiq
Jon-u dildan uni sevarkan
Bulut borsa shamol yoniga
Shamol uni quvib solarkan

Yuraklari toʻlib armonga
Oshiq bulut ortga qaytarkan
Ma'yus bulut yigʻlasa yum-yum
Shu sababli yomgʻir yog'arkan.

На заре голоса зовут меня
На заре небеса зовут меня

Репост из: Baxriddinoff | Blog

O’zini tahlil qilish bilan band bo’lmagan inson — boshqalarni tanqid qilish bilan band bo’ladi.

Orzu, niyat bor. Lekin maqsad, unga eltuvchi yo’l, uni aniqlash uchun bilim, u uchun xohish yo’q.

Dunyoda hech bir ish sababsiz emas, dunyoga kelishimiz ham tasodif emas.

Insonda qachon motivatsiya bo’ladi? Qachon erta turib, kech uxlaydi? Qachon xohish bo’ladi?

Aniq maqsad bo’lsa. Aniq maqsad uchun tahlil lozim. Boshqalarnimas, o’zini tahlil qilish.

Kuniga necha soat vaqtimiz Reels ko’rish uchun sarflanyapti? Buni tahlil qilmaymiz.

10 bet kitob o’qib qo’ysak yoki yarim soat podcast ko’rsak, buni yaxshigina tahlil qilamiz, o’lchaymiz.

Tushunchalar noto’g’ri bizda. Buni to’g’rilashni yagona yo’li — o’zini tahlil qilish.

O’zimizga savol berishimiz lozim. Men kimman? Yashashdan maqsadim nima? Qanday nom qoldirmoqchiman ortimda?

Hammasi shu savollarga javob berishdan, tahlil qilishdan boshlanadi.

Dunyoni o’zgaritirishni oldin o’zimizdan boshlash kerakligi oddiy so’zdek bo’lib qolganiga achinaman.


#book #quote

" are not just pottery fashioned from dust and water, you were sent to be Allah's eyes on Earth. You were sent as a reflection of love and compassion for all those with hurting hearts. You were sent to reflect Allah's mercy upon the entire universe"


Will you take me out for a walk when it rains? will you help overcome my fear of darkness? 💌

wanna go out and walk under rain, but I'm afraid of darkness💔

You know what I'm like a child, I like jumping in puddles when it rains!

Har doim harakat qilaman rivojlanishga, yangi narsalar oʻrganishga, koʻproq networking qilish, har xil events& volunteeringda qatnashishga va buni asosiy sabablari: hayotimni zerikarli bir maromda ketishini xohlamasligim, oʻzimga ishonchim kuchli boʻlishini xohlashim, va eng asosiysi dinimizda ham bu narsa taʼkidlanganligi, yani birinchi vahiy qilingan suramiz "Oʻqi" deb boshlanadi.


why so cute?🥹😅



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