📒 READING 📖bo'limlarida yordam beradigan 💡TOP 10💡 luğat .
❌5️⃣⏺5️⃣❌ ✔️7️⃣⏺5️⃣✔️
1️⃣. Manipulate(🔤1️⃣) — manipulyatsiya qilish, o'zaro ta'sir qilish
He felt that he had been manipulated by the people he trusted most
2️⃣. Nationwide(🔤1️⃣) — umummilliy
A survey is now being carried out nationwide
3️⃣. Notable(🔤1️⃣) — ajoyib
Sir Charles was a notable figure in swagger society
4️⃣. Privilege (🔤1️⃣) — afzallik
He lived a life of wealth and privilege
5️⃣. Stereotype( 🔤1️⃣) — stereotip
The church stereotypes a system of faith
6️⃣. Reasoning(🔤2️⃣) — fikrlash
I can't follow your line of reasoning
7️⃣. Prosecute (🔤2️⃣) — ayblash
He was prosecuted for fraud
8️⃣. Turnover (🔤1️⃣ ) — kadrlar almashinuvi
The company has a high turnover rate
9️⃣. Provision(🔤1️⃣) — zahira, tayyorlash
I carried my provisions in one large backpack
1️⃣0️⃣. Violate(🔤1️⃣) — buzmoq.
This sentence violates the rules of syntax.
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